MIND in Classic Quotes

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Quotes from Gulliver's Travels 1 by Jonathan Swift
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 Current Search - mind in Gulliver's Travels 1
1  And this puts me in mind of an amusement, wherein I spent many of my leisure hours.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER VI.
2  His lordship did so; and I remained alone, under many doubts and perplexities of mind.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER VII.
3  I found myself not very well, and told the page that I had a mind to take a nap in my hammock, which I hoped would do me good.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER VIII.
4  These threads are proposed as prizes for those persons whom the emperor has a mind to distinguish by a peculiar mark of his favour.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER III.
5  The emperor had a mind one day to entertain me with several of the country shows, wherein they exceed all nations I have known, both for dexterity and magnificence.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER III.
6  On the fourth side, which had no window, two strong staples were fixed, through which the person that carried me, when I had a mind to be on horseback, put a leathern belt, and buckled it about his waist.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER IV.
7  She was likewise my school-mistress, to teach me the language: when I pointed to any thing, she told me the name of it in her own tongue, so that in a few days I was able to call for whatever I had a mind to.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER II.
8  And, indeed, I was glad not to have been a spectator of the havoc they made, because I am confident it would have sensibly touched me, by bringing former passages into my mind, which I would rather have forgot.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER VIII.
9  I retreated to the farther corner of my room; or box; but the monkey looking in at every side, put me in such a fright, that I wanted presence of mind to conceal myself under the bed, as I might easily have done.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER V.
10  The case seemed wholly desperate and deplorable; and this magnificent palace would have infallibly been burnt down to the ground, if, by a presence of mind unusual to me, I had not suddenly thought of an expedient.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 1: CHAPTER V.
11  Then they knocked off some of the boards for the use of the ship, and when they had got all they had a mind for, let the hull drop into the sea, which by reason of many breaches made in the bottom and sides, sunk to rights.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER VIII.
12  But the whole scene of this voyage made so strong an impression on my mind, and is so deeply fixed in my memory, that, in committing it to paper I did not omit one material circumstance: however, upon a strict review, I blotted out several passages.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
13  I guessed his meaning, and my good fortune gave me so much presence of mind, that I resolved not to struggle in the least as he held me in the air above sixty feet from the ground, although he grievously pinched my sides, for fear I should slip through his fingers.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
14  I fell over head and ears, and, if I had not been a good swimmer, it might have gone very hard with me; for Glumdalclitch in that instant happened to be at the other end of the room, and the queen was in such a fright, that she wanted presence of mind to assist me.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER III.
15  They have had the art of printing, as well as the Chinese, time out of mind: but their libraries are not very large; for that of the king, which is reckoned the largest, does not amount to above a thousand volumes, placed in a gallery of twelve hundred feet long, whence I had liberty to borrow what books I pleased.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER VII.
16  All I ventured was to raise mine eyes towards the sun, and place my hands together in a supplicating posture, and to speak some words in a humble melancholy tone, suitable to the condition I then was in: for I apprehended every moment that he would dash me against the ground, as we usually do any little hateful animal, which we have a mind to destroy.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
17  In this terrible agitation of mind, I could not forbear thinking of Lilliput, whose inhabitants looked upon me as the greatest prodigy that ever appeared in the world; where I was able to draw an imperial fleet in my hand, and perform those other actions, which will be recorded for ever in the chronicles of that empire, while posterity shall hardly believe them, although attested by millions.
Gulliver's Travels 1 By Jonathan Swift
ContextHighlight   In PART 2: CHAPTER I.
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