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Quotes from The Sea-Wolf by Jack London
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 Current Search - work in The Sea-Wolf
1  I did not dream that work was so terrible a thing.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VI
2  I wondered what this man could have got from such a work.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VIII
3  My hands bothered me a great deal, unused as they were to work.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VI
4  My mind did not work quickly, everything was so new and strange.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
5  He treated me vilely, cursed me continually, and heaped his own work upon me.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IX
6  Finally, he commanded me to resume my seat at the cabin table for a time and let the cook do my work.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IX
7  I, who had lived out of the whirl of the world, had never dreamed that its work was carried on in such fashion.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VI
8  That night, when I had finished an endless amount of work, I was sent to sleep in the steerage, where I made up a spare bunk.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
9  I came back and went on with my work; and here the episode ended for the time, though further developments were yet to take place.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER V
10  There was no pulling and hauling on sheets and tackles, no shifting of topsails, no work at all for the sailors to do except to steer.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
11  At this sweeping rebuke, which the cook had only pointed, the rest of the crew became uninterested and fell to work at one task or another.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
12  The dead man was an episode that was past, an incident that was dropped, in a canvas covering with a sack of coal, while the ship sped along and her work went on.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
13  When it was over, and Mugridge was back in the galley, he became greasily radiant, and went about his work, humming coster songs in a nerve-racking and discordant falsetto.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VI
14  "I have worked, I do work," I cried impetuously, as though he were my judge and I required vindication, and at the same time very much aware of my arrant idiocy in discussing the subject at all.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER III
15  The days and nights are "all a wonder and a wild delight," and though I have little time from my dreary work, I steal odd moments to gaze and gaze at the unending glory of what I never dreamed the world possessed.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER VII
16  Three days of rest, three blessed days of rest, are what I had with Wolf Larsen, eating at the cabin table and doing nothing but discuss life, literature, and the universe, the while Thomas Mugridge fumed and raged and did my work as well as his own.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IX
17  Besides my work in the cabin, with its four small state-rooms, I was supposed to be his assistant in the galley, and my colossal ignorance concerning such things as peeling potatoes or washing greasy pots was a source of unending and sarcastic wonder to him.
The Sea-Wolf By Jack London
ContextHighlight   In CHAPTER IV
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