Hard SAT Words - Group 10

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 Hard SAT Words - Group 10View Group Words   
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a. seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading intentionally

Spelling Word: specious
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a. played in abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound

Spelling Word: staccato
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v. cease activity, flow, or advancement

Spelling Word: stagnate
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v. stop or check flow of liquid; stop flow of blood from wound

Spelling Word: stanch
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n. difficult or unusual or dangerous feat; usually done to gain attention

Spelling Word: stunt
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n. a broad sweep or expanse

Spelling Word: swath
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v. move in a sudden sweep; fly or glide downwards suddenly

Spelling Word: swoop
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a. providing general overview; summary

Spelling Word: synoptic
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a. very stormy; turbulent; rough with wind; impassioned; violent

Spelling Word: tempestuous
Read [Esc] (10)
a. nominal holding of title without obligations; existing in name only; nominal

Spelling Word: titular