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 By Pacific Lava

SAT Vocabulary 2024

This SAT words list is selected from native English media; most words have sentences and contexts on popular topics in 2024. The vocabulary is a valuable supplement to enhance SAT vocabulary skills. In addition to the picked example, each word has a handy link to access more sentences and meanings, which helps master new words precisely.

Actually, this web page shows all recent SAT vocabulary words (2022-2024). Words added within one year are labeled with a new badge.

This short vocabulary is just for hot words for current popular topics, so it's just a supplement to SAT vocabulary building. To meet the basic requirements of the SAT and the diverse circumstances of high school students, we recommend the below SAT/ACT lists to study on demand, which can effectively sharpen your reading and writing vocabulary.

Common SAT Vocabulary : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Hard SAT Words : 1  2  3  4  5

3500 ACT Vocabulary : 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  

Recent Added SAT Words:
sea stack
pitch in
the wide world
SAT Vocabulary 2022-2024

the wide world  New   Speak
n. places outside the small, familiar place
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accusation     Speak
n. a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong
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adapt  New   Speak
v. become adjusted to new conditions
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adjacent  New   Speak
a. close to or near something
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amalgamate     Speak
v. combine or unite to form one organization or structure
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antagonize     Speak
v. to cause someone to become hostile
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anthrax  New   Speak
n. a severe bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, and also transmissible to humans
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asphalt jungle  New   Speak
n. a big city or a specified part of a big city
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attune  New   Speak
v. make receptive or aware
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authentic  New   Speak
a. of undisputed origin; genuine
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autopsy  New   Speak
v. examine a dead body
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bang  New   Speak
n. a sudden loud noise
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biome  New   Speak
n. a region of the earth's surface and the particular combination of climate
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botanical  New   Speak
a. relating to plants
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boutique     Speak
n. a small store selling fashionable clothes or accessories
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brazen     Speak
a. bold and without shame
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burrow  New   Speak
n. a hole or tunnel dug by a small animal
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bustling  New   Speak
a. (of a place) full of activity
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button eyes  New   Speak
n. n. (pl) small, shiny, round eyes, perhaps rather like those of a small cute animal
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camouflage  New   Speak
v. to conceal or disguise
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canonical  New   Speak
a. related to or according to a rule, principle, or law
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canopy  New   Speak
n. the uppermost trees or branches of the trees in a forest, forming a continuous layer of foliage
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carbon-date     Speak
v. to determine the age of an organic object by examining the relative proportions of the carbon isotopes
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carousel     Speak
n. a rotating machine or device, like a merry-go-round
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caste     Speak
n. a division of society based on differences in wealth, inherited rank or privilege, profession, occupation, or race
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centenary  New   Speak
n. the hundredth anniversary of a significant event
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chime  New   Speak
n. a melodious ringing sound, as produced by striking a bell
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chunk of  New   Speak
a. a part of something, especially a large part
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clandestine  New   Speak
n. marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy
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cobble  New   Speak
v. roughly assemble or put together something from available parts
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cockpit  New   Speak
n. a compartment for the pilot, and sometimes also the crew, in an aircraft
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collaborate     Speak
v. work jointly on an activity, especially to produce or create something
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collision  New   Speak
n. moving object or person striking violently against another
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communally  New   Speak
ad. by a group of people rather than an individual
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comparatively  New   Speak
ad. to a moderate degree as compared to something else; relatively elements
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compelling     Speak
a. interesting or exciting enough to keep your attention completely
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complimentary  New   Speak
a. given or supplied free of charge
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conjure  New   Speak
v. call upon a spirit or ghost to appear by means of a magic ritual.
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consolidate     Speak
v. make something physically stronger or more solid
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contagion     Speak
n. the communication of disease from one person to another by close contact
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contaminated     Speak
a. having been made impure by exposure to or addition of a poisonous or polluting substance
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contemplate  New   Speak
v. look thoughtfully for a long time at
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contender     Speak
n. a person or group competing with others to achieve something
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convergence  New   Speak
n. two or more things, ideas, etc., become similar or come together
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corona  New   Speak
n. the rarefied gaseous envelope of the sun and other stars
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cram  New   Speak
