surpass | v. exceed; to go beyond in degree or quality |
survive | v. continue to live; endure or last |
susceptible | a. easily influenced or affected; especially sensitive |
sustain | v. keep in existence; maintain; supply with necessities or nourishment; provide for |
sustained | a. continued; maintained at length without interruption or weakening |
sustenance | n. act of sustaining; something, especially food, that sustains life or health |
swarm | n. dense moving crowd; large group of honeybees |
swear | v. affirm or utter a solemn declaration; make promise or resolve on oath |
swell | v. bulge; expand abnormally; increase in size; become filled with pride or anger |
swelling | n. becoming puffy as from internal bleeding or accumulation of other fluids |
swoop | v. move in a sudden sweep; fly or glide downwards suddenly |
sworn | a. having been asserted as true under oath |
syllable | n. a unit of spoken language larger than a phoneme |
symmetry | n. arrangement of parts so that balance is obtained; congruity |
sympathize | v. be understanding of; feel or express sympathy or compassion |
sympathy | n. compassion; pity; concern |
symptomatic | a. indicative, relating to a symptom |
synthesis | n. combining parts into a coherent whole; putting of two or more things togethe |
synthetic | a. artificial; involving or of the nature of synthesis as opposed to analysis |
syrup | n. a thick sweet sticky liquid |