Hard TOEFL Words - Group 5

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 Hard TOEFL Words - Group 5View Group Words   
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a. departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern

Spelling Word: eccentric
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n. a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status

Spelling Word: elite
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n. a superfluous ornament; elaboration by the use of decorative detail

Spelling Word: embellishment
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v. decorate with needlework; add details to

Spelling Word: embroider
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a. charming; tending to draw attention or affections

Spelling Word: engaging
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n. an intricate trap that ensnares its victim

Spelling Word: entanglement
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n. corrosion; a gradual decline of something

Spelling Word: erosion
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v. be superior; distinguish oneself

Spelling Word: excel
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n. cloth; stuff; artifact made by weaving or synthetic fibers; structure; framework

Spelling Word: fabric
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n. capacity to attract intense interest

Spelling Word: fascination