v. completely fill a place or container
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crushing  New   Speak
a. causing very great pain, difficulty, worry, damage, etc.; very serious
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crux     Speak
n. the decisive or most important point on the issue
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dearth  New   Speak
n. an inadequate supply; scarcity; lack
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decimate  New   Speak
v. kill a large number of something, or to reduce something severely
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deformable     Speak
a. capable of being reshaped
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deplete     Speak
v. use up the supply or resources of
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digest  New   Speak
v. understand or assimilate new information or the significance of something
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dismay     Speak
v. cause someone to feel distressed
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disperse  New   Speak
v. distribute or spread over a wide area
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disregard     Speak
v. pay no attention to; ignore
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distraction     Speak
n. extreme agitation of the mind or emotions
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draught  New   Speak
n. a current of air, such as one intruding into an enclosed space
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drudgery  New   Speak
n. hard boring work
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effigy     Speak
n. a sculpture or model of a person
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eke out  New   Speak
v. get by with difficulty or a struggle
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empathy  New   Speak
n. power of understanding and imaginatively entering into another person's feelings
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emporium  New   Speak
n. a large retail store selling a wide variety of goods
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equitable  New   Speak
a. fair and just in all the circumstances
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esoteric     Speak
a. likely to be understood by only a small number of people with specialized knowledge or interest
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ethical dimensions     Speak
n. the competency throughout the curriculum so that students will identify ethical principles in the analysis of social and political problems
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evocative  New   Speak
a. bringing strong images, memories, or feelings to mind
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evoke  New   Speak
v. call forth or up
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exocentric  New   Speak
a. being a construction which has no explicit head
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fair use  New   Speak
n. laws relating to the conditions in which someone can legally copy parts of a book, film, etc
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feed on  New   Speak
v. gain energy or strength from something
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flourishing  New   Speak
a. developing rapidly and successfully
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footprint  New   Speak
n. the amount of space on a surface that something
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foray     Speak
n. an initial and often tentative attempt to do something in a new field
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formulate  New   Speak
v. create or devise methodically
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fruition     Speak
n. the point at which a plan or project is realized
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generative  New   Speak
a. relating to or capable of production or reproduction
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glamorize     Speak
v. to make something seem desirable, especially spuriously so
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gloopy  New   Speak
a. of a thick and wet substance; looking, tasting, or feeling unpleasant
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granular  New   Speak
a. resembling or consisting of small grains or particles
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grapple     Speak
v. engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons
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groundwork  New   Speak
n. preliminary or basic work
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grueling     Speak
a. extremely tiring and demanding
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gummy  New   Speak
a. having the sticky properties of an adhesive
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halo  New   Speak
n. a ring of light around the head of a holy person or something
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harrowing  New   Speak
a. extremely disturbing or distressing; grievous
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haunt  New   Speak
v. be persistently and disturbingly present in (something)
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hemp  New   Speak
n. a tall widely cultivated Asian her
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herbicide  New   Speak
n. weed killers, used to control undesired plants
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hippie community  New   Speak
n. communities that encourage a simpler and more sustainable lifestyle
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holomorphic     Speak
a. of the same or similar form
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iconic  New   Speak
a. very famous or popular, especially being considered to represent particular opinions
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identification  New   Speak
n. the association or linking of one thing with another
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impairment     Speak
n. the act of spoiling something or making it weaker so that it is less effective
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implication     Speak
n. the action or state of being involved in something
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inadvertently  New   Speak
ad. without knowledge or intent
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incinerate  New   Speak
v. cause to burn to ashes
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incredibly  New   Speak
ad. to a great degree, extremely or unusually
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incubate  New   Speak
v. keep (eggs, cells, etc.) at a suitable temperature so that they develop.
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inferior     Speak
n. a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability
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infringement  New   Speak
n. a breach or infraction, as of a law, right, or obligation; violation
