drove: n. [eclecticism] a crowd of people in motion; a number of oxen, sheep | dwarf: v. [बौना] cause to seem small; check natural growth or development of |
dynamic: a. [गतिशील] energetic; vigorously active | dynamite: n. [डायनामाइट] explosive substance consisting of nitroglycerin |
earring: n. [बाली] ornament consisting of a ring passed through the lobe of the ear, with or without a pendant | eavesdrop: v. [छिपकर बातें सुनना] stand under eaves, near a window or door, to listen to what is said within doors; listen secretly |
eccentric: a. [विलक्षण] departing from a recognized, conventional, or established norm or pattern | ecstasy: n. [परमानंद] intense joy or delight; any overpowering emotion |
ecstatic: a. [उन्मादपूर्ण] pertaining to, or caused by, ecstasy or excessive emotion | eddy: n. [एड़ी] swirling current of water, air; flow in a circular current |
elaborate: a. [विस्तृत] marked by complexity and richness of detail; done with care and in minute detail | eligible: a. [योग्य] qualified; desirable and worthy of choice, especially for marriage |
eliminate: v. [समाप्त] eradicate; abolish; rule out | elite: n. [कुलीन] a group or class of persons enjoying the superior intellectual or social, or economic status |
elm: n. [एल्म] tree of the genus Ulmus, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America | elope: v. [फरार] run away, or escape privately, from place or station to which one is bound by duty; run away with a lover |
emerald: a. [पन्ना] of precious stone of rich green color; of a rich green color | emergency: n. [आपातकालीन] sudden unforeseen crisis; condition of the urgent need for action or assistance |
employ: v. [रोजगार] engage the services of; put to work; apply | enchantment: n. [आकर्षण] production of wonderful effects by the aid of demons, or agency of supposed spirits; use of spells or charms |