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 By Jiuondgie Lyon

GRE Vocabulary 2024

This hot word list for GRE test takers is selected from mainstream English media based on popular topics in 2024. It's an express supplement for preparing for the GRE test.

You can use example sentences and contexts to connect more words with popular topics. This is a proven way to accumulate new words accurately.

We also include previous GRE vocabulary 2022-2024 on this page and add links to sentences and contexts from classic books for further reading. Words added within one year are labeled with a new badge.

If any GRE test-takers are going to kick off building vocabulary, we also recommend the 3 GRE lists below as a starting point.

Recent Added GRE Words:
squawk   n. a loud, harsh, or discordant noise made by a bird or a person Detail
eerie   a. so mysterious, strange Detail
specter   n. a ghost Detail
misnomer   n. a wrong or inaccurate name or designation Detail
sheer   a. perpendicular or nearly so Detail
sandstone   n. a type of rock formed from sand Detail
relic   n. an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest Detail
hustle   n. a fraud or swindle Detail
strike   v. (struck) be very impressed by or pleased with Detail
hustle   n. energetic action Detail
GRE Vocabulary 2022-2024

repurpose  New   Speak
v. adapt for use in a different purpose
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worldly  New   Speak
a. experienced and sophisticated
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accommodating     Speak
a. willing to fit in with someone's wishes or needs
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anomaly     Speak
n. something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified
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antagonist  New   Speak
n. one that contends with or opposes another
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anthology     Speak
n. a published collection of poems or other pieces of writing
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arms race  New   Speak
n. an ever-escalating race or competition
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attrition     Speak
n. the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness
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baffle     Speak
v. to totally bewilder or perplex
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boutique  New   Speak
n. a small store selling fashionable clothes or accessories
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breathe new life into  New   Speak
v. give new energy and excitement to
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charcoal     Speak
n. a hard, black substance similar to coal that can be used as fuel
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circadian  New   Speak
a. being, having, characterized by, or occurring in approximately 24-hour periods or cycles
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citadel     Speak
n. a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city
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colloquy     Speak
n. a conversation, a gathering for discussion
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contaminate  New   Speak
v. make something impure by exposure
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coroner     Speak
n. an official who investigates violent, sudden, or suspicious deaths
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credence     Speak
n. belief in or acceptance of something as true
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debris  New   Speak
n. remains of something broken down or destroyed
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deftly     Speak
ad. in a way that is neatly skillful and quick in movement
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dent     Speak
n. a weakening or lessening effect
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dilemma     Speak
a. a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives
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dismissive  New   Speak
a. serving to reject someone or something
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driftnet  New   Speak
n. a very large fishing net that hangs in the sea from devices floating on the surface
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dune     Speak
n. a mound or ridge of sand formed by the wind, especially on the sea coast or in a desert
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ebb  New   Speak
v. gradually lessen or reduce
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eerie  New   Speak
a. so mysterious, strange
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embodiment     Speak
n. a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling
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enzyme     Speak
n. a substance produced by a living organism that acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction
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epicurean  New   Speak
a. getting pleasure from food and drink of high quality
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ethical  New   Speak
a. pertaining to right and wrong in conduct
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expeditiously     Speak
ad. with speed and efficiency
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fast track  New   Speak
v. accelerate the development or progress
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featured  New   Speak
a. having special attraction
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fume  New   Speak
n. gas, smoke, or vapor that smells strongly or is dangerous to inhale
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glitch     Speak
n. a false or spurious electronic signal
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go viral  New   Speak
v. spread rapidly through a population by being frequently shared
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gruesome  New   Speak
a. causing repulsion or horror
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guzzle  New   Speak
v. drink especially liquor greedily
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half-timbered  New   Speak
a, having the frame supports of timber and the interstices filled in with plaster, or the like
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hearken back     Speak
v. bring to mind something in the past
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helix     Speak
n. an extended spiral chain of atoms in a protein or nucleic acid
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hermitage     Speak
n. a place where a religious person lives on their own, away from the rest of society
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hone     Speak
v. refine or perfect something over a period of time
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hustle  New   Speak
n. energetic action
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immune profile     Speak
n. immune response when they are exposed to a virus and potentially predict health outcomes
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incentive  New   Speak
n. something that encourages a person to do something
