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Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 By Jiabao Hors

IELTS 2025 General Reading Questions

Here we collect recent IELTS general reading exam questions from the Internet and other resources. Its contents include real test questions in all general reading sections and show by test date.

IELTS Exam Questions of All Sections:
Academic Test Speaking Listening Reading Writing
General Test Reading Writing

2023-01-14: Section 1
The first passage: About a library (fill in the blanks)

2023-01-14: Section 2
The second passage: Working in the Cold (matching, multiple-choice)

2023-01-14: Section 3
The last passage: Movie Production (T/F, multiple-choice)

2021-12-04: Section 1
The first passage: The reviews of different restaurants. (fill in the blanks).

2021-12-04: Section 2
The second passage: a job interview (multiple-choice, matching).

2021-12-04: Section 3
The last passage: The main food flavors (T/F, matching).

2021-09-04: Section 1
The first passage: maternity leave and pregnancy. (fill in the blanks, matching).

2021-09-04: Section 2
The second passage: procrastination (multiple-choice, fill in the blanks).

2021-09-04: Section 3
The last passage: trains (True/False/Not Given, matching headings to paragraphs).

2021-07-10: Section 1
The first passage: A list of six concerts with a brief description of each. (matching headings to paragraphs).

2021-07-10: Section 2
The second passage: New ways to overcome flood problems. (multiple choice, TFN).

2021-07-10: Section 3
The last passage: An essay about George Washington, his marriage, civic and political life. (multiple choice, match headings to paragraphs).

2021-03-20: Section 1
The first passage: a cave and hiking in the cave with essentials( warm, water-resistant clothing; hiking boots and bottled water, etc)(Questions: fill in the blanks, True/False/Not Given).

2021-03-20: Section 2
The second passage: an asteroid (Questions: fill in the blanks, matching headings to paragraphs).

2021-03-20: Section 3
The last passage: language change (Questions: True/False/Not Given, matching information).

2021-01-09: Section 1
The first passage Hiking on snow in Australia paternity leave.

2021-01-09: Section 2
The passage: hiking on snow in Australia. (short answer questions: 1 word or a number)

2021-01-09: Section 3
The last passage talking about tennis. (Questions: True/False/Not Given, match statements with the correct years.)

2020-08-22: Section 1
The first passage: instructions for washing oriental silk dress safely.

2020-08-22: Section 2
The passage: different kinds of garden cafes and their features.

2020-08-22: Section 3
The passage: safety instructions for workers on a construction site.

2020-08-22: Section 4
The last passage was talking about a history of London smog, and works of art influenced by the London smog.

2020-05-28: Section 1
The first passage was talking about different restaurants (multiple matching).

2020-05-28: Section 2
The passage was talking about Bart train schedules (multiple matching).

2020-05-28: Section 3
The passage was talking about about the latest management model adopted by LCP technologies.

2020-05-28: Section 4
The last passage was talking about the history of Shimla in India.

2020-02-22: Section 1
The first passage was talking about public transportation (t/f/NG) and types of vacation activities (multiple matching).

2020-02-22: Section 2
The passage was talking about applying for a work exchange program (gap fill) and office air quality (gap fill).

2020-02-22: Section 3
The last passage was talking about lizard population in New Zealand (header matching; t/f/ng).

2020-02-07: Section 1
The first passage was talking about community notices.

2020-02-07: Section 2
The passage was talking about job opportunities in diving industry.

2020-02-07: Section 3
The last long passage was talking about Vikings Ship.

2020-01-11: Section 1
The first passage was talking about electricity consumption and meter reading.

2020-01-11: Section 2
The passage was talking how to advertise a product.

2020-01-11: Section 3
The last long passage was talking about Meerkats.

2019-12-07: Section 1
The first section was talking about the kites.

2019-12-07: Section 3
The last section was talking about installing energy efficient meter.

