Hard TOEFL Words - Group 13

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 Hard TOEFL Words - Group 13View Group Words   
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n. craft, especially one larger than a rowboat, designed to navigate on water

Spelling Word: vessel
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n. capable of normal growth and development

Spelling Word: viability
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a. active; energetic; lively

Spelling Word: vibrant
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n. conqueror; winner

Spelling Word: victor
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n. effectiveness, efficiency, or validity

Spelling Word: vigour
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v. make vicious and defamatory statements about; attempt to degrade by slander; defame

Spelling Word: vilify
Read [Esc] (7)
ad. almost completely; practically; essentially

Spelling Word: virtually
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n. capacity; amount of space occupied by an object

Spelling Word: volume
Read [Esc] (9)
n. depot; storehouse for goods and merchandise

Spelling Word: warehouse
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n. region of land within which water flows down into a specified body; critical point marking a change in course or development

Spelling Word: watershed