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 By Amy Bush Cy

Download SAT Vocabulary PDF

1. Download Existing SAT Vocabulary PDF
PDF format is easy to read and print on lots of devices. When building SAT vocabulary, some students printed new words on paper to bring and note anywhere, so they always try to get or download a copy of SAT vocabulary in PDF format.

Downloading SAT vocabulary PDF isn't tricky, but you hardly find an existing PDF that exactly meets your circumstance on the Internet. The simple reason is that no two students share the same vocabulary base.

You know this word; I know that one. A known or new word relies on the individual vocabulary level. Besides, the expectations for SAT scores are usually different among test takers: some only want a passing score, while others try their best to apply to top universities. It's such a diversity requirement.

Even if someone contributed one SAT Word PDF file and it is available to download, it probably isn't what you seek. Why? It may be useless because of too easy or too hard. If you download a too-easy list and work based on it, you only waste time repeating many known words. If you download a too difficult list to study, it means you probably miss some words that have a higher frequency in future test papers.

If you do like to try an existing list, we prepare a small SAT word list PDF: SAT 1200 Words in 30 Days. This SAT vocabulary PDF is free to download. It contains essential words, the first level of 3000 SAT words.

SAT 1200 Words in 30 Days

If you prefer to Ebook, we published 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List in main ebook marketplaces.

Apple iBookKoboBarnes & NobleAmazon Kindle
We also keep some PDF files of the 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List's previous version (v4/2020) to download. Some are with second language definitions. If you sign on by VIP account, you can download all. (The first three groups are available to download free.)

3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List (V4/2020)
(Want to print new 3000 Common SAT Vocabulary List? please go to Section 3.)

2. Personalize SAT vocabulary PDF
To maximize the effort to build SAT vocabulary, you should get a better way to make and download SAT vocabulary PDF files. This website provides multiple word lists to start:

  1. Choose one vocabulary that matches your requirement as much as possible;
  2. Copy the word list and its definitions whatever you need to an editor;
  3. Delete known words or edit content on demand;
  4. Make a PDF file with the edited content.
Some people inquire about the copyright protection of copied contents. Don't worry if your copying is just for your studying, and don't share the copied content in any format (including in PDF). In general, if you don't share what you copy from this website with others, there is no copyright issue.

Steps to Make and Download PDF
The first and critical step is to choose one SAT vocabulary as the base of your PDF. You can see multiple word lists on our website, which are different in size and difficulty. You have to spend some hours deciding which is proper for you.

Here we take Top 500 SAT Words as an example. For most SAT test-takers, this is a natural start point to build vocabulary. Of course, you can choose a larger or harder word list to try. If you are ESL (English as Second Language) student, you may prefer vocabulary with definitions of your home language. We now use 500 Hard SAT Word List to show how to make and download personalized SAT vocabulary PDF files.

500 Hard SAT Word List shows as two groups. We can get their links.Open the first group; we can copy its words and explanations to an editor, for example, MS Word. We then edit the content. In this case, we delete the title and comment.

Now we need a PDF maker to do the last job: make our own SAT vocabulary PDF. Many free resources on the internet may help convert a text file or Word file to a PDF file.

Also, Google Drive is a handy tool for converting TXT to PDF format. If you are familiar with it, don't hesitate to leverage it. View in YouTube

This way, we did our personalized SAT vocabulary PDF quickly and smoothly. If we don't satisfy with any content, repeat this procedure, and we can make and download a new SAT vocabulary PDF in minutes.

What Does My PDF Look Like
We uploaded the PDF we just made, which was without any editing. You can click Download SAT PDF to preview what we did.

Centralized PDF resources
The website also provides a centralized PDF hub to help students get and make their own PDF word list:

3 Save or Print SAT Vocabularies of the Website
We collect all links to print or save PDF files based on 3  SAT vocabularies on the website; each link represents a sub-list that will launch a group page where you have options to print/save.

3000 Common SAT Vocabulary
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10Group 11Group 12
SAT Essay Vocabulary
Group 1Group 2
500 Hard SAT Word List
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5

Besides, there are 9 languages available to make PDF files for 2 SAT vocabularies. It's useful for ESL (English as Second Language) students to append explanations with their home languages and save them into PDF.