aback | ad. by surprise; behind; in the rear |
abdication | n. the act of giving up or renouncing a right, office, or position of power etc. |
ability | n. capacity; skill |
ablaze | a. burning; radiant; bright; keenly excited ; resembling flame in brilliance or color |
abolish | v. cancel; put an end to; destroy completely |
abolitionist | n. a reformer who favors abolishing slavery |
abound | v. be full of; be plentiful |
abrupt | a. broken off; very steep; having sudden transitions from one subject to another |
absorb | v. assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; occupy full attention |
abut | v. border upon; adjoin; touch or end at one end or side; lie adjacent |
academician | n. a scholar who is skilled in academic disputation |
access | n. approach; entry; entrance |
accessibility | n. attribute of being easy to meet or deal with |
accessory | n. additional object; useful but not essential thing; subordinate or supplementary item |
acclaim | v. applaud; announce with great approval |
accompaniment | n. act of accompanying someone or something |
accompanying | a. attendant; concomitant |
accomplishment | n. achievement; fulfillment |
accordion | n. a portable box-shaped free-reed instrument; reeds that are made to vibrate by air from the bellows controlled by the player |
account | n. narrative or record of events; reason given for a particular action or event |
accredit | v. authorize; commission; give credit for |
accumulation | n. act of gathering or amassing, as into a heap or pile |
acquiesce | v. consent or comply passively or without protest; assent |
acquisition | n. act of contracting or assuming or acquiring possession of something |
addict | v. cause someone to become dependent; indulge in; be devoted to |
addictive | a. causing or characterized by addiction |
additive | n. addition; supplement |
adjacent | a. adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near |
adjoin | v. be next to; be contiguous to; border on |
adobe | n. clay; brick ;sun-dried brick; structure built with this type of brick |
adolescent | n. a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity; |
adopt | v. accept; take on; raise; take into one's family |
adoption | n. accepting with approval; favorable reception |
advent | n. coming or arrival, especially of something extremely important |
affectionately | ad. with affection; lovingly; fondly; tenderly; kindly |
affiliate | n. A person, organization, or establishment associated with another, as a subordinate, subsidiary, or member |
affliction | n. cause or condition of pain, suffering, or distress |
affluent | a. generously supplied with money, property, or possessions; prosperous or rich; plentiful; abundant |
affordable | a. able to pay for |
agitation | n. anxiety; extreme emotional disturbance |
air | v. be broadcast on television or radio |
airborne | a. aloft; flying; in the air |
aisle | n. a passageway between rows of seats or shelves |
aka | ad. as known or named at another time or place; also known as |
alignment | n. arrangement; association; alliance |
allocate | v. assign; distribute according to plan |
alloy | v. combine; mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate |
ally | n. confederate; partner; collaborator |
aloof | a. apart; remote in manner; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote |
altar | n. elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered |
amaze | v. astonish; affect with wonder |
amazing | a. awesome; astounding; surprising |
ambitious | a. aspiring; having a strong desire for success or achievement |
amend | v. change for the better; improve; remove faults or errors |
amendment | n. correction; revision |
amplification | n. addition of extra material or illustration or clarifying detail |
amplify | v. broaden or clarify by expanding; intensify; make larger or more powerful; increase |
amputee | n. a person who has had one or more limbs removed by amputation |
analogous | a. comparable; similar or alike |
analyze | v. diagnose; examine |
anatomy | n. detailed analysis; branch of morphology that deals with the structure of animals |
ancestral | a. inherited or inheritable by established rules |
anew | ad. once more; again; in a new and different way |
annex | v. append or attach; take possession of; incorporate into an existing political unit |
annihilate | v. destroy completely; reduce to nonexistence |
annoying | a. bothersome; troublesome; irritating |
annualize | v. adjust or calculate so as to reflect a rate that is based on a full year |
anoint | v. apply oil, ointment, or a similar substance to; choose by or as if by divine intervention |
antedate | v. be earlier in time; go back further |
