GRE Vocabulary and App

Get GRE vocabulary resources, verbal, math, and writing exercises at one site! Three vocabularies, four apps, lots of tips, and experiences. Here you will get interactive practices, printable flashcards, proven Ebooks and PDF files, and other information related to the GRE test.
Stories of USA Today
Materials for Reading & Listening Practice
 Featured GRE Vocabulary PDF
Create PDF lists by DIY? Click Here
Barron GRE Vocabulary
Definition in English
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Chinese Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Arabic Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Hindi Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
Has Korean Definition
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
GRE Big Book Words List
Definition in English
Group 1Group 2Group 3Full List
 GRE Vocabulary QuizNext Quiz  
generality  Speak
of an entire group or class; general
quality of being general; an idea having general application
warmth of disposition and manners; kindliness; sympathy
bring into being; give rise to; produce
 GRE Vocabulary SpellingNext Spelling  
authority on a subject; learned person; expert

Spelling Word: pundit

1. GRE Vocabulary with Exercise
A strong vocabulary is a key to get a high score on the GRE test. GRE isn't just an English test, but you don't have a chance to succeed without strong English skills. In either reading or writing, vocabulary plays a fundamental role. If your vocabulary level isn't good enough and you are working to have a better GRE score, you should start to enhance GRE words right now.

Some students used to learn and review vocabulary based on a word list. If a word list meets with your circumstance, it helps very much to speed up vocabulary building. It's not difficult to get a GRE vocabulary online or somewhere. But the actual challenge is how to get a GRE vocabulary that exactly matches your case perfectly.

Considering that either vocabulary base or study plan varies on separate students, you hardly find a GRE vocabulary that completely matches yourself. Therefore, we collect some popular GRE vocabulary here, and hopefully, you can find one near your situation.

Thousands of GRE test takers recommended these vocabularies. To improve efficiency, we integrate some cutting-edge information technologies to offer interactive study, review, and practice.

A vocabulary is categorized by alphabet into multiple groups, smaller and easy to manage study activities. Group also organizes features based on each word, such as online exercises and offline flashcards.

If you are looking for a GRE vocabulary, you are on the right webpage. Go through all available vocabularies quickly and try to select one to kick off your GRE vocabulary journey.

2. Available GRE Vocabulary
5000 GRE Words     Enter

This list has 5000 middle-level GRE words. We divide them into four levels, and each level has 4 groups. This arrangement helps you spend time on the most efficient levels and groups. Besides, it leverages modern information technology and offers some handy features to study and review.

5000 GRE Words
GRE Big Book Words List     Enter

The well-known list consists of 5000 words in 5 groups. This list is a free resource to prepare for the GRE test online for some test takers. We have added interactive exercises and printable materials based on it. The GRE Big Book Words List PDF is available for VIP to download.

GRE Big Book Words List
Barron GRE Vocabulary     Enter

The original Barron GRE vocabulary has only 3000+ words. More and more words have been added by GRE test-takers, and it is near to 5000 on some websites now. We revise the vocabulary to 4000 around and add example sentences and multiple language definitions. We categorize it into 20 groups. The Barron GRE Vocabulary PDF is available for VIP to download.

Barron GRE Vocabulary

3. PDF and Ebook of GRE Vocabularies

3.1 DIY - PDF files

PDF is a standard format on various devices. Some people need a PDF version of GRE words. In fact, we published some PDF files based on the main GRE lists of the website. However, if you aren't VIP, or your circumstance isn't fit them, these PDF files aren't for you. If so, you still have two ways to make your PDF files by leveraging GRE vocabulary lists on the website.

Print Vocabulary in PDF is a web app to customize PDF through vocabularies from either this website or other resources; for example, it can load Barron GRE Vocabulary directly.

In addition, Make GRE Vocabulary PDF gives you more flexibility. Now it's easy to get free online PDF converters, like Google Drive, to support various languages. Follow its steps; you can produce GRE Vocabulary PDF exactly matched with your requirement.

3.2 Create PDF files from Our Lists

We provide a handy tool to make PDF files of all vocabularies on the website, including 3 GRE lists
  • 5000 GRE Words
  • GRE Big Book Words List PDF
  • Barron GRE Vocabulary
What you need to do is just a few clicks: Print PDF Word List

3.3 Ebooks to study GRE Vocabulary

We have published Ebook: 5000 GRE Words in mainstream ebook markets. You can get it from Apple iBook, Google Books, Amazon Kindle, or other stores:
Apple iBook Kobo Barnes & Noble Amazon Kindle

Last but not least, you had better clarify all confusions before kicking off your GER vocabulary building, a tough and critical job to prepare GRE test. In most cases, its official website is right place to help you out.