TOEFL Vocabulary Cards and Flashcards

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 By Pacific Lava

Print TOEFL Vocabulary Cards and Flashcards

1. Overview
Every TOEFL test taker has to prepare vocabulary before test day. Study and review English words take much time for EFL (English as a Foreign Language) people. Some people used to study English words by flashcards since their first English class in elementary school. A familiar tool, flashcards, may make things easier for them to improve productivity in building TOEFL vocabulary.

If you plan to use flashcards to prepare TOEFL words, the first step is to look for a set of flashcards that matches your current vocabulary level and test goal. It seems simple, but actually, it is not easy. At either Internet or book stores, you may get some flashcard sets; however, you can hardly have one to meet with your circumstance exactly. As a matter of fact, only a few lucky people can find out a flashcard set that is with 70 percent words useful.

Prepare TOEFL vocabulary is a personalized job. An existing flashcard set hardly reflects your requirement. Too easy flashcards will waste your time because of lots of known words. On the other hand, too hard flashcards will drop your efficiency because you possibly miss some higher frequency words. So we recommend you create your flashcards to prepare TOEFL test.

We implement two types of flashcard for all TOEFL vocabularies in this web site: one-sided and double-sided.

On every group's word-list page, you can see two buttons: Card and Flashcard. They respectively launch a one-sided card sheet and double-sided flashcard sheet.

Let's take TOEFL Words with Synonyms as an example to show how to print TOEFL flashcards. TOEFL Words with Synonyms has four groups; we take the first group as an example.

2. Hub of TOEFL Cards and Flashcards
We have 4 TOEFL vocabularies; anyone of them can be used to make cards or flashcards. We suggest choosing the 5000/6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List to work because a large list usually covers small ones, and you don't need to resolve overlay among multiple word lists.

5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List is an excellent candidate to print cards. Its all words are categorized into 4 levels and 16 groups. We show links of one-sided cards of the first two groups.
Below are quick accesses to print one-sided cards and double-sided flashcards of all 4 TOEFL vocabularies on the website by the group. (If you don't sign on as a VIP account, only the first group has full words, the others just show a few words as samples.)

5000 TOEFL Vocabulary List
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 6's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 7's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 8's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 9's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 10's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 11's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 12's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 13's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 14's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 15's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 16's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
300 TOEFL Writing Vocabulary
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 5's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 6's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
TOEFL Words with Synonyms
Group 1's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 2's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 3's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided
Group 4's Flashcards:
One-sided   Double-sided

3. Cards and Flashcards for ESL Students
Considering that EFL (English as Second Language) students usually learn English through their native language, here all TOEFL vocabularies offer definitions of 9 non-English languages. When print personalized cards, you may include non-English definitions together only if your mother language is available.

The 6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List is an excellent list to show how to print TOEFL cards/flashcards with other languages. This list has additional definitions in 9 languages, which you can include in flashcards. We show some links of double-sided flashcards with explanations in Chinese, Russian, and Arabic below. They are for the first group.

6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List's double-sided flashcards with Chinese.6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List's double-sided flashcards with Russian.6000 TOEFL Vocabulary List's double-sided flashcards with Arabic.If your home language is among the following buttons, try it, you will see all groups of 4 TOEFL vocabularies by which you can print cards or flashcards with bilingual explanations.