GRE Quantitative Reasoning Questions

Data Analysis Topics (Set of quantitative comparison: 3)

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 Selected Set: 3 (quantitative comparison)
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3  4  5  6  8  9  10  11 
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1  2  6  10 
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1  2  3  4  6  7  8 
Directions: Compare Quantity A and Quantity B, using additional information centered above the two quantities if such information is given, and select one of the following four answer choices:

Quantity A is greater.
Quantity B is greater.
The two quantities are equal.
The relationship cannot be determined from the information given.

A symbol that appears more than once in a question has the same meaning throughout the question.

 Answer Sheet of Set 3 (quantitative comparison)
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A bag contains green, blue and yellow balls. The ratio of green to blue balls is 2:7. The ratio of green to yellow balls is 3:5.
Quantity AQuantity B
Number of blue ballsNumber of yellow balls
ExerciseQuantity A is greater.

ExerciseQuantity B is greater.

ExerciseThe two quantities are equal.

ExerciseThe relationship cannot be determined from the information given.