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Vocabulary Study Online (VSO) is an all-in-one app to study English vocabulary. It's powered by AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to help students build vocabulary efficiently and at their paces.

This version is simplified to users can run on one vocabulary in a straightforward way, called as VSOMV (Vocabulary Study Online for My Vocabulary/Words.) The version has 30 days trial. Then you need a VIP account to continue. (VIP's details are in Help.)

You can load one word list from the website. Your course of the specified vocabulary will be set up automatically. Notice that VSOMV only runs and maintains one vocabulary. If you load a new word list, it will overwrite the previous words and their studying data.

By design, the AI scheduler of will drive students' studying and reviewing, and push them to achieve their goals as soon as possible.

VSOMV has an auto-reminder feature. If you don't study, review, or test over seven days, it will send a reminder email to push you forward. If you dislike the reminder, you can cancel it from the email's bottom link.

To help you start quickly, we will show you some primary features of VSOMV briefly.
(More questions and answers are Here.)

1 Account and Sign-On

From the angle of technology, VSOMV is a cloud-based app. It saves all data at You need to sign on before loading a word list.

2 Create My Vocabulary

Some vocabularies on the website are available to load to the app. On those pages, just one click to create your vocabulary course automatically.

If this is your first course under VSOMV, the Preference will be set as default values. They are:

  • Student Name: an identifier for you, like abc001;
  • Report Email: your test result will be sent to it;
  • Auto Report: checked, every test result will be sent automatically;
  • Test Size: question numbers in each test sheet;
  • Words in New Page: Word number in new words page;
  • Words in Studying Page: Word number in studying words page;
  • Words in Locked page: Word number in locked words page;
  • Words in Review: Word number in review page;

You will be assigned a Class No too.

You use VSO/VSOBL/VSOMV running multiple courses parallelly, the Preference works for all your vocabulary courses.

The fields in Preference can be updated anytime after created. How to do it

3 Load/Change My Vocabulary

In VSOMV, you can only study and maintain one vocabulary at the same time. But you can reset or change vocabulary. Change new vocabulary is quite simple, just one click on its source page. But the previous vocabulary data will be discarded. Reset means to load the vocabulary again and reset its studying data.

4 Course's Summary

By Settings->Summary, you can view your course briefly, there are three sections.

Words and Marks
shows the current progress of vocabulary building.
  • New word: the number of words you loaded but never touch yet.
  • In studying: the number of words you learned, and you will review by schedule.

Here Mark stands for the count of your review. 1 means to schedule for first-time review, 2 means to schedule for second-time review, etc. When Mark is 9, it doesn't increase anymore.

Review Estimate
It shows the number of words scheduled for the next ten days to review. It's for you to estimate workload. (How to get it)

Loaded Lists
It shows the logs of Load Words. You can view what and when you loaded, and an abstract of each load. (How to get it)

5 Working Word Lists

In VSOMV, there are three working lists separately for
  • New words: you loaded but not learned or touched yet.
  • Studying words: you learned and will review in future
  • Locked words: excluded from New or the Studying words, you don't want to learn or review anymore.

6 New Word

After you load a word to VSOMV, it's called a new word, no matter if you know it or if you will learn it.

The new word list is the start point of a course. After loading one level's words, you can open the New Words page.

This page is designed to learn new words, each time it displays six words by default. You may change the word number by Preference, but too big doesn't help to learn new words efficiently.

There are four options for each new word:
  • Keep as new: leave it in new word list, and learn it in the future;
  • Change to studying: move it to the studying word list, it will be reviewed under AI scheduler;
  • Change to locked: move it to locked word list, don't learn or review again; but you can get it back to new or studying lists;
  • Delete it: remove this word from current course, never revisit it in future;

In general, you should lock or delete known words from the new word list and move learned words to the studying word list for future review.

Learning new words from New Word List page is a daily action. At the beginning, we recommend:
  • Learn new words by alphabet order;
  • Each time (each page) focus on 6-10 new words;
How to study new words

7 Locked Word

Locked word can be a known or unknown word that you exclude from learning or reviewing, but you don't want to delete it. It means you can change its status to new or studying on demand.

The locked word list page is similar to the new word list page. There are four options for each word:
  • Change to new: move it to new word list, and the word will be ready to learn;
  • Change to studying: move it to the studying word list, the word will be reviewed under AI scheduler;
  • Keep as locked: leave it in locked word list, don't learn or review, but you can get it back;
  • Delete it: remove this word from course, never revisit it in future;

Locked word list page is only for adjusting individual word's status. It's not a daily action in vocabulary building.

8 Studying Word

A studying word is a known word but needs to review. Every studying word has a Mark, from 1 to 9, which indicates the count of reviewing and decides the next scheduled date.

The studying word list page is similar to the new word list page. There are three options for each word:
  • Change to new: move it to new word list, and the word will be ready to learn from start point;
  • Keep as studying: leave it in studying word list with or without changing Mark;
  • Change to locked: move it into locked word list, don't learn or review, but you may get the word back;
How to get studying word list

The studying word list page is for adjusting individual word's status. It's not a daily action in vocabulary building.

9 Today Review

It is the most characteristic feature of VSOMV. In vocabulary building, students spend more than 80% of the time on scheduled reviewing, namely on this page. It's a daily action.

The Today Review page is very similar to the studying words page; both pages show studying words. The differences are:

This page is much smaller than studying words page because it just lists the words that are scheduled on the current day or previous days to review. In other words, it only contains words you need to review right now.

How to review studying word

Besides, the Today Review page automatically adds ONE point to every word's mark, so the words' statuses are updated accordingly. If you submit the page, all words' marks will be plus one.

10 Quick Test

The Quick Test is the primary tool to evaluate and control the progress of vocabulary building.

The test sheet is designed to check if you know or learn tested-words with multiple definition options. One test sheet may have 10 to 50 quizzes; you can adjust the test size by Preference. Each quiz is to choose the correct definition for the tested-word. VSOMV produces the test sheet dynamically.

To make a test sheet, you need to specify the list of test: new words, studying words, or locked word. You can also define the word range among a list. By default, the range is A to Z; it means all words in the current word list, but you can shrink the range on demand. (How to do it)

If the specified list and range have enough words to make a test sheet, you will see a new test sheet on the page, and the timer is turned on for the new test. You should answer the quizzes immediately.

At the test sheet, you can see two buttons:
  • Check Answer: Check test result, show wrong answers in red. If your current score is less than 40%, VSOMV will refuse the request. (How to do it)
  • Save Result: Save test result to the cloud for future viewing and sending. If you don't save, the test result will disappear after you leave this page. (How to do it)

Besides, if you checked Auto Report in Preference, the result will be sent to Report Email accordingly.

11 Test Report

The test reports are used to manage vocabulary building. After finishing a test, the student should click the Save Result button to save the test result to the cloud. Notice that the test result won't be stored automatically unless the tester pushes Save Result button.

The Current Report shows the latest test report. You can retrieve other reports through All Reports.

When viewing a report, you can see a Sent It button, which sends the report to Report Email.

How to view and send report