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interact     Speak
v. act in such a way as to affect another
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intrigue     Speak
v. arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate
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iron grip     Speak
n. total, dominant control over someone or something
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ladder polymer     Speak
n. a polymer, as DNA, consisting of double-stranded chains linked by hydrogen bonds
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languish     Speak
v. to lose or lack vitality; grow weak or feeble
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lend     Speak
v. contribute or add (something, especially a quality) to
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lurk     Speak
v. to be or remain hidden to wait in ambush for someone or something
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misnomer  New   Speak
n. a wrong or inaccurate name or designation
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momentum     Speak
n. the quality that keeps an event developing or making progress after it has started
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mundane     Speak
a. lacking interest or excitement; dull
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mutation     Speak
n. the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations
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newlywed  New   Speak
n. a recently married person
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nostalgic     Speak
a. longing for or thinking fondly of a past time or condition
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odyssey     Speak
n. a long and eventful or adventurous journey or experience
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pathogen     Speak
n. a bacterium, virus, or other microorganisms that can cause disease
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pervasiveness     Speak
n. the quality of spreading widely or being present throughout an area or a group of people
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pounce     Speak
v. to spring or swoop suddenly to catch prey
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pristine  New   Speak
a. in its original condition, unspoiled
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procrastination     Speak
n. the action of delaying or postponing something
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put in     Speak
v. to make a formal offer or declaration of
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reframe     Speak
v. express words, concept, or plan differently
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relic  New   Speak
n. an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest
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resonance     Speak
n. the condition in which an electric circuit produces the largest possible response to an applied oscillating signal
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respiration  New   Speak
n. a single complete act of breathing in and out
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retrofit     Speak
v. add an accessory to something that did not have it when manufactured
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rhythm  New   Speak
n. a regularly recurrent quantitative change in a variable biological process
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rung     Speak
n. horizontal support on a ladder for a person's foot
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sandstone  New   Speak
n. a type of rock formed from sand
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score  New   Speak
n. a written representation of a musical composition showing all the vocal and instrumental parts
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sheer  New   Speak
a. perpendicular or nearly so
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shelf-life     Speak
n. the period during which a material may be stored and remain suitable for use
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shoot down     Speak
v. put an end to, reject
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shred  New   Speak
n. a strip of some material, such as paper, cloth, or food
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sleuth     Speak
n. a person who investigates crimes; a detective
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slosh     Speak
v. move irregularly with a splashing sound
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specter  New   Speak
n. a ghost
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spectrum  New   Speak
n. a range of similar things
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spur  New   Speak
v. incite to action or accelerated growth or development
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squawk  New   Speak
n. a loud, harsh, or discordant noise made by a bird or a person
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sticky  New   Speak
a. difficult or painful
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stipulation     Speak
n. a condition or requirement that is specified as part of an agreement
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strike  New   Speak
v. (struck) be very impressed by or pleased with
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supercharge     Speak
v. to make something more powerful or impressive
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synergy     Speak
n. the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents
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tantalizing     Speak
a. causing excitement, interest, and desire
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theorize     Speak
v. form a theory or set of theories about something
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time-honored     Speak
a. respected or valued because it has existed for a long time
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tony     Speak
a. fashionable among wealthy or stylish people
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topsoil  New   Speak
n. surface soil usually including the rich upper layer in which plants
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trauma     Speak
n. a deeply distressing or disturbing experience
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underserve     Speak
v. supply with insufficient services, especially social and health services
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valorize     Speak
v. to give or ascribe value or validity to something
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vane     Speak
n. a broad blade attached to a rotating axis or wheel which pushes or is pushed by wind or water
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verbal     Speak
a. of, relating to, or consisting of words, spoken rather than written
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weather     Speak
v. wear away or change the appearance or texture of something by long exposure to the air
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whizz     Speak
v. move quickly through the air with a whistling or whooshing sound
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