Online Resources for TOEFL Test

This is a resource hub for preparing for the TOEFL, including tips, online practices, sample questions, and various vocabularies for writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
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 Online practices, Wordlists, and Tips
  TOEFL Speaking Online Practice
With 100 built-in common sample questions, the online practice web app imitates the mode of TOEFL Speaking Question 1 to offer timing exercises; in addition, you can also load questions from other sources.
  TOEFL Writing Test Types & Topics
In TOEFL test, integrated writing and academic discussion writing are respectively 20 and 10 minutes; understand their structures and topics, and practice in advance are the key to getting a good score.
  TOEFL Speaking Test Types & Tips
TOEFL iBT speaking test includes 4 questions; each question focuses on separate speaking skills. This page introduces the test structure to help you prepare them.
  TOEFL Words Spelling for Writing Test
The interactive spelling tool covers each word of our TOEFL vocabularies, some of them show non-English definitions too; these spelling pages are organized as groups.
  TOEFL Integrated Writing Questions 2024
New TOEFL integrated writing questions from test-takers and the Internet, it's a good resource to understand writing topics and prepare for your TOEFL writing test.
  TOEFL Academic Discussion Writing 2024
The page is to practice TOEFL writing questions for an Academic Discussion, a 10-minute writing test assignment. The list is selected from the recent test information.
  TOEFL Listening Practice Online
TOEFL IBT listening test has two parts, conversations and lectures; both are from the North American campus dialogue, which is around 3-6 minutes.
  TOEFL Reading Practice Online
TOEFL iBT reading has 3 content categories and 10 question types: such as factual information, negative factual information, inference, rhetorical purpose, vocabulary.
  10 Common Questions for TOEFL
TOEFL introduction: 10 common questions to draw a big picture of TOEFL for test-takers, a start point for TOEFL test takers to understand the exam in 5 minutes.
  Resources to Build TOEFL Vocabulary
It's resources to build TOEFL vocabulary, including various vocabularies for different scenarios, as well as apps and tips that help your working more effectively.
  TOEFL Single Choice Word Quizzes
One dynamic TOEFL vocabulary practice sheet of ten words, each word has four options to match; these single choice word quizzes can be launched for groups of all TOEFL vocabularies. [class] experience
  Print TOEFL Vocabulary Cards and Flashcards
Printable TOEFL vocabulary cards and flashcards organized by website's 4 TOEFL vocabularies, some are with non-English definitions, handy resources to print TOEFL cards on demand.
  Download Customized TOEFL Vocabulary PDF
Download existing or customized TOEFL vocabulary PDF files, show you how to make your PDF files from 4 available TOEFL vocabularies of the website step by step.
  TOEFL Listening Practice Tips
These are nine essential tips about how to do before or during the TOEFL listening test; if test takers know and follow the tips, they will get different results
  TOEFL Reading Practice Tips
Introduce basic ways for TOEFL iBT reading test: reading to find information, reading for basic comprehension, and synthesis, as well as real tested topics in readings.
 2024 New TOEFL Words
New TOEFL Vocabulary 2022-2024

abode  New   Speak
n. a place of residence; a house or home
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accommodation  New   Speak
n. temporary lodgings, sometimes also including board
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accumulation     Speak
n. the acquisition or gradual gathering of something
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ambiguity  New   Speak
n. the quality of being open to more than one interpretation, inexactness
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annotate     Speak
v. make critical or explanatory notes or comment
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aside  New   Speak
ad. used to indicate that one is dismissing something from consideration
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aspiration     Speak
n. a hope or ambition of achieving something
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avenue     Speak
n. a way of approaching a problem or making progress toward something
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avid  New   Speak
a. very eager and enthusiastic
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be in the grip of     Speak
v. to be experiencing a very unpleasant situation that cannot be controlled or stopped
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biomass     Speak
n. the total mass of organisms in a given area or volume
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bot     Speak
n. an autonomous program on the internet that can interact with systems or users
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breaking wheel     Speak
n. was a torture method used for public execution, primarily in Europe before 18 century
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buff     Speak
n. a person who is enthusiastically interested in and very knowledgeable about a particular subject
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bulk production     Speak
n. the final product being produced based on the mass order requirements
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bunk  New   Speak
n. a narrow shelflike bed, typically one of two or more arranged one on top of the other
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bustle  New   Speak
n. excited activity and movement
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captivate     Speak
v. attract and hold the interest and attention of; charm
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carbon footprint  New   Speak
n. amount of carbon emissions with all the activities of something
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chalk     Speak
n. a soft white limestone formed from the skeletal remains of sea creatures
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cheeky     Speak
a. boldly rude, impudent, or disrespectful in usually a playful or appealing way
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clock     Speak
v. to time with a stopwatch or by an electric timing device
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competent     Speak
a. having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully
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controversy  New   Speak
n. a lot of disagreement or argument
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coursework     Speak
n. written or practical work done by a student during a course of study
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covalent     Speak
n. relating to or denoting chemical bonds formed by the sharing of electrons between atoms
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cryptically     Speak
ad. in a way that is mysterious and difficult to understand
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cue     Speak
n. a signal to someone, like a performer, to begin a specific speech or action
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daunt     Speak
v. make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive
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decay  New   Speak
v. decline in quality, power, or vigor
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