IELTS Vocabulary Test by Dynamic SheetsNew test sheet  
To take the IELTS test, either for general or for academic, students must build strong vocabulary. Of course, the requirements may be different for various goals. For academic test-takers, who are planning to apply for top universities, we usually suggest them to prepare at least 10000 words before the test. Most of IELTS test takers are ESL (English as Second Language), obviously study and review a huge set of IELTS vocabulary isn't an easy job.

Clever guys leverage smart tools. Some great tools to study or review IELTS vocabulary are available online or offline. This app is one of them. It's a pure web app to evaluate your IELTS vocabulary level. The app has a built-in common level IELTS vocabulary of 1200 words, which are for IELTS test of both academic and general versions. It means you can launch IELTS vocabulary test online anytime, and don't worry about how to organize the test content or how to make the test sheet.

The basic feature of this app is to make IELTS word question sheets in dynamic and random. Then it shows the IELTS vocabulary test page to host question sheets and response online practice. It's a handy way for test-takers to check IELTS vocabulary skill. Besides, the app is as many IELTS online practice tools to offer lots of additional features. For example, you can save the result of each test to compare with previous data or even others' data. It indicates your level's progress and strengthens confidence in future IELTS test.

Showing dynamic question sheets and auto checking user's responses are the primary features of an online vocabulary test. No one ignores them, but don't miss other fantastic features that some are only in this app. The app is not only for test IELTS vocabulary; some students also use it to study and review words. When you try an online test sheet, you will get the correct answer if you failed a word. Meanwhile, you can choose to show an example sentence for each word. It's a convenient way to learn new words or review known words online.

By design, the app saves your test results on the cloud for further analyzing and comparing to run all functionalities. Thus, you should sign on at first to let your data store under your account. It's a free app. If you don't have an account yet, create one, then sign on, and run this handy IELTS vocabulary test app!
Questions and Answers
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n.  E.g. To wait in anxiety is perhaps the hardest thing in life; tea, tobacco, and hot baths are the possible anodynes.
Select answer:
utmost height; highest point of a mountain
concern something in state of painful uneasiness; state of restlessness and agitation
organ situated in floor of mouth; speech; language; clapper of bell
favorable or advantageous circumstance; chance for progress or advancement
doctrine or scheme of things; general or abstract principles of any science
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Usually a campus includes libraries, lecture halls, student residential areas and park-like settings.
Select answer:
field where the buildings of a university are situated
a group of people who try to influence legislation; hall; room; a large entrance or reception room or area
small area set off by walls for special use; booth
one who guards, preserves, or secures; one who has, or is entitled to custody of person or property
glandular organ which excretes urea and other waste products from the animal body
Don't select.
v.  E.g. If jury decided to convict him of manslaughter, he could face up to 20 years in prison.
Select answer:
determine the size of something; mark, lay out, or establish dimensions; estimate by evaluation or comparison
find or declare guilty
move over the surface with pressure and friction; spread a substance thinly over
pierce painfully with sharp pointed structure or organ; cause to suffer keenly in the mind or feelings
shield away from; prevent
Don't select.
a.  E.g. We were just remembering when our husky was a puppy; how small and cute is was.
Select answer:
related to school; not practical or directly useful; relating to scholarly organization; based on formal education
full of life; animated; necessary to continued existence; living or breathing
ingenious; delightfully pretty or dainty
consistent with; based on; using reason
having lost all hope; dangerous; extremely intense
Don't select.
n.  E.g. But the deal involves a fifteen billion euro cash injection, and may yet fall foul of regulators in Brussels.
Select answer:
punishment established by law or authority for a crime or offense; fine
any liquid, as water, milk, blood, sap, juice; alcoholic or spirituous fluid
low, prolonged sound; humming noise; singing with shut mouth
trunks, bags, parcels, and suitcases in which one carries one's belongings while traveling; luggage
act that violates of the rules of a sport
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The surviving pirate accused of taking an American ship captain hostage is here, and we're getting our first look at him.
Select answer:
prisoner who is held by one party to insure that another party will meet specified terms
talk without exchanging too much information; informal conversation
advantageous gain or return; income received from investments or property
public sale of property to the highest bidder
plan suggested for acceptance; a matter to be dealt with; subject for discussion or analysis
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The anti-tobacco lobby suspects that the tobacco industry is behind the weakening of many of the draft treaty provisions.
Select answer:
a fragment of any solid substance; old iron, or other metal, glass, paper; discarded material
a day or period of time for feasting and celebration
advantage; something that aids or promotes well-being ; welfare; gain
blow; light touch; sudden loss of consciousness for brain blood vessel lacking oxygen
a group of people who try to influence legislation; hall; room; a large entrance or reception room or area
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Every day her outfit is analyzed as if it were fashion week.
Select answer:
one appointed as the substitute of another, and empowered to act for him; substitute in office
disaster; event resulting in great loss and misfortune
a set of clothing, often with accessories; a set of tools or equipment for a specialized purpose
waste pipe that carries away sewage or surface water; someone who sews
central forward portion of the lower jaw; bottom of face
Don't select.
a.  E.g. One strong proof of my wretchedly defective nature is, that even her expostulations, so mild, so rational, have not influence to cure me of my faults.
Select answer:
nearly corresponding; somewhat like; having a general likeness
harsh or corrosive in tone; painful; acrid; acrimonious
remaining without essential change
in any way or manner whatever; at any rate; in any event
consistent with; based on; using reason
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Amrozi naively admitted his role in the attack, they said, but the law needs more than confessions, it needs evidence.
Select answer:
normal activity of a person in particular social setting; part played by a performer
money given as a guarantee or security
appearance of things; view, outlook, or vista
recession; economic slump; concavity in a surface produced by pressing ; sadness; low spirits
school for special instruction; society of scholars, scientists, or artists
Don't select.
a.  E.g. The buses that failed to run were those that were temporarily stuck in stubborn, icy patches.
Select answer:
solitary; by oneself
fairly large; important in effect or meaning
unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; persistent; difficult to treat
clean or orderly
pleasing to the senses, especially in a subtle way; easily hurt; very subtle in difference
Don't select.
n.  E.g. The trial of 21 medical workers, allegedly linked to an outbreak of the HIV virus in southern Kazakhstan, has begun.
Select answer:
room for baby; area in a household set apart for the use of children
experiment; act of testing; examination of evidence to determine the charges or claims
printed and bound book that is an extended work of fiction
position at which two lines, surfaces, or edges meet and form an angle
one who has attained maturity or legal age; fully grown
Don't select.

Test your vocabulary by levels:
USA middle school and high school;
common English skill exams: SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS.
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