Academic Words Level 2 - 4 - Printable Cards
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(For each sublist, we show the first 20 words as a sample.) |
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Total words: 300 |
IELTS Academic Words Level 2 - 4: Print One-sided Flashcard |
rebel: n. one who takes part