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insular  New   Speak
a. isolated, limited in an island
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inter     Speak
v. place (a corpse) in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites
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interconversion     Speak
n. the conversion of two things into each other
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intermediary     Speak
n. a person who acts as a link between people in order to try to bring about an agreement
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intertwine  New   Speak
v. twist or be twisted together
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Intriguingly  New   Speak
ad. in a manner that arouses one's curiosity or interest
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inundate  New   Speak
v. to flood an area with water
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jacquard     Speak
n. a type of cloth with a pattern woven made by crossing threads on a particular frame into it
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lancet     Speak
n. a small, broad two-edged surgical knife or blade with a sharp point
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lead the charge     Speak
v. to be one of the first to do something and lead them to do it too
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lexicography  New   Speak
n. the practice of compiling dictionaries
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ley line     Speak
n. an imaginary line between some important places such as hills, believed to be where there were very old paths
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liable  New   Speak
a. having responsibility for something or someone
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lichen  New   Speak
n. a plantlike organism that typically forms a low crusty, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks
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lockdown     Speak
n. a condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area
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look away  New   Speak
v. put (something) in a locked container, place
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lounge  New   Speak
n. a public room, as in a hotel, theater, or club, in which to sit and relax
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malevolent     Speak
a. having or showing a wish to do evil to others
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masticate  New   Speak
v. grind or crush (food) with or as if with the teeth
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medieval  New   Speak
a. relating to the Middle Ages
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meticulously  New   Speak
ad. in a precise and thorough way, sometimes to an excessive degree
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monochrome  New   Speak
a. of, relating to, or made with a single color or hue
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monstrous  New   Speak
a. having an ugly or frightening appearance
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motif     Speak
n. a decorative design or pattern
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mutation  New   Speak
n. the way in which genes change and produce permanent differences
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namesake     Speak
n. a person or thing that has the same name as another
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nocturnal  New   Speak
a. of, relating to, or occurring in the night
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oddity     Speak
n. a strange or peculiar person, thing, or trait
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odyssey     Speak
n. a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience
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ornate      Speak
a. made in an intricate shape or decorated with complex patterns
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overhead     Speak
n. business expenses not chargeable to a particular part of the work or product
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palette     Speak
n. a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colors
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papal     Speak
a. relating to the position or authority of the Pope
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pathogen  New   Speak
n. an organism causing disease to its host
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peek out  New   Speak
v. to stick out slightly and be partly seen
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penury  New   Speak
a. a cramping and oppressive lack of resources, as money
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perception     Speak
n. the ability to see, hear or become aware of something through the senses
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perspective     Speak
n. the appearance to the eye of objects in respect to their relative distance and positions
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photovoltaic     Speak
a. relating to the production of electric current at the junction of two substances exposed to light
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physique  New   Speak
n. the form or shape of the human body
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pitch in  New   Speak
v. start to do something as part of a group
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pitch something into     Speak
v. to throw, toss, or discard something casually into something else
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pivot     Speak
v. to turn on; to adapt or improve by adjusting or modifying something
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plantation  New   Speak
n. a large farm or estate in a tropical or semitropical zone, typically by enslaved, unpaid
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poster child  New   Speak
n. someone or something that is used to represent a particular quality
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precious  New   Speak
a. of great value, not to be wasted or treated carelessly
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premix  New   Speak
n. a substance or product consisting of ready-mixed elements
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prescient  New   Speak
a. having or showing knowledge of events before they take place
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pressing     Speak
a. urgently important
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prevalence  New   Speak
n. the fact that something existing or happening often
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promote     Speak
v. help bring something into being; launch
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proximity  New   Speak
n. nearness in space, time, or relationship
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psyche  New   Speak
n. the human soul, mind, or spirit
