Level 3 - 1 - Printable Flashcards
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(For each sublist, we show the first 20 words as a sample.) |
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Total words: 300 |
TOEFL Vocabulary Level 3 - 1: Print Flashcard |
abandon | n. lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm |
abide | v. endure; put up with; bear; tolerate |
abolition | n. ending; act of abolishing; act of doing away with |
absent | a. go away or leave; missing; not present |
absenteeism | n. habitual not to appear, especially for work or other regular duty |
abundantly | ad. in great numbers; in a plentiful or sufficient degree; plentifully |
acceleration | n. a faster rate of improvement; the rate of change of velocity to time |
accessible | a. easily approached or entered; obtainable; easy to talk to or get along with |
accident | n. an event that takes place without one's foresight or expectation; sudden, and unexpected event |
accidentally | ad. inadvertently; by chance; casually; fortuitously; not essentially or intrinsically |
accommodate | v. do a favor or service for; provide for; supply with; make suitable; adapt; allow for |
accomplish | v. succeed in doing; bring to pass; achieve; reach the end of; complete |
accumulation | n. increase by natural growth or addition; concentration |
accusation | n. indictment; charge of wrongdoing that is made against a person or other party |
accustomed | a. habitual to; used to; frequently practiced, used, or experienced; customary |
achieve | v. gain with effort; accomplish; fulfill |
acquaint | v. inform about; cause to come to know personally; make familiar |
acquire | v. gain through experience or effort; gain possession of; locate with a tracking system |
actively | ad. energetically; vigorously; voluntarily, not passively |
adaptable | a. flexible; becoming or being made suitable to a particular situation or use |