SAT ACT Online Resources

Online resources to prepare for SAT and ACT tests!
  • SAT Math questions, interactive exercises
  • SAT Vocabularies, interactive exercises, experiences;
  • ACT Vocabularies, interactive exercises, experiences;
Stories of USA Today
Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 Hot SAT & ACT Resources:
SAT Math Practice OnlineSAT Math Practice Online
1000 Basic SAT ACT Words1000 Basic SAT ACT Words
Online SAT ACT Vocabulary FlashcardSAT ACT Vocabulary Flashcard
SAT Vocabulary Test OnlineSAT Vocabulary Test Online
Hard SAT Words Study OnlineHard SAT Words Study Online

 New 2025 SAT VocabularyMore Words  
barbarian   ContextMore...   Speak
a. uncultured; brutish
showcase   ContextMore...   Speak
v. exhibit; display
prowess   ContextMore...   Speak
n. bravery in battle
relentless   ContextMore...   Speak
a. harsh or inflexible
cyborg   ContextMore...   Speak
n. in science fiction stories, a creature that is part human and part machine
assassin   ContextMore...   Speak
n. a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons
cement   ContextMore...   Speak
v. settle or establish firmly
 Featured SAT Vocabulary PDFDIY SAT PDF  
3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List View Details
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 Featured ACT Vocabulary PDFDIY ACT PDF  
3500 ACT Vocabulary View Details
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 SAT Test Dates and Format
The SAT is designed for US universities and colleges to select fresh students. Every year, millions of people take part in exams worldwide, and students can prepare for the test flexibly.

SAT is the most critical test for high school students applying to US universities and colleges that accept SAT scores as an objective measurement to decide if admission is offered. Although SAT cannot replace GPAs and high school transcripts, SAT scores allow colleges to compare applicants with the same scale fairly.

The test checks students' knowledge learned in high school and problem-solving skills in critical reading, Writing, and Mathematics.

Though the new SAT is digital, it is not a take-home exam. Tests are offered during the school day or weekend under the watchful eye of a proctor. But now, students can bring their laptop or tablet, use a school-issued device, or borrow a device provided by the College Board.

SAT Test Format

The SAT is an English-focused test. Although there is a math section, its content only reaches 10th grade. The test has two sections:

SectionDurationQuestion number
Reading and Writing
64 minutes (2 modules)54 (Multiple-choice)
70 minutes (2 modules)44 (Multiple-choice and Student-produced)

The SAT consists of two question types; the answer sheet is machine-scored.
  • Multiple-choice
  • Student-produced answers (mathematics only)
For all SAT takers, behaviors statistics are as follows:
  • On average, students answer 50 to 60 percent of questions correctly.
  • Around 80 percent finished nearly the entire test.
  • Almost all students complete at least 75 percent of the questions.
Practicing to be familiar with the SAT format is the first step to prepare your SAT exam.
 SAT & ACT Test - How to Prepare Vocabulary
1. Introduction

Millions of high school students take part in SAT or ACT exams every year. Some of them start to prepare for the exam from 11th grade or even 10th grade because SAT or ACT score plays a vital role in college admission.

Although the general SAT has a Math section, in nature, the SAT or ACT is an English skill exam. Its core focuses on reading and writing tests. So, the English level is the foundation for getting a high score. Only if a test taker has strong English capability he or she has a chance to challenge the top score. It is why lots of students' primary job in preparing for the exam is to enhance their English skills.

Here we especially emphasize vocabulary because it is the base of language skills. Either reading or writing would fail without a strong vocabulary. On the other hand, building vocabulary is usually the most tedious task and costs the most time.

SAT or ACT vocabulary is one of the controversial points in high school education. The test organizers claim the tests wouldn't evaluate the size of students' vocabulary, but all we know is that vocabulary skill is the base of language. Either SAT or ACT doesn't test difficult words exclusively, but it never means vocabulary isn't important anymore.

Building SAT/ACT vocabulary is a hard job. As with all English exams, vocabulary level will impact the final score. Thus, many students must spend much time learning and reviewing SAT/ACT words. How to do the job efficiently is usually a hot topic among test-takers. We set up this website and brought new IT tools to make it easier and faster.

