Essay Title: Should governments fund scientific research rather than others?
Keywords or Topics: science, government spend
The essay samples about 'Should governments fund scientific research rather than others?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.
Besides, more essay questions sharing the same topic are linked to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely. The current essay has two topics: science and government spend. So, essay questions about them are listed separately.
Question: Should governments fund scientific research rather than others?
Answer 1
Whether scientific research should be funded by commercial or private organizations rather than governments depends on various factors, and there are arguments on both sides. I favor private or commercial funding for scientific research and believe that scientific research shouldn't rely on any government.
Private organizations, particularly in competitive industries, can drive innovation by investing in research that aligns with their business goals. It could lead to breakthrough technologies or discoveries in targeted research areas, such as many achievements of recent years in pharmaceuticals, technology, and energy. Because commercial funding comes from the whole society, it can cover more areas that the governments easily ignore. Commercial financing can secure intellectual property rights about the research, which may incentivize researchers to invest more because they can capitalize on the results through patents, products, or services. This mechanism is the key to driving ...