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quirk  New   Speak
n. a peculiar behavioral habit
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resilient  New   Speak
a. able to be happy, successful
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revitalize  New   Speak
v. restore something to life or give it new life
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runoff  New   Speak
n. liquid, especially water or rainwater, that flows off or drains away
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safari     Speak
n. an expedition to observe or hunt animals in their natural habitat, especially in East Africa
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sag     Speak
v. decline to a lower level, usually temporarily
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satirical  New   Speak
a. critical, and mocking another's weaknesses
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scarce  New   Speak
a. insufficient for the demand
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scattered  New   Speak
a. occurring or found at intervals or various locations rather than all together
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sea stack  New   Speak
n. a tall piece of rock sticking out of the sea near the coast
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set piece     Speak
n. a scene, depiction, speech, or event that is obviously designed to have an imposing effect
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severance  New   Speak
n. the official ending of an agreement; a separation or cut of some kind
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shriek  New   Speak
v. utter a high-pitched piercing sound or words
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silver bullet     Speak
n. a simple solution to a complicated problem
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sip  New   Speak
v. drink, taking only a very small amount at a time
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skeleton  New   Speak
n. an internal or external framework of bone
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sleek     Speak
a. having a smooth well-groomed look; having trim graceful lines
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slime  New   Speak
n. a moist, soft, and slippery substance
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small pocket  New   Speak
n. small, isolated patch, group, or area
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snugly  New   Speak
ad. in a comfortable, warm, and cozy or well-protected manner
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sobering  New   Speak
a. creating a more serious, sensible, or solemn mood
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solitude  New   Speak
n. the quality or state of being alone or far off from society
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spore  New   Speak
n. reproductive cell capable of developing into a new individual
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spotlight  New   Speak
n. a lamp projecting a narrow, intense beam of light directly onto a place or person
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stagnant     Speak
a. having no flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence
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stake  New   Speak
n. a sum of money or something else of value gambled on the outcome of a risky
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stark  New   Speak
a. unpleasantly clear and obvious
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subtlety  New   Speak
n. a small but important detail
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surfactant  New   Speak
n. surface-active agent, when added to a liquid, reduces its surface tension
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surveillance  New   Speak
n. close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal
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taciturn  New   Speak
a. reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little
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terrain  New   Speak
n. a geographic area
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tether  New   Speak
v. tie an animal with a rope or chain so as to restrict its movement
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texture  New   Speak
n. the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance
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thaw  New   Speak
v. become liquid or soft as a result of warming
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tome  New   Speak
n. a book, especially a large, heavy, scholarly one
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tonne  New   Speak
n. a unit of weight in the metric system, equal to 1,000 kilograms
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townscape  New   Speak
n. a scene or view, either pictorial or natural, of a town or city
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tract  New   Speak
n. a system of connected tubes and organs with a particular function inside the body
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tranquil  New   Speak
a. free from disturbance; calm
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transcribe     Speak
v. put (thoughts, speech, or data) into written or printed form
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turn out  New   Speak
v. prove to be the case
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turquoise  New   Speak
n. a greenish-blue color
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undemonstrative  New   Speak
a, not tending to express feelings
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unravel  New   Speak
v. investigate and solve or explain
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vegan     Speak
n. a person who does not eat any food derived from animals
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venue     Speak
n. the place where something happens, especially an organized event
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vertiginous  New   Speak
a. causing or experiencing the feeling that everything is spinning around
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viability  New   Speak
n. the ability to live, grow, and develop
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vintage     Speak
a. relating to or denoting wine of high quality
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volley     Speak
n. a number of bullets, arrows, or other projectiles discharged at one time
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vulnerability  New   Speak
n. of being easily hurt or attacked
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warped  New   Speak
a. bent or twisted out of shape
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wary  New   Speak
a. feeling or showing caution about possible dangers
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wreckage  New   Speak
n. remains of something that has been badly damaged or destroyed
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