Online Course for English Vocabulary has developed some handy and powerful tools for students to study English vocabulary, which run as online vocabulary building courses. Here we present them on one page to help students choose and access. We categorize them into four groups and introduce each course briefly so that students can pick up suitable ones based on their circumstances.
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All-in-one Course: VSO, VSOBL, and VSOMV
1 Generic Vocabulary Study Online
Generic Vocabulary Study Online (VSO) is an all-in-one tool for test-takers to prepare English vocabulary. You can load wordlists to your vocabulary course from various sources:

  1. Personalized wordlists by yourself
  2. K12 spelling words and SAT/ACT vocabularies of the website
  3. Standardized tests' vocabularies of the website
    such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, GRE, TOEIC, and ECPE
Generic VSO itself can run under a free account, which has a limit of 12 months.
You may know some vocabularies of the website need VIP accounts to access fully. Click to get details about the Account and VIP.
No matter you teach yourself or work with a teacher, Generic VSO will give you great flexibility to build own vocabulary course. If you are planning to build such a course, we strongly recommend VSO. Select your wordlist, and kick-off now. More details are in Vocabulary Study Online: Q & A.
2 Vocabulary Study Online By Level
Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL) is similar to VSO. However, it simplifies the word loading. The app has built-in exam vocabularies: 6000 IELTS words, 6000 TOEFL words, 5000 GRE words, and 3000 SAT words. You can load them by level with one click.

In addition, one exam/level runs as an independent course. You can work on multiple courses parallelly.
You need VIP account to run VSOBL. Click to get details about the Account and VIP.
If you are preparing vocabulary for a test, such as IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, or SAT, you may study words by levels through VSOBL. More details are in VSOBL : Questions & Answers.
3 Vocabulary Study Online for My Vocabulary/Words
Vocabulary Study Online for My Vocabulary/Words (VSOMV) is similar to VSO. However, it simplifies the word loading. You can load a word list from the website. Your course of the specified vocabulary will be set up automatically. Notice that VSOMV only runs and maintains one vocabulary. If you load a new word list, it will overwrite the previous words and their studying data.

For vocabularies supported by VSOMV, you can see a button Study & Review App on the page. Clicking it, you will create a course on the vocabulary in minutes.
You need a VIP account to run VSOMV after one month's trial. Click to get details about the Account and VIP.
If you are studying K12 vocabulary, you may take advantage of VSOMV. If your vocabulary isn't on the website, please contact us. We can help to load them for you. More details are in VSOMV : Questions & Answers.
4 Differences Among VSO, VSOBL, and VSOMV
VSO, VSOBL, or VSOMV works under cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to help students build vocabulary driven by the same training engine. Its behavior is like an intelligent tutor to guide you to learn new words and review known ones without wasting one minute.

As for study, review, and test words in a course, VSO, VSOBL, and VSOMV are the same in all features. The key differences are in course content and management:

  1. VSO can load words from separate sources, but you must merge them into one course. VSO can integrate multiple sources to a large course that you may study in a long time range.
  2. VSO is a free app for 12 months; you need VIP only when loading some wordlists from the website.
  3. VSOBL only loads built-in vocabularies by level. Each loaded level runs as an independent course, and you can work on multiple courses/levels parallelly. It's good for students who are preparing for English tests.
  4. VSOBL must run under a VIP account because its courses/vocabularies are for VIPs only.
  5. VSOMV runs and maintains one vocabulary only. When you load a new vocabulary, it overwrites the previous one. Some word lists on the website offer a "Study & Review App" button to let students load them into the App to study a small or middle vocabulary efficiently.
  6. Anyone can start VSOMV with a normal account. After a month's trial, you need to upgrade as a VIP to continue your course.
Full Vocabulary Course
We won't update the below free courses (apps) since July 1, 2021. But all users can still access their full features as before until further notice.

For VIP users, we have developed new vocabulary courses (IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, and SAT) through VSOBL. If you are planning to kick off vocabulary building for these tests, please try them from VSOBL.
Free course with or without account sign-on
We provide three full courses to study vocabulary, each supports multiple language definitions to help ESL students.

  • 5000 GRE Words in 120 Days Enter
  • 4000 IELST Words in 90 Days Enter
  • 5000 TOEFL Words in 120 Days Enter
Unlike All-in-one courses that offer the maximum flexibility, the full courses have built-in proven wordlists and categorized the words into levels and lessons. It gives you a goal and guides you to get there day by day.

Comparing with the All-in-one course, it has below merits:

  • Easy to start, especially for those who teach themselves
  • Free, its core features even don't need an account to sign-on
If you want to use advanced features, like a smart review, which is powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms to select learned words to review, or cloud storage, which lets you study your course on multiple devices, you need an account to sign on. (But these features aren't VIP service, they work for free accounts.)

If you used to study at your own pace, and are looking for free and full IELTS/TOEFL/GRE vocabulary builders, we strongly recommend you to try them. 

Full Vocabulary Course runs as below style.
Full Vocabulary Course - lesson Full Vocabulary Course - list
Basic Vocabulary Course
Free course with account sign-on
We also developed some small size vocabulary builders, which usually have a built-in vocabulary of 1000 words around. They are supposed to help test takers to prepare the basic level words.

These courses are designed for a month's timeframe. If you are hurrying to a near exam, and feel the wordlist is fit to your circumstance, one basic vocabulary course may help you.

Like Full Vocabulary Course, all Basic Vocabulary Course are free.

  • 1000 Basic SAT/ACT Words Enter
This course doesn't need to sign on, all data are stored in your device. It shows you the word's usage in classics, a very special feature in vocabulary builders. It runs as below style.
Basic Vocabulary Course for K12 -  lesson Basic Vocabulary Course for K12 -  list Basic Vocabulary Course for K12 -  classic

  • 1200 PTE Words in 30 Days Enter
  • 1200 TOEIC Words in 30 Days Enter
Each course offers an abstract of progress, concise lists for new and passed, and quick quizzes. It also adds definitions in your home language that you specify when sign-on. Basic Vocabulary Course for ESL runs as below style.
Basic Vocabulary Course for ESL -  lesson Basic Vocabulary Course for ESL -  list
Legacy Course
On the website, we still host a few legacy vocabulary courses, because some users keep visiting them more or less. These courses are supposed to serve existing users. If you just start looking for vocabulary courses, don't choose them.

We didn't maintain related vocabulary of some, like:

  • 1200 MCAT Words in 30 Days
  • 1200 ACT Words in 30 Days
For potential users of "PTE vocabulary in 10 Days" and "English Vocabulary Builder", please consider following suggestions:

  • PTE vocabulary in 10 Days
    Run Generic Vocabulary Study Online (VSO), and load "PTE Word List for Academic."
  • English Vocabulary Builder
    Test takers can run Vocabulary Study Online By Level (VSOBL), which has enhanced wordlists and provided more features."
We know vocabulary building is the hardest task in studying a language, and hopefully, these courses can give you a hand in your long and tough journey to get beautiful English.

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