2019-09-01: Section 2
The first section was talking about rental car service. (Answer in two Words)

2019-09-01: Section 3
The section was about a park. (Answer in One word)

2019-09-01: Section 4
The last section was talking about the world memory championship. (True and False, Answer in one Word)

2019-08-19: Section 1
The first section was talking about multiple types of research and theories on the history of language.

2019-08-19: Section 2
The section was about travel Agency in Australia helping students with travel in Europe and Australia.

2019-08-19: Section 3
The section was talking about Lemur Zoo in Australia.

2019-07-27: Section 1
The first section was talking about weather in Canada and how the body protects itself.

2019-07-27: Section 1
The first section was talking about carbon sequestration process.

2019-07-27: Section 2
The section was about the list of advertisements: match the advertisement with the statement.

2019-07-27: Section 2
The section was about the history of the violin and its development.

2019-07-27: Section 3
The section was something related to a recruiting company.

2019-07-27: Section 3
The section was something related to innovations.

2019-07-27: Section 4
The section 4 was about humpback whales in Australia.(Match the following, true false, not given and MCQ.)

2019-07-19: Section 1
The first section was talking about the several details of museum.

2019-07-19: Section 2
The section was about the guidelines for a construction site.

2019-07-19: Section 3
The section was about a non profit organization works on the way.

2019-07-19: Section 4
The section 4 was about work and methodology of an Swiss architect who worked for the 3rd world countries which affected by earthquake.

2019-06-29: Section 1
The passage was talking about exhibitions.

2019-06-29: Section 2
The passage was talking about shoe museum.

2019-06-29: Section 2
The passage was talk about overtime information.

2019-06-29: Section 3
The passage was talk about ventilation systems in work spaces.

2019-06-29: Section 3
The passages were talk about a workplace such as chair, computer etc.

2019-06-29: Section 4
The passages were talk about the history of map making evolved over time throughout the world.

2019-06-29: Section 5
The passages were talk about the science of shopping, information about supermarkets section arrangement and several researchers findings.

2019-05-23: Section 1
The passage was talking about attractions in Midwest 5 different tour and ticket descriptions and making your own house hold cleaner with natural ingredients.

2019-05-23: Section 2
The passage was talk about choosing the right ergonomic chair.

2019-05-23: Section 3
The passages were about Straw Bear Festival in England .

2019-05-23: Section 4
The passages were scientific research on history tales about tortoise vs hare, thirsty crow, ant and grasshopper.

2019-05-18: Section 1
The passage was talking about university admission and residence information.

2019-05-18: Section 2
The passage was talk about different qualities of oven.

2019-05-18: Section 3
The passages were that students discussion for thesis.

2019-05-18: Section 4
The passages were scientific research on history tales about tortoise vs hare, thirsty crow, ant and grasshopper.

2019-04-27: Section 1
The passage was about regulation to obtain car license in New Zealand – special rules for learner and full license.

2019-04-27: Section 2
The passage was talk about railways in UK.

2019-04-27: Section 3
The passages were who is a teacher assistant and what he supposes to do and how to speak to a manager about a pay raise.

2019-04-27: Section 4
The passage was an article about Franck Goddio – underwater archaeologist.

2019-04-13: Section 1
The passage was summary completion about job description.

2019-04-13: Section 2
The passage was Match information about different trains and their routes.

2019-04-13: Section 3
The passage was match information about guidelines for business start-up.

2019-04-13: Section 4
The passage was summary completion and short answer question about real tennis.

2019-03-23: Section 1
The section was a passage about the tour in city museum.

2019-03-23: Section 2
The section was about The Automobile Association.

2019-03-23: Section 3
The section was a passage about electrician in Canada.

2019-02-28: Section 1
The section was a passage on grocery store.

2019-02-28: Section 2
The section was how to rent an apartment in UK.

2019-02-28: Section 3
The section was market research and psychology of consumers.

2019-02-12: Section 1
The section was advertisements of gyms and art center.

