Babies Learn Language
Summary/Note Completion; Yes/No/Not Given language
Identifying/Match Information; Summary/Note Completion calisthenics
Emergency Evacuation
Sentence Completion emergency; evacuation
Employment in Japan
Match Heading; Sentence Completion; Multiple Choice employment
End of Silver Screen
Match Heading; Summary/Note Completion movie
English courses
True/False/Not Given course
Flight Attendants Recruitment
Table Completion recruitment
Hours of Work
True/False/Not Given hour
Keyboard Operator Practice
Match Heading keyboard
Places To Visit
Identifying/Match Information visit
Safe Computer Use
Sentence Completion computer
Short Business Courses
True/False/Not Given course
The Earth
Identifying/Match Information; Sentence Completion earth
The Openings
Multiple Choice; True/False/Not Given Employee; job; opening
Travel To Australia
Table Completion; Sentence Completion travel
Universities in Britain
Match Heading; Short Answer; Identifying/Match Information university
What To Do In Fire
Sentence Completion; True/False/Not Given; Multiple Choice fire
Workplace Dismissals
Sentence Completion; Identifying/Match Information dismissal