UNTOLD in a Sentence

Learn UNTOLD from example sentences; some of them are from classic books. These examples are selected from a corpus with 300,000 sentences, including classic works and current mainstream media. Some sentences also link to their contexts.

10 example sentences for UNTOLD, such as:

1. This phobia can cause untold misery for the sufferer.
2. You are nothing to me in future, and the past side of the story may as well remain untold.
3. We stayed with Circe for a whole twelvemonth feasting upon an untold quantity both of meat and wine.
4. Each year more than two million people visit a doctor for dizziness, and an untold number suffer with motion sickness.
5. She remembered the day she sat on the floor, turning the pages of his letter, seeking the reason which was left untold.

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 Meanings and Examples of UNTOLD
Definition Example Sentence Classic Sentence
 a.  not told; not related; not revealed
Classic Sentence:
1  The latter informs the party that she bequeaths untold wealth to the young pair and an awful doom to Don Pedro, if he doesn't make them happy.
Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER TWO
2  We stayed with Circe for a whole twelvemonth feasting upon an untold quantity both of meat and wine.
The Odyssey By Homer
Context  Highlight   In BOOK X
3  She remembered the day she sat on the floor, turning the pages of his letter, seeking the reason which was left untold.
The Awakening By Kate Chopin
Context  Highlight   In XXXIII
4  You are nothing to me in future, and the past side of the story may as well remain untold.
Return of the Native By Thomas Hardy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 5: 3 Eustacia Dresses Herself on a Black Morning
5  Natasha continued to look at him intently with bright, attentive, and animated eyes, as if trying to understand something more which he had perhaps left untold.
War and Peace 5 By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 15: CHAPTER XVII
6  Then he counsels hasty flight out of the country, and to aid her passage discloses treasures long hidden underground, an untold mass of silver and gold.
The Aeneid By Virgil
Context  Highlight   In BOOK FIRST
Example Sentence:
1  Acting on the contention that facts are sacred, reporters can cause untold suffering to individuals by publishing details about their private lives.
2  Each year more than two million people visit a doctor for dizziness, and an untold number suffer with motion sickness.
3  This phobia can cause untold misery for the sufferer.
4  The demise of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working tradesmen.