Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Is junk food the cause of unhealthy lifestyle?

Keywords or Topics: fast food, health

The essay samples about 'Is junk food the cause of unhealthy lifestyle?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the same topic are linked to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely. The current essay has two topics: fast food and health. So, essay questions about them are listed separately.

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Is junk food the cause of unhealthy lifestyle?
Answer 1
In this modern era, people want to follow a materialistic lifestyle, so they work night and day because they lack time to cook at home. I firmly agree that it indeed has detrimental effects on their health if they rely on eating junk food daily. I shall delve into the causes and demerits of junk food in this essay.

Due to technological advancement, the computer is taking over heavy work, and people tend to sit and work on computers; hence, they are starting to live a sedentary lifestyle. On top of that, they prefer to have ready-to-eat food as it consumes less time to prepare. Moreover, junk food is easy to eat and clean, saving a lot of time. Therefore, snack food has become the first choice for young people nowadays.

Furthermore, many people do not have good culinary skills. So they look for the easiest option and eat processed food, which can be prepared by warming it up in the microwave and does not require any cooking skills. Therefore, everyone prefers junk food over ...
Score: 80%
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Answer 2
We are surrounded by junk food establishments these days, and many believe that this increased consumption is a leading cause of an unhealthy lifestyle, especially among the youth. I agree with the above statement; the following paragraphs will explain why.

Firstly, time is becoming the new currency, and most junk foods are readily available. Most people don't have time to sit at home and enjoy breakfast with their families and instead choose to make a quick stop at one of the fast-food joints on their way to school or work, which primarily offers unhealthy options, burgers, doughnuts, and bagels. Moreover, with the drive-thru option these days, one doesn't even have to get out of the vehicle to get their feed, eliminating any exercise whatsoever.

Secondly, these kinds of food are often made glamorous and delicious instead of a homecooked meal. Hence, they tend to entice young people to opt for those instead of a healthier choice. It is why fast food companies spend so much ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 3
There is no doubt the lifestyle and eating habits of individuals have changed in the last few decades, and these habits have an adverse impact on health and also bring deleterious ailments to youngsters' lives. I agree with this statement fast food is dangerous for individual life, and it is the onus of people to change their habits to live a healthy lifestyle. I will elaborate on this statement and share some causes of this problem.

The torrid pace of life has changed not only our lifestyle but also our eating habits. In earlier times, people ate healthy food and lived healthy lives compared to today's lifestyle. Junk food has become very eminent not only for youth but also for children, and older adults also love to eat it. Numerous people believe preparing and finding from every nook and corner of the city is effortless. These days, no one has enough time to prepare homemade food, which causes them always to choose an easy option to eat instant food compared to healthy food. Last ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 4
People's food habits have changed significantly over a couple of decades. Most of the time, they prefer to consume 'ready to cook' meals instead of traditional food due to lack of time or solely for taste. However, this trend has adverse effects on their health. I feel that the regular consumption of fast food is the prominent reason for the bad health of youth.

The nutritional value of junk food is relatively low, which is the primary cause of an unhealthy life. The human body needs adequate energy in the form of carbohydrates, protein, minerals, and vitamins, which this food fails to provide. For example, according to a study, it is unequivocal that in countries where fast food is prevalent, people tend to have low immunity and often fall prey to various ailments. Moreover, food acts as fuel to the body, so if it is not of high quality, inevitably, the functionality of the body declines. So, junk food must be diminished for a vigorous life.

Other than that, preservatives and ...
Score: 70%
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Answer 5
Eating junk food has undoubtedly led to an unhealthy lifestyle among the younger generation. While some believe that eating junk food is not a primary concern, others argue this can lead to various health issues. I completely agree with this statement, and in this essay, I will support my views with examples.

Eating junk food is common in metropolitan cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bengaluru. This trend is often seen and preferred among the younger generation. An Increase in business hubs and IT parks has given rise to various Fast food stalls. Junk food is mainly preferred since it takes minimum preparation time and is cost-efficient. However, harmful preservatives and chemical compounds such as MSG can lead to detrimental diseases like cancer. These chemical substances and coloring agents enhance the flavor and make the food look delicious. The question that arises is, do we need these taste enhancers? Can junk food be served without using these agents?

A recent study shows ...
Score: 70%
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Answer 6
An unhealthy lifestyle and obesity have become more prevalent among young people these days. Some argue that the issue is caused by eating junk food. I agree that junk food has contributed to unhealthy lifestyles. However, a deeper root cause might be stress from working or studying.

Junk food will negatively impact one's physical health and mental health. Humans should eat various foods to ensure the daily nutrition needed to maintain a healthy diet. For example, we need to eat vegetables to get vitamins, oats to get fiber, and meat to obtain proteins. Junk food can not provide all the required nutrition and will cause an extra burden on our bodies because of its high-calorie nature. Regularly eating junk food will cause obesity, causing more health problems down the road, like diabetes. Moreover, sometimes, one will experience a guilty feeling after having junk food, and the sense of guilt will further lower one's self-esteem and confidence.

Other reasons lead to an unhealthy ...
Score: 70%
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Essay Questions for Topic : fast food
1. Does fast food negatively affect our lifestyles and diets?

2. Is fast food a negative effect on both families and societies?

Essay Questions for Topic : health
1. How important is the patient's mental attitude towards treatment?

2. Are meat and fish better food for health?

3. Why people continue to smoke despite health warnings?

4. Who should fund medicine research: governments or private companies?

5. Do people behave differently when they aren't in health?

6. Should people consider health a duty to society rather than themselves?

7. Do the advantages of private health care outweigh its disadvantages?