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Quotes from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
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 Current Search - before in Pride and Prejudice
1  The day passed much as the day before had done.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 10
2  Her hopes were answered; Jane had not been gone long before it rained hard.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 7
3  I did not know before," continued Bingley immediately, "that you were a studier of character.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
4  Mr. Phillips visited them all, and this opened to his nieces a store of felicity unknown before.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 7
5  We may as well wait, perhaps, till the circumstance occurs before we discuss the discretion of his behaviour thereupon.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 10
6  She had been graciously pleased to approve of both of the discourses which he had already had the honour of preaching before her.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
7  She had also asked him twice to dine at Rosings, and had sent for him only the Saturday before, to make up her pool of quadrille in the evening.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 14
8  When Jane and Elizabeth were alone, the former, who had been cautious in her praise of Mr. Bingley before, expressed to her sister just how very much she admired him.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 4
9  When she was only fifteen, there was a man at my brother Gardiner's in town so much in love with her that my sister-in-law was sure he would make her an offer before we came away.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 9
10  But when the gentlemen entered, Jane was no longer the first object; Miss Bingley's eyes were instantly turned toward Darcy, and she had something to say to him before he had advanced many steps.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
11  But Mrs. Bennet, who had calculated on her daughters remaining at Netherfield till the following Tuesday, which would exactly finish Jane's week, could not bring herself to receive them with pleasure before.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 12
12  Mrs. Bennet sent them word that they could not possibly have the carriage before Tuesday; and in her postscript it was added, that if Mr. Bingley and his sister pressed them to stay longer, she could spare them very well.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 12
13  They had often attempted to do it before, but it was a subject on which Mrs. Bennet was beyond the reach of reason, and she continued to rail bitterly against the cruelty of settling an estate away from a family of five daughters, in favour of a man whom nobody cared anything about.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
14  He had not been long seated before he complimented Mrs. Bennet on having so fine a family of daughters; said he had heard much of their beauty, but that in this instance fame had fallen short of the truth; and added, that he did not doubt her seeing them all in due time disposed of in marriage.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 13
15  After a song or two, and before she could reply to the entreaties of several that she would sing again, she was eagerly succeeded at the instrument by her sister Mary, who having, in consequence of being the only plain one in the family, worked hard for knowledge and accomplishments, was always impatient for display.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 6
16  When the ladies removed after dinner, Elizabeth ran up to her sister, and seeing her well guarded from cold, attended her into the drawing-room, where she was welcomed by her two friends with many professions of pleasure; and Elizabeth had never seen them so agreeable as they were during the hour which passed before the gentlemen appeared.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 11
17  The sisters, on hearing this, repeated three or four times how much they were grieved, how shocking it was to have a bad cold, and how excessively they disliked being ill themselves; and then thought no more of the matter: and their indifference towards Jane when not immediately before them restored Elizabeth to the enjoyment of all her former dislike.
Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen
ContextHighlight   In Chapter 8
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