SAT Vocabulary Test by Dynamic Sheets  
1. Overview

SAT General Test is for high school students who plan to apply to colleges and universities in the USA. To get better scores, some students enhance their vocabulary skills as a part of the effort to prepare SAT exam because vocabulary level plays a vital role in all SAT sections, either reading or writing.

The SAT Vocabulary Test Online web app makes SAT word question sheets for test-takers to build a more robust vocabulary.

Its primary function is to produce SAT vocabulary question sheets in dynamic and random; it also provides online SAT vocabulary test sheets to host questions and your answers. The test questions are based on an essential SAT word list, a high-frequency word collection that has proven helpful for SAT test-takers.

If you think the built-in words don't fit your scenario or need a broader range to evaluate your SAT vocabulary skills, you can try English Vocabulary Quiz & Test Online. It's a generic online word test tool for K12 and some English exams. For SAT takers, it offers three levels of options: (The built-in words in the app are similar to Level 1.)

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

2. Test Sheet Demo

By Create test sheet, you can create a full SAT vocabulary test sheet to answer and submit. Below is a test sheet sample to get a quick experience; however, you cannot submit answers here. Besides, you must have an account and log in to save your results for future reference. Details are in Questions and Answers.

n.  E.g. Also, payer and payee can't file joint tax returns in the same year alimony is paid.
Select answer:
thin smooth shiny coating; glassy film, as one over the eyes
state of being proximate; nearness in place, time, or relation
payment by a husband to his divorced wife, or vice versa
severe trial; form of trial to determine guilt or innocence; difficult or painful experience
breathing; process of inhaling and exhaling; oxidative process occurring within living cells
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Mike had the capacity to handle several jobs at once.
Select answer:
comfort or relieve in sorrow, misfortune, or distress
thin, flexible leaf or sheet of metal; prevent from being successful; set off by contrast
point or respect in which things differ; difference
mental or physical ability; ability to accommodate
work of art put together from fragments
Don't select.
v.  E.g. Police negotiators are trained to defuse dangerous situations by avoiding confrontational language and behavior.
Select answer:
remove the fuse of bomb; reduce or eliminate threat
contract into wrinkles; grow together; form into fabric by intertwining
cause to be uneasy; wear away
call upon; ask for; request earnestly
enrage; infuriate; cause to be extremely angry
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The water in the tide pool was still, except for an occasional eddy.
Select answer:
going from one state of action to another
mistaken opinion or idea; delusion; illusory perception
length of time something lasts
swirling current of water, air; flow in circular current
small cave, usually with attractive features
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Half a mile beyond the ford is a collection of three or four huts, called Rancho Grande.
Select answer:
going from one state of action to another
place where a river can be crossed on foot; shallow place
overbearing pride; haughtiness; manifest feeling of personal superiority in rank, power, or estimation
case of leather or similar material for pistol
dose of liquid; liquid mixture; liquid medicine
Don't select.
v.  E.g. In some instances, state public health workers have been found to harass and threaten people testing positive for HIV.
Select answer:
irritate or torment persistently; wear out; exhaust
attract with something desirable; be highly, often subtly attractive
utter sound made by cattle; make a low noise
fail completely; sink below the surface of the water
frighten; make timid; fill with fear
Don't select.
a.  E.g. If this country has an insatiable need for Mexico's drugs, it's only due to federal negligence in fencing and securing our borders.
Select answer:
sleeping; not active but capable of becoming active
arousing anger or interest; tending to provoke or stimulate
extremely small; short note
relating to marriage; relating to husband
not easily satisfied; impossible to satiate or satisfy; greedy
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Our elected leaders, movie stars and sports heroes sometimes engaged in nefarious activities but rarely were they headlined in the daily newspapers.
Select answer:
not readily approached; remote; not friendly or sociable; aloof; emotionally unresponsive and detached
middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional
fairly large; in essentials; material; true or real; not imaginary; solidly built
very wicked; infamous by being extremely wicked
typical of country life or country people; awkwardly simple and provincial; lacking refinement or elegance
Don't select.
v.  E.g. As always, his inner need to ramble is overridden by the need to work.
Select answer:
provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part
sharpen; perfect or make more intense or effective
reveal or tell; grant a share of; bestow
wander aimlessly; move about aimlessly; walk about casually or for pleasure
weaken by wearing away base or foundation; injure or impair; dig a mine or tunnel beneath
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Without integration, we are stuck in rigid, inflexible states and to face chaotic feeling or thought.
Select answer:
pleasing in personality or appearance; attractive
lifeless; not animated or energetic; dull
desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking
practical as opposed to idealistic; concerned with the practical worth or impact of something
stiff and unyielding; strict; hard and unbending; not flexible
Don't select.
a.  E.g. The trees had long thin supple trunks and round compact crowns to withstand the winds.
Select answer:
without definite purpose, plan, or aim; having no specific pattern
like a fanatic; furious; uncontrollable; extremely zealous or enthusiastic
lacking in seriousness; not serious; relatively unimportant
from another part of the world; foreign; strikingly strange or unusual
flexible; moving and bending with ease
Don't select.
v.  E.g. He had to weather the crisis in his personal life with difficulty.
Select answer:
strive for victory or superiority; contend; compete
speak or write evasively; pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness
endure the effects of weather or other forces; come through safely; survive
endanger; imperil; put at risk
harass; tease; lure, entice, or entrap
Don't select.

3. Result and Statistics

Through the app, you can challenge the built-in 1200 words list and familiarize yourself with them; every practice will improve your SAT vocabulary level. The app also offers other fantastic merits; for example, you can save each test's result and then analyze or compare it with previous data to evaluate your progress. Such as:

SAT vocabulary test result report
SAT vocabulary test result report
SAT vocabulary test mark distribution
SAT vocabulary test mark distribution
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SAT vocabulary test mark distribution
SAT vocabulary test mark and time
SAT vocabulary test mark and time
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Questions and Answers