We understand students are different in levels and purposes. Some will apply to top universities; some only need a necessary score for local college admission. So we collect diverse resources for them, including popular SAT ACT word lists, apps, experiences, e-books, and other materials.
2. SAT ACT Word Lists

Word lists are the core of building SAT or ACT vocabulary. Because of the diversity of use cases, original levels, and exam expectations, students need different word lists. We show available lists to help test takers prepare for SAT or ACT vocabulary.

3000 Common SAT Vocabulary Words:   Enter

It is a middle-level word list for SAT test-takers; offers definitions and interactive exercises for each word. If you want to get a high score and are ready to spend enough time building SAT vocabulary, this list is the right candidate. Try some content quickly; you will find out if it helps your SAT preparation. Samples...
intermittent:  Read
a. Syn. periodic
periodic; on and off; stopping and starting at intervals

interrogate:  Read
question closely; examine by questioning formally or officially

interrupt:  Read
v. Syn. impede; discontinue
terminate; make a break in

intestine:  Read
inward; internal with regard to a state or country; domestic; not foreign

SAT Essay Vocabulary:   Enter

This practical but not very long vocabulary consists of 2 groups of SAT words with moderate difficulty for essay writing. Most students can learn or review them in 2 weeks; some can finish in 1 week. This short vocabulary is an ideal tool to enhance SAT writing words with examples and contexts. Samples...
innuendo:  Read
hint; indirect implication , usually malicious

insipid:  Read
lacking flavor or zest; not tasty; dull

instigate:  Read
goad or urge forward; provoke; incite

intrepid:  Read
fearless; indicating or springing from courage

500 Hard SAT Word List:   Enter

The hard SAT word list is a middle-size vocabulary. These 500 words are selected to prepare SAT for students applying to top universities. So, this SAT word list is a set of difficult words. We recommend students challenge it only after finishing common SAT vocabulary. Samples...
dilemma:  Read   predicament; state of uncertainty or between equally unfavorable options

dirge:  Read   a piece of music of a mournful character, to accompany funeral rites; funeral hymn

discern:  Read   detect; perceive

discrepancy:  Read   lack of consistency; difference

3500 ACT Vocabulary:   Enter

This list is a simplified and middle-level ACT vocabulary for common test takers to start. Most grade 12 students plan to spend 3 to 6 months working on it. This vocabulary is relatively easy, and if you are challenging 30 or more, it may not help you. Samples...
ascendancy: Read   superiority or decisive advantage; domination

ascetic: Read   leading a life of self-discipline and self-denial; austere

aseptic: Read   preventing infection; having cleansing effect

ashen: Read   ash-colored; very pale; consisting of ashes

ESL ACT Vocabulary:   Enter

For ESL students, their ACT vocabulary should include words learned in lower grades in US schools but commonly ignored from regular ACT vocabulary. We add fundamental these words to balance the vocabulary efforts of ESL students. In the list, each word has definitions in multiple languages. Samples...
declaration: Read
n. Syn. announcement; avowal; statement
announcement; explicit statement; formal public statement

decorate: Read
v. Syn. adorn; embellish
adorn; embellish

decoration: Read
act of decorating something; something used to beautify

defect: Read
abandon or turn against; cease or change one's loyalty

3. SAT ACT Vocabulary Web Apps

Some SAT ACT vocabulary builders are used to learn and review English words by software. Web apps are one of their favorites. Web apps are easy to access anytime and anywhere. We have developed some online vocabulary tools designed to speed up vocabulary preparation, proven by tens of thousands of users.

