4000 IELTS Words in 90 Days

Study and review proven IELTS vocabulary in fast way!

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We won't update the course since July 1, 2021. But all users can still access its full features as before until further notice. For VIP users, we have developed new VSOBL to replace. If you are planning to kick off IELTS vocabulary building, please try VSOBL.
4000 IELTS Words in 90 Days is a fast course of 3 months to help test takers prepare IELTS academic vocabulary. All words are categorized in 3 levels: basic, middle, and high. If you studied "IELTS 1200 Words in 30 Days" before, congratulations! It's the basic level of the app. You can continue your studying at the basic level or go further levels to hunt better score.

This app has integrated modern education concept and information technology. It will push your studying with scientific algorithm and flexible schedule. It's called an online course of 90 days: if you are smart and hardworking enough, you can go with the original plan and finish all contents in the time frame. In fact, we group all words into 90 units, and assume one unit is one day's job. But you can go at your own pace.

Some people think that vocabulary building is paperwork on word list. It's a way of old school. Vocabulary building must rely on a proven word list. But this app has more: skip useless words, show definition of mother language, exercise on random, review under smart pattern, and sync data with cloud service. It has integrated these features with modern information technology and education theory.

Tens of thousands of students have separate reasons to choose this app. We may share the main points with you. At first, it has a proven IELTS words list. Even if test-takers only want to get a passing band for admission of community college, like mark 5, these words are still deserved to spend time to master, because they are indeed high frequent in IELTS test papers.

Secondly, it offers three statuses to manage words' studying. More or less, you knew some words in the vocabulary. You should spend time only on new words and skip known ones. The app lets you do it: mark the word as Passed to exclude it from the review list forever. Besides, there are two other statuses: New (not touched yet) and Known (studied and in scheduled review patterns.) You can set or adjust statuses at any time.

Thirdly, it's very friendly to ESL (English as Secondly Language) students. Usually, IELTS test-takers aren't native English speakers, and their mother languages are actually a great asset to learn English. Some students used to translate English new word into home language to understand and memorize easily. The app offers definitions in 20 languages for each word. You can select home language and append its definitions to the English explanations.

Last but not least, it has flexible online practices. Practice is the primary way to study new words. The app provides exercises for every word with two types: spelling and matching. You don't need extra worksheet, instead move your fingers to create online practice. These practices are produced on your requesting dynamically. For example, if you are trying single selection matching for the same word, you will see different options in every quiz.

Here are two hot questions related to review pattern of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Cloud Storage.

Review is the heaviest task to study IELTS vocabulary, do you want to save review time and work in higher performance?
Yes, all students want it. But how to do it? The app includes an excellent answer. It has a built-in smart seeker to find words that are studied and need to review on the current day under an intelligent pattern. Just click a button, you will get the review list of right words within reasonable intervals. This feature will improve your efficiency dramatically.

May I store my data on the cloud and share among multiple devices?
Yes. The app offers strong cloud services: sync between local and server; run on pure browsers, such as Chrome and Safari. In fact, you can run the app on mainstream computers, tablets, and smartphones; and you can share study data among them too. (You also can run core features without signing. In this case, you cannot use cloud service. )

Are you ready? Select your level and go ahead!

Note that sync data are limited to ONE level, namely the current level, e.g., basic level. If you are going to sync all three levels, you have to select level and sync one by one.

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