antenna | n. metallic apparatus for sending or receiving electromagnetic waves |
anthology | n. book of literary selections by various authors |
antibiotic | a. of or relating to chemical substance that kills microorganisms and cures infections |
anticipate | v. act in advance of; deal with ahead of time; predict |
antique | n. any furniture old and valuable; out of fashion |
apartheid | n. a policy or practice of separating or segregating groups |
apex | n. highest point; the vertex; usually pointed end of an object; the tip |
appeal | n. attraction; charm; attract; fascinate; challenge |
appealing | a. attractive; charming |
appease | v. bring peace, quiet, or calm to; satisfy or relieve |
appetite | n. instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink |
applaud | v. acclaim; express approval, especially by clapping the hands |
application | n. close attention; work of applying something; verbal or written request for assistance |
appoint | v. designate; nominate |
appraisal | n. assessment; evaluation; the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth |
appreciable | a. considerable; perceptible |
appreciate | v. be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of |
approach | n. access; method |
appropriate | v. acquire; take possession of for one's own use; set apart for specific use |
approximate | v. approach; come near |
approximately | ad. about; roughly |
aquatic | a. consisting of, relating to, or being in water |
arc | n. continuous portion of a circle; something curved in shape |
archipelago | n. a large group of islands; a sea, containing a large number of scattered islands |
arduous | a. demanding great effort or labor; difficult |
arid | a. lacking moisture, especially having insufficient rainfall to support trees or woody plants |
armory | n. arsenal; a place where arms are manufactured |
arrangement | n. composition; order |
arsenal | n. stock or supply, usually of weapons |
ascending | a. climbing; rising |
ascent | n. the act of rising or going upward |
asphyxiate | v. deprive of oxygen to the extent of producing death or very serious symptoms; suffocate |
aspiration | n. ambition; longing |
aspiring | a. ambitious; enthusiastic |
assault | n. attack; onslaught |
assemblage | n. a group of persons together in one place |
assert | v. declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly |
assess | v. estimate value; judge worth of something |
assessment | n. act of judging or assessing; amount determined as payable |
assistance | n. activity of contributing to fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose |
assuredly | ad. certainly; undoubtedly |
astonished | a. amazed; surprised |
astound | v. affect with wonder; surprise; shock |
astronaut | n. person to pilot, navigate, or as a crew member of spacecraft |
astronomer | n. a physicist who studies astronomy |
astronomy | n. branch of physics that studies celestial bodies and universe as a whole |
asylum | n. a place offering protection and shelter |
at loggerheads | ad. engaged in a dispute |
atom | n. a tiny piece of anything; the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element |
atrial | a. of or pertaining to an atrium, especially the upper chambers of the heart |
atrocity | n. extreme criminality or cruelty; quality of being shockingly cruel and inhumane |
attachment | n. a bond, as of affection or loyalty; fond regard; supplementary part; accessory |
attain | v. achieve or accomplish; gain |
attend | v. be present at; go to; take care of; tend |
attendance | n. act of being present |
attendant | n. aide; servant; accompanying; person who participates in a meeting |
attendee | n. person who is present and participates in a meeting |
attention | n. act or state of attending or heeding; application of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or thought |
attraction | n. appeal; a characteristic that provides pleasure and attracts |
attractive | a. appealing; pleasing; inviting; tempting |
auditorium | n. area of theater or concert hall where audience sits |
authenticity | n. quality of being genuine or trustworthy |
autobiography | n. biography or story written by yourself |
available | a. convenient for use or disposal; not busy, free; obtainable; accessible |
avalanche | n. fall or slide of a large mass, as of snow or rock, down a mountainside |
avenue | n. a method or means by which something may be accomplished |
avian | n. thin A bird-like or flying creature |
aviation | n. design, development, and production of aircraft |
avocation | n. activity taken up in addition to one's regular work or profession, usually for enjoyment |
awake | v. rouse from sleep;stir the interest of; excite |
awkward | a. difficult to handle or manage |