abase | v. [떨어뜨 리다] humiliate; lower or depress in rank or esteem |
abate | v. [사냥] subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity |
abbreviation | n. [약어가] shortening something by omitting parts of it |
abdicate | v. [양위] give up, renounce, abandon, lay down, or withdraw from, as a right or claim |
abet | v. [선거권을 주다] aid, usually in doing something wrong; encourage |
abeyance | n. [휴지] suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension |
abhor | v. [절기하다] fill with horror and loathing; horrify; hate |
abjure | v. [맹세하고 버리다] renounce upon oath; abandon forever |
ablution | n. [목욕 재계] washing or cleansing of the body, especially as part of religious rite |
abnegation | n. [거절] repudiation; self-sacrifice; renouncing your own interests in favor of interests of others |
abortive | a. [불임] unsuccessful; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless |
abrade | v. [마모] wear away by friction; scrape; erode |
abrasion | n. [마모] scratch; friction; the process of rubbing away the surface of something |
abridge | v. [줄여] condense; shorten; reduce length of written text |
abrogate | a. [폐기] abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority |
abscond | v. [도망] leave quickly and secretly and hide oneself, often to avoid arrest or prosecution |
abstemious | a. [정신] sparing or moderation in eating and drinking; temperate |
abstruse | a. [난해한] obscure; profound; difficult to understand |
accede | v. [콩코드] agree; give consent, often at the insistence of another; concede |
acclivity | n. [치받이] upward slope, as of hill |