Online Resources for IELTS Test

Resources to prepare for the IELTS exam include tips and experiences from tutors and test takers, online practices, sample questions, and vocabulary for writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
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4000 IELTS Academic Words
6000 IELTS Academic Words
4000 IELTS General Words
500 IELTS Vocabulary

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 Online practices, Wordlists, and Tips
  IELTS Speaking Online Practice
It's a web app with built-in topics and questions. Users can select three topics for Part 1 and one topic for Part 2/3; their questions will construct a full-size IELTS speaking mock test.
  IELTS Writing Resource Hub
It links resources for IELTS writing on the website, including recent topics, hints to write, sample answers, question lists by task type, preparation tips, and other related web apps.
  10 Common Questions for IELTS
IELTS introduction: 10 common questions to draw a big picture of IELTS for test-takers, a start point for all IELTS candidates to understand the test in 5 minutes.
  10 Popular IELTS Vocabularies
Ten popular vocabularies to study and review IELTS words with own pace and by high efficiency, including both online and e-book resources. Whatever your current level or plan is, you can get one to match your case.
  10 Handy IELTS Web Apps
Computer and the Internet can do much more than you imagine; IELTS web apps are playing a pivotal role in speeding up IELTS preparing. Here we select ten handy IELTS web apps that are helpful in vocabulary studying.
  IELTS Reading Practice Online
Introduce IELTS reading test module and tips, resource to practice IELTS reading skills online, help test takers to exercise with test-style reading materials and questions.
  IELTS Speaking: Topics, Samples, and Tips
Resources to understand IELTS speaking based on feedback from real tests between May and August 2024: search topics, view samples, and learn tips for pattern.
  IELTS Writing Test
A concise introduction for the IELTS writing test section addresses academic and general training versions' formats and differences and offers samples with recent test questions.
  IELTS Listening Practice Online
Useful tips and free samples of IELTS listening test, includes test demo video, four full-length tests with worksheet and answer, and 100+ online listening practices.
  Steps to Band 9 of IELTS Essay Writing
It summarizes the criteria of IELTS band 9 essay, show how to get band 9 step by step with samples from band 6 to band 8.
  General Training Writing Task 1 Topics
IELTS general writing task 1, a letter in styles of formal, semi-formal, or informal, includes typical samples of each style, popular topics in recent tests, and questions recalled by test takers.
  General Training Writing Task 2 Topics
IELTS general writing task 2 is an essay of at least 250 words for daily life topics, includes popular topics in recent tests, and questions and samples.
  IELTS Words Spelling Practice
After specifying a word group from an IELTS vocabulary, you can make interactive IELTS words spelling sheets dynamically and practice online; it's a handy way to prepare writing words.
  Print IELTS Vocabulary Flashcards
Print IELTS word cards and flashcards online; you can make one-sided cards or double-sided flashcards to match personalized requirements when building your IELTS words.
  IELTS Vocabulary Quizzes Online
Online resources to build IELTS vocabulary by single choice word quiz, covers all IELTS lists of this web site with dynamic multiple options and single choice quizzes.
  Download IELTS Vocabulary PDF
Download existing or customized IELTS vocabulary PDF files, show you how to make your PDF files from 4 available IELTS vocabularies of the website step by step.
  20 Ways to Build IELTS Vocabulary
Here share 20 tips with you, read them carefully, and follow them as possible. Your IELTS words will be improved quickly.
  IELTS Speaking Vocabulary: Basic Words and Lists Grouped by Topic
100 basic IELTS speaking words plus word lists by topic, including definition and examples; we made videos for some lists and marked must-have words with stars.
  IELTS 2024 Listening Questions
Recent IELTS listening questions in real exam from test takers, includes all parts and displays by test date, which is a practical resource to prepare the IELTS listening test.
  IELTS 2024 Academic Reading Questions
Recent IELTS academic reading questions in real exam from test takers, includes all sections and is organized by test date, which is a practical resource to prepare IELTS academic reading test.
  IELTS 2024 General Reading Questions
Recent IELTS general reading questions in real exam from test-takers and the Internet, include all sections and are organized by test date. A practical resource to prepare IELTS general reading test.
  IELTS Speaking Questions 2024 And Answer Hints
New IELTS speaking questions of Part 1, 2, and 3, we organize them by test time; some have vocabulary hints, answer hints, or mock practices to help prepare the test.
 2024 New IELTS Words
New IELTS Vocabulary 2022-2024

meadow  New   Speak
n. a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay
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a dash of  New   Speak
a. a small quantity of it which you add
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account for     Speak
v. to give a reason or explanation for something
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adopt  New   Speak
v. choose to take up, follow, or use
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allure  New   Speak
n. the quality of being powerfully attractive or fascinating
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anarchic  New   Speak
a. with no controlling rules or principles to give order
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assessment     Speak
n. the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something
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backstreet     Speak
n. a minor street remote from a main road
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barbaric     Speak
a. savagely cruel; exceedingly brutal
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battery     Speak
n. a fortified emplacement for heavy guns
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beforehand     Speak
ad. before an action or event; in advance
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bizarre  New   Speak
a. very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest
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burnout     Speak
n. a physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress
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cast     Speak
v. look at someone/something
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cobble     Speak
v. roughly put together something from available parts or elements
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collaborative  New   Speak
a. produced or conducted by two or more parties working together
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defecate  New   Speak
v. pass the contents of the bowels out of the body
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delicious  New   Speak
a. highly pleasant to the taste
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discernible     Speak
a. able to be discerned; perceptible
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discrepancy     Speak
n. a lack of compatibility or similarity between two or more facts
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dissonance  New   Speak
n. lack of harmony
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dough     Speak
n. a thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry
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earthy taste  New   Speak
n. a taste or smell reminiscent of soil, mushrooms, or mustiness
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en route  New   Speak
ad. during a journey; on the way
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enigma     Speak
n. a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand
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enigmatic     Speak
a. difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious
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estate     Speak
n. a large, privately owned area of land, often with a large house
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face value  New   Speak
n. the apparent value or significance
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fell off     Speak
v. become less in number, amount, or quality
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feminine  New   Speak
n. the female sex or gender
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fiddly     Speak
a. complicated or detailed and awkward to do or use
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fluctuation     Speak
n. an irregular rising and falling in number or amount
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frame     Speak
v. give expression to; express something choosing your words carefully
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get down to     Speak
v. to start something
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give rise to     Speak
v. to cause something
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grant  New   Speak
n. a sum of money given by a government or other organization for a particular purpose
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grave  New   Speak
a. giving cause for alarm; serious
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harness     Speak
v. control and make use of (natural resources), especially to produce energy
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heather  New   Speak
n. a low, spreading plant with small purple, pink, or white flowers
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hijab     Speak
n. a head covering worn in public by some Muslim women
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hop     Speak
v. to ride surreptitiously and without authorization
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ill-fated  New   Speak
a. destined to fail or have bad luck
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implication  New   Speak
n. the effect that an action or decision will have on something else in the future
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innate     Speak
a. inborn; natural
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inorganic     Speak
a. not consisting of or deriving from living matter
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