2019-02-12: Section 2
The section was fill in the blanks about mouse and keyboard.

2019-02-12: Section 3
The section was academic talking about Gwen John, such as her personal life and work.

2019-01-25: Section 1
The section was True, false, not given questions about Lemur.

2019-01-25: Section 2
The section was fill in the blanks about about setting-up business.

2019-01-25: Section 3
The section was fill in the blanks about a race.

2019-01-25: Section 4
The section was match summary about bears.

2019-01-19: Section 1
The section was match ques with correct event about exhibition and concerts.

2019-01-19: Section 1
The section was different advertisements about market places in a city.

2019-01-19: Section 2
The section was fill in the blanks about dress code at work.

2019-01-19: Section 2
The section was about work-related laws and rules for workers and visitors in a company.

2019-01-19: Section 3
The section was flow chart completion about problems at office.

2019-01-19: Section 3
The section was regrading ice age, past and future.

2019-01-19: Section 4
The section was True, false, not given questions about real tennis.

2019-01-05: Section 1 (Saudi Arabia)
The section was something about holiday booking.

2019-01-05: Section 1 (Saudi Arabia)
The section was something about holiday booking.

2018-10-27: Section 1 (India)
The section was about a set of small advertisements and questions related to identifying the adverts for relevant information.

2018-10-27: Section 2 (India)
The section was about the Job description for the position of Media Assistant.

2018-10-27: Section 2 (India)
The section was about the famous Botanist ‘Douglas Fir’.

2018-10-13: Section 1 (Qatar)
The section was about an ancient school which has been renovated to look how exactly it looked in the past.

2018-10-13: Section 2 (Qatar)
The section was mostly based on Company Dress code, holiday and risk assessments for employees – specifically dress code, how, when and where to use casual and formal clothes..

2018-10-13: Section 2 (Qatar)
The section was about Daniel Tammet’s special skills relating to calculation and linguistic skills and introduction of new language – called Manti.

2018-09-28: Section 1 (Belarus)
The section was ads about various outdoor activities.

2018-09-28: Section 2 (Belarus)
The section was about a website which created by a woman during pregnancy.

2018-08-18: Section 1 (USA)
The section was about ads by baby sitters.

2018-08-18: Section 1 (India)
The section was about different types of bus routes to different places in Australia or New Zealand.

2018-08-18: Section 1 (Nigeria)
Passages on conducting a test in Mount Everest .

2018-08-18: Section 3 (India)
The section was about Humpback whales migration patterns.

2018-08-18: Section 3 (Nigeria)
The section was about summer holiday camp for kids.

2018-08-02: Section 1 (Australia)
It was about Australian visa types (visiting and working holiday visas; cost and who can visit and obtain visa on arrival, working condition on working holiday visa..)

2018-08-02: Section 2 (South Africa; India)
A description of a company startup was given to fill the blanks.

2018-08-02: Section 3 (South Africa; India; Sri Lanka)
The passage was a lengthy article on “History of Pens”.

2018-08-02: Section 3 (Australia)
It was a very long passage about the psychology of procrastination.

2018-07-28: Section 1 (KSA)
True False NG for a passage on immigration to Australia.

2018-07-28: Section 1 (USA)
True False NG for a passage on New Zealand Driving License details.

2018-07-28: Section 2 (USA)
The second section of reading was about railways lines of Britain.

2018-07-28: Section 3 (KSA)
The passage on Laughter and its components.

2018-07-28: Section 3 (USA)
Complete the flowchart - asking for a Pay raise.

2018-07-28: Section 4 (USA)
Match the paragraph and some complete the sentence about an underground archaeologist.

2018-07-07: Section 1 (China)
The first section of reading was about UK drive licence.

2018-07-07: Section 2 (China)
The second section of reading was about property introduction for sales.

2018-07-07: Section 3 (China)
The third section of reading was about business competence measurement.

2018-07-07: Section 5 (China)
The fifth section of reading was about RFID tag.

