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Want to know your IELTS vocabulary level? Try the Test Page. You can also Report My Test to us; Our tutors may view your testing and give you a suggestion. It is a FREE service.
 By Amy Bush Cy

Download IELTS Vocabulary PDF

1. Download IELTS Vocabulary PDF from Internet
If you search IELTS vocabulary PDF before by Google, Bing, or any other search engines, lots of results should show in front of you. Happy? Yes, but usually just a few minutes. When you click these results and download related PDFs, you probably disappoint again, again, and again.

What you download are indeed IELTS vocabulary PDF files, but not suitable for your case, or say, they aren't the things you are seeking. As we know, preparing IELTS words is a personalized job because everyone has an individual vocabulary base. Although we are all talking about build IELTS vocabulary, its actual contents or words to learn, to review, and even to spell are different among each of us.

If you open an IELTS vocabulary PDF by random, you may find that it's too easy, lots of words you already knew, you don't want to waste time on them; or, it's too hard and supposed for mark 7 or higher, but your goal is just to pass with score 5 or 6, and you don't have enough time to do the extra job.

Even if the downloaded PDF file's words are right for your scenario, you probably still don't satisfy with it. For example, it explains by English; as an ESL student, you used to learn new English words by definition in your mother language, so you hope to have bilingual definitions for each word.

It is why you can hardly get an existing IELTS vocabulary PDF that exactly matches your requirement. Although it's easy to download IELTS vocabulary PDFs, you should be cautious before using them. Vocabulary is the main foundation of your IELTS test, a wrong vocabulary not only wastes time and effort but possibly hurts your final score.

If you do like to try an existing PDF vocabulary list, we prepare a small IELTS word list PDF: IELTS 1200 Words in 30 Days. It contains essential words, the first level of 4000 IELTS academic words. This IELTS vocabulary PDF is free to download.

IELTS 1200 Words in 30 Days

If you prefer to Ebook, we published IELTS Academic Words (4000/6000) in main ebook marketplaces.

Apple iBookKoboBarnes & NobleAmazon Kindle

We created below PDF files by groups for some popular vocabularies. The academic ones are with second language definitions. If you sign on by VIP account, you can download them. For common visitors, the first three groups are available to download free.

4000 IELTS Academic Words List (V4 - old version/2020)
(Want to print new 4000/6000 IELTS Academic Words? please go to Section 3.)
500 IELTS Vocabulary
IELTS General Words List
2. Make and Download Own IELTS Vocabulary PDF
Now that IELTS vocabulary PDF is a personalized requirement, we suggest you make a customized version. This file only contains words you want to study or review so that you don't spend one second on either known words or unnecessary words. This PDF will maximize the effort to build your IELTS vocabulary.

This idea is easy to implement based on the IELTS word lists of our website. At, 6 IELTS word lists are available to be your PDF vocabulary source. The steps are as following:
  • Choose one list that closes to your requirement as possible;
  • Copy words and definitions whatever you need;
  • Delete useless content or edit content on demand;
  • Produce the PDF file that only has your content.
(Since Oct 10, 2019, Only VIP account can access all groups of each vocabulary on, other users may get some limits except the first group of each vocabulary.)

To make and download your PDF, you need a little knowledge about the Editor and the Internet. We show you an example in the following demonstration.

Steps to Make and Download PDF
Here we show you how to make and download a personalized IELTS vocabulary PDF file. As an example, we select 500 IELTS Vocabulary as a source of the new PDF file. The website provides 4 IELTS vocabularies, which are very different among sizes and levels. You need to spend some hours or days deciding which is the best one to invest your effort in.

We take 500 IELTS Vocabulary to demonstrate. These 500 words are a must-have for most IELTS academic test-takers, so the small vocabulary usually is a pilot list for IELTS vocabulary builders. This list includes definitions in multiple languages, and we choose Japanese meaning to append on each word.

500 IELTS Vocabulary is categorized as five groups, the pages with Japanese definition shown as links:
Open the first group, copy its contents - words and explanations only - to an editor, e.g., MS Words. Then edit and save. (For example, we delete the title and comment.)

Now we have to use a PDF maker to produce the final file. We can search for free PDF makers on the Internet. Actually, there are lots of resources to convert a text file or Word file to a PDF file.

Also, Google Drive is a handy tool to convert TXT to PDF format. If you are familiar with it, don't hesitate to leverage it. View in YouTube

The rest things are as instructions of the online PDF converter: upload file you edited and saved; then, after the PDF file is produced, you can download it.

This procedure is quite straightforward. Do step by step as instructions: upload the Word file that we get by copy/paste/edit to the online converter, then download PDF file after it is available. In this way, we produce a personalized IELTS vocabulary PDF with a little cost. Dislike this file? Or want to update this file? Just repeat the same procedure, another IELTS vocabulary PDF will be made and downloaded in a few minutes.

What Does My PDF Look Like
We already uploaded the PDF we just made to; the file was based on 500 IELTS Vocabulary (Group 1) with Japanese definition. You can Download IELTS Vocabulary PDF to preview.

Centralized PDF resources
The website also provides a centralized PDF hub to help students get and make their own PDF word list:

3. Save or Print IELTS Vocabularies of the Website
Below are all links to print IELTS words based on 4 IELTS vocabularies of the website or save them as PDF; each group has a separate link to launch a word list page where you have two options to print/save.

4000 IELTS Academic Words
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10Group 11Group 12
6000 IELTS Academic Words
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8
500 IELTS Vocabulary
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5
4000 IELTS General Words List
Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4Group 5Group 6Group 7Group 8Group 9Group 10Group 11

If you are ESL (English as Second Language) student, check if your native language is among below buttons. Totally 9 languages are available to make PDF files for 3 IELTS vocabularies. By this feature you may merge definitions of native language to explanations in PDF.