VSOMV : Questions & Answers
Vocabulary Study Online for My Vocabulary/Words
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 Questions and Answers
How do I register an account at www.examword.com?
The account of www.examword.com is for all apps on this website, including Vocabulary Studying Online for My Vocabulary/Words. If you don’t have one, please register first. Registering an account is very simple. After you tell us your email address, an access code will be sent to your email very soon. The email address will be used as the account name. By the email address and access code, you can sign on to the website.
register an account at www.examword.com register an account
If I forget my access code, how do I request it?
Use the original email to register again, the access code will be resent to you once more.
How do I set or change my language?
Home language is an important feature for some apps on the website. You can set it when registering or update it after sign-on.
change my language
How do I create VSOMV course?
You can load a word list from the website. Your course of the specified vocabulary will be set up automatically. Notice that VSOMV only runs and maintains one vocabulary. If you load a new word list, it will overwrite the previous words and their studying data. For vocabularies supported by VSOMV, you can see a button "Study & Review App" on the page. Clicking it, you will create a course on the vocabulary in minutes.
create VSOMV course
How do I set or update Preference?
VSOMV will set preferences for you when you create the first course. However, you may adjust preference fields any time by Settings -> Preference. The preferences are for all courses (including VSO and VSOBL) under your account.
update Preference
How do I change my vocabulary?
In VSOMV, you can only study and maintain one vocabulary at the same time. But you can change vocabulary. Changing new vocabulary is quite simple, it's just one click on its source page like creating the previous one. But the previous vocabulary data will be discarded.
Can I delete words from VSOMV course?
Yes, by Word Lists->New Word or Word Lists->In Locked you can select words to delete.
delete individual words
Can I reload word list?
Yes, by Settings -> Reset Course, you can reload words of the current vocabulary; all previous statuses (new, studying, locked, and deleted) will be discarded.
May I get my loading history?
Yes, you can see loading history at the end of Settings -> Summary. It shows when your words are loaded or reloaded.
loading history
Can I update word's definition?
Yes, you can update the definition of a loaded word. This feature is on all word list pages. For example, by Word Lists -> New Word, you can edit the definition for each new word.
update word update definition
How do I study new words?
After your new words are loaded to VSOMV course, you can view them at Word List -> New Word. We suggest to keep the new word number is 10 or less per page. At this page you need to learn the words one by one. For each word, you have 4 options:

  1. Set as studying, you will review it by schedule;
  2. Keep as new, you will learn it in future;
  3. Delete it, if it is uesless for you;
  4. Lock it, exclude it from new list, but you may re-visit it in future;
In the first option, you can also specify the review interval.

After you deal with all words on the page, you need to Submit them to save.
Set as studying Keep as new Delete it Lock it
How do I review words?
By Word list -> Today Review, you get words that you need to review on the current day. Here each word's mark is added ONE point already, either you adjust it or not, it won't be saved until you click Submit button.

The review will keep the word still in the studying list but add its mark. A bigger mark means a larger interval for the next review.

Besides, you can set word to new status or lock it on demand on this page.
review words
Why does my review word list change from time to time? Sometimes it's even empty.
The review word list of Today Review isn’t all words you need to review in the course, just for words you need to review today. It is made dynamically. If you don’t have any words to review by the schedule, or you have, but you finished them already, the list will be empty. In general, if you reviewed part of them, this list would be shorter accordingly.

In addition, VSOMV calculates time intervals by hours (not by days), so some words may be picked to review the list in the evening, which you cannot see in the morning.
If I cannot review all words in Today Review, do I miss them?
No. Any words that you cannot review today will be merged to the next day. The review pattern is designed basically by modern language education theory, scientific algorithm, and individual adjustment. We encourage you to follow it to maximize time efficiency. However, it's flexible for this sort of exception.
Can I increase word number at Today Review page to submit more words each time?
Yes, you can adjust it through Settings -> Preference. Actually, you can adjust the word number of other pages in a similar way.
increase word number
Review words is a hard job in vocabulary building, may I know its workload in advance?
It's difficult to have a precise plan. Based on your current progress and review pattern, you can get an estimation of 10 days without considering new words. The Review Estimate is on the middle page by Settings->Summary.
know the workload
May I view learned words not in Today Review, or say early review and change their statues?
The Today Review only shows words that are scheduled to review on the current day. If you want to get other studying words, you may view them by Word Lists -> In Studying. There you can see all learned words scheduled for review, which is called studying word list. The studying word list usually consists of hundreds of words, so it’s not easy to work with the list. We suggest using it to adjust individual words’ statuses and marks.
learned words
What is the difference between Today Review and In Studying?
Firstly, Today Review shows words scheduled to review on the current day. In studying retrieves all words in the studying list.

Then, Today Review is for daily action of vocabulary building and In studying is for managing or adjusting words’ statuses in casual cases.

At last, Today Review adds ONE point to each word by default. If you submit the page directly, marks of all words on the page will increase, these words will be set as reviewed. In studying page will show marks as the original. If you submit the page without updating the mark or status of a word manually, no actual change takes place.

You may see the same word in both Today Review and In studying pages, but the contents have a little difference.
Today Review In Studying
How do I make test sheet?
By Quick Test -> Make Test Sheet, you can make a test sheet dynamically. You need to select a list: new words, studying words, or locked words. In addition, you can specify the word range to test.
make test sheet make test sheet 2
How do I finish a test?
After a test sheet is produced, the timer is turned on. You should finish the test as soon as possible. The Check Answer means you are trying to finish the current test. If you click it, you may see the score immediately. If your score is less than 40, your request will be refused, you have to make more answers correct.
finish test
Why do I need to save test report? How to do it?
Your test results aren’t saved automatically. If you want to save a test result for future reference, you need to do it explicitly by Save Result. That button works only after you finish a test successfully.
save test report
How do I send my test result to tutor or others?
At first, only the saved results can be sent. So you should save the test before sending it. Secondly, you need to specify Report Email in Settings- > Preference. If you checked the Auto Report already, your test report will be sent automatically just after saving.

If you want to manually send a test report, ensure the Report Email is right, open a test report through Quick Test -> Current Report or All Reports, then click Send it.
send test result send test result 2
May I change test size?
Yes. By default, each test includes 10 words. You can change the number by Settings->Preference.
change test size
Why do some features not work for me?
If you see any features failed, please
  1. Check if you are using Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser, which VSOMV is supposed to run on.
  2. Refresh browser, for example by Ctrl+F5 in Chrome.
What are the differences among VSO, VSOBL, and VSOMV?
VSO, VSOBL, or VSOMV works under cutting-edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology to help students build vocabulary driven by the same training engine. Its behavior is like an intelligent tutor to guide you to learn new words and review known ones without wasting one minute.

As for study, review, and test words in a course, VSO, VSOBL, and VSOMV are the same in all features. The key differences are in course content and management:

  1. VSO can load words from separate sources, but you must merge them into one course. VSO can integrate multiple sources to a large course that you may study in a long time range.
  2. VSO is a free app for 12 months; you need VIP only when loading some wordlists from the website.
  3. VSOBL only loads built-in vocabularies by level. Each loaded level runs as an independent course, and you can work on multiple courses/levels parallelly. It's good for students who are preparing for English tests.
  4. VSOBL must run under a VIP account because its courses/vocabularies are for VIPs only.
  5. VSOMV runs and maintains one vocabulary only. When you load a new vocabulary, it overwrites the previous one. Some word lists on the website offer a "Study & Review App" button to let students load them into the App to study a small or middle vocabulary efficiently.
  6. Anyone can start VSOMV with a normal account. After a month's trial, you need to upgrade as a VIP to continue your course.