SAT Vocabulary Test Online:   Enter

It's an online SAT word test tool that randomly checks the SAT vocabulary level of a test-taker. It provides a flexible and game-style online practice mode and is also an excellent quiz tool to evaluate vocabulary progress.
SAT Vocabulary Test Online
Hard SAT Words Study Online:   Enter

Students trying to apply to top universities need top SAT scores to support their application materials. They usually want to learn more difficult SAT words than others. This app is designed for these students to accumulate hard SAT words quickly and conveniently.
Difficult SAT Words
Vocabulary Study Online - SAT and ACT:   Enter

The SAT or ACT vocabulary skills are quite different among individual students. Different SAT vocabularies can cover the requirements of different students. Some hope to leverage more flexible tools to fit with their personalized vocabulary building. VOS (Vocabulary Study Online) can load multiple word lists, including customized ones. With an intelligent algorithm, it manages your SAT or ACT words and schedules learn and review activities. It's a flexible and efficient online English vocabulary app.
Vocabulary Study Online - SAT
SAT ACT Vocabulary Flashcards:   Enter

This web app is based on a middle-level SAT ACT vocabulary of 2000 words. All words are organized in alphabet order and are easy to access. You can create online flashcards on demand. Each flashcard includes an explanation, sample sentence, pronunciation, and non-English definition. It's handy for studying and reviewing SAT and ACT vocabulary online.
ACT Vocabulary Flashcards
English Vocabulary builder - SAT:   Introduction    Download

English Vocabulary Builder is a Windows app for SAT test-takers. It has a near 4000 words list with definitions and examples. Students can schedule paces and manage plans individually, including adjusting course content, adding new words, and updating existing definitions, examples, and notes. The tool can provide feedback and accurate reports to improve study efficiency. It's a proven helper to speed up vocabulary building in SAT preparation.
English Vocabulary builder - SAT
4. SAT ACT Tips

In this section, we collect some valuable articles, including tips, experiences, and training materials. Their topics are mainly related to how to build SAT and ACT vocabulary. The following list shows some tips and experiences.

Download SAT Vocabulary PDF:   Enter

PDF is easy to read and print. For various reasons, some people prefer to have their own SAT word list PDF file. You are in the right place if you want one but don't have one. This article tells you how to do it. Don't miss this free and convenient method to make and download your SAT PDF file.

Make ACT Vocabulary PDF:   Enter

Do you want to make your own ACT vocabulary PDF file? Some students try to download ACT vocabulary PDF from the Internet but fail to find the satisfactory file. Actually, you hardly get an existing vocabulary PDF that matches your scenario online or offline. If you are struggling to produce a personalized ACT vocabulary PDF, you can leverage the contents of this website and other free online resources. This article shows you how to do it.

Print SAT Vocabulary Flashcards:   Enter

Flashcard is a common tool for students to memorize something. SAT vocabulary flashcard works similarly. However, it's usually a challenging task to get a set of SAT word flashcards that fits your circumstance because every student has one's original vocabulary base. This website offers resources to produce personalized SAT vocabulary flashcards.

Print ACT Vocabulary Flashcards:   Enter

Some students used to leverage flashcards to study or review vocabulary. However, it isn't easy to get a set of flashcards that are fully matched individual requirements. A few of them write a bunch of ACT flashcards by themselves. It's practical, but it costs too much time. This article shows how to customize one's ACT flashcards with the free resources from this website.

SAT Vocabulary Quiz Online:   Enter

Online and interactive quizzes, like single choice, are an excellent option to keep known or half-known words warm. All SAT word lists on the website have a built-in dynamic single-choice quiz for each word. One quiz has four definitions as options to choose from; it is made at random and doesn't repeat. You may go to any word list, select a group, and trigger it with a click.

ACT Vocabulary Quiz Online:   Enter

Building vocabulary is challenging. Short practice or quiz helps to check progress and avoids boring repeatedly memorizing. All ACT word lists on the website have built-in single-choice exercises. The test sheet is produced dynamically based on the specified scope, which is an interactive tool to evaluate your vocabulary level. This article shows you how to trigger these quizzes.

SAT Words Spelling Practice Online:   Enter

Spelling is critical in the SAT writing test. Interactive practice is an effective way to improve spelling skills. All SAT vocabularies on this website provide online spelling cards. Namely, based on various SAT word lists, dynamic interactive spelling exercises are available to try. It offers an excellent resource to prepare and practice SAT writing words.

Most students know SAT very well. If you don't understand this exam and want to have a big picture, more information is on its official website. SAT Test

We assume that most ACT test-takers are high school students in the USA who should know the ACT examination very well. More information is on its official website. ACT Test