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Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 By Daivample White

IELTS Reading Question Type: Match Sentence Ending

Studying IELTS reading question types, such as match sentence ending, helps very much to speed up your answering in real test scenarios. IELTS organization has officially published all kinds of questions so that all test takers have the chance to be familiar with possible question types of test papers.

You can get question types from IELTS official website or related books. We get some samples here to demo the match sentence ending question type. Hopefully, these practices may give you a hand to build stronger skills to answer this sort of question.

Students' Problem
 Academic   Match Sentence Ending; True/False/Not Given
Reveal How To Think
 Academic   Multiple Choice; Yes/No/Not Given; Match Sentence Ending
What A Waste
 Academic   Match Sentence Ending; Multiple Choice; Summary/Note Completion
Is Science Dangerous
 Academic   True/False/Not Given; Short Answer; Match Sentence Ending; Multiple Choice
Unmasking Skin
 Academic   Identifying/Match Information; Multiple Choice; Match Sentence Ending; True/False/Not Given