Hard SAT Words - Group 4

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 Hard SAT Words - Group 4View Group Words   
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a. hard; inflexible; obstinate; sour in aspect

Spelling Word: dour
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v. to honor with a title or description

Spelling Word: dub
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n. inner excitement or exuberance; process of bubbling as gas escapes

Spelling Word: effervescence
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n. omission of words from text; mark or series of marks used in writing to indicate omission

Spelling Word: ellipsis
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v. adorn richly with prominent markings; make illustrious; celebrate

Spelling Word: emblazon
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v. encode; convert plain message into code

Spelling Word: encipher
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v. form a circle about; enclose within a circle or ring; surround

Spelling Word: encircle
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v. settle oneself securely or comfortably; place or conceal in secure place

Spelling Word: ensconce
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n. witty thought or saying, usually short; short, witty poem expressing a single thought or observation

Spelling Word: epigram
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v. avoid, shun

Spelling Word: eschew