REFERENDUM in a Sentence

Learn REFERENDUM from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

16 example sentences for REFERENDUM, such as:

1. Nine republics took part in the referendum.
2. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
3. A referendum is alien to the party's concept of democracy.
4. The President went over the head of Congress and called a referendum.
5. They have thrown down the gauntlet to the PM by demanding a referendum.

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 Meanings and Examples of REFERENDUM
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 n.  direct popular vote on a proposed law or constitutional amendment; note from a diplomat to his government requesting instructions
Classic Sentence:
1  All this was in June; and before long the question was submitted to a referendum in the unions, and the decision was for a strike.
The Jungle By Upton Sinclair
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 26
Example Sentence:
1  There is disagreement within the government over the exact timing of the referendum.
2  In general, it was the better-educated voters who voted Yes in the referendum.
3  A referendum is alien to the party's concept of democracy.
4  The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
5  The President went over the head of Congress and called a referendum.
6  Nine republics took part in the referendum.
7  They have thrown down the gauntlet to the PM by demanding a referendum.
8  President Kaunda fulfilled his promise of announcing a date for the referendum.
9  Politicians have little incentive to fiddle with the system; but public disquiet over the growing number of allegations of foul play in the Brexit referendum may provide some fuel.
10  He claims a mandate from that referendum; but they face some unpleasant realities: more than 1,500 companies have moved their domicile outside the region, and tourist bookings have dipped.
11  Former Tory defence secretary Liam Fox, a Eurosceptic, said allowing EU citizens to vote in the referendum "would have been an unacceptable dilution of the voice of the British people".
12  The referendum on Scottish independence - and its associated campaign - coincide with the European elections in May this year and the run-up to the UK General Election in May next year.
13  After the law is published in the coming days, Catalonia's regional president, Artur Mas, is expected to sign a decree formally convoking the referendum for Nov. 9.
14  Whatever Turkey's direction, or directions, the result of the referendum was a hit in at least two arenas of Turkish life on Monday morning.
15  Egypt's famous revolution of 2011 now faces profound challenges, but it did bring democratic institutions: two referendums, and three elections, all largely free and fair and, so the adage goes, all won by the Muslim Brotherhood and its Freedom and Justice Party (FJP).