2018-06-30: Section 3 (Germany)
Sentence completion was interviewing skills.

2018-06-30: Section 4 (Germany)
Heading matching/multiple choice---pepper talk.

2018-05-12: Section 1
Information on tickets to enter museums (group and individual tickets).

2018-05-12: Section 1 (South Africa)
List of exhibitions, each with a brief description.

2018-05-12: Section 2
A paragraph on Aesoph’s tales, how to interpret them with science.

2018-05-12: Section 3 (South Africa)
Etiquette at workplace. Tips on how to be polite.

2018-05-12: Section 4 (South Africa)
Company policy (rules) on Time Management.

2018-05-12: Section 5 (South Africa)
Global warming topic. An expedition to explore/study melting glaciers at Uganda.

2018-05-05: Section 1 (Australia)
About bus transport in area called Cornwall.

2018-04-21: Section 1 (India)
Part 1 was about Greyhound Buses and Part 2 was about parks and campfires.

2018-04-21: Section 2 (India)
Part 1 was Paternity leave entitlement and Part 2 was about a company policy for new joiners.

2018-04-21: Section 3 (Qatar)
About the guardian king of Egypt, zahid hawwas.

2018-04-07: Section 1 (United Arab Emirates)
True or false questions (T/F/NG) about MG Bins.

2018-04-07: Section 2 (United Arab Emirates)
Matching headings about employee annual leave and pays.

2018-04-07: Section 4 (United Arab Emirates)
Matching headings, multiple choices and fill in spaces about a species of bird.

2018-03-24: Section 1 (USA)
Multiple Sports Clubs (Write correct letter A-E).

2018-03-24: Section 2 (USA)
Information regarding Liverpool, England (T,F,NG).

2018-03-24: Section 3 (USA)
Lengthy Paragraph of Douglas Fir (British Botanist).

2018-03-04: Section 1 (Brazil)
About 5 different houses than you had to match each house with a description, all the descriptions were synonyms and paraphrasing from the fist text.

2018-03-04: Section 2 (Brazil)
An airline instruction form, explaining the language test their employees need to take, true of false questions.

2018-03-04: Section 3 (Brazil)
One very long text about procrastination (2 pages) match each paragraph with the main topic give, and many other questions about this text, again all of them using a lot of synonyms.

2018-03-04: Section 4 (Brazil)
Simple text about Australian visa and questions of what the text said, like which visa needed payment, who didnt need visa, how long one could work with a visa… again all synonyms and paraphrasing.

2018-03-03: Section 1 (India; Saudi Arabia)
The fist text about: Day care center advertisement.

2018-03-03: Section 2 (India; Saudi Arabia)
True or false questions: things to do before booking an appointment with doctor.

2018-03-03: Section 3 (USA)
Questions about this text: Ad for Europe hotels for skiing.

2018-03-03: Section 3 (India; Saudi Arabia)
Questions about this text: importance of team work on projects in company.

2018-03-03: Section 4 (USA)
On procrastination give headings and notes completion in what eg are given in article.

2018-03-03: Section 4 (India; Saudi Arabia)
Matching Headings for Paragraphs regarding Skink and Lizards of New Zealand.

2018-03-03: Section 5 (India; Saudi Arabia)
True, False, Not Given about skink and lizards of New Zealand.

2018-02-10: Section 2 (Saudi Arabia)
Different hotel accommodation types and the facilitates they come with.

2018-02-10: Section 3 (Saudi Arabia)
Earlier navigation practices among sailors.

2018-02-01: Section 1 (India)
Work ethics for employees – Form completion and Sentence completion

2018-02-01: Section 2 (India)
Tidal Energy – Paragraph headings matching and one-word answer

2018-01-20: Section 1 (Colombia)
About couple that setup a website to get in touch with old school mates.

2018-01-06: Section 3 (India)
Egypt civilization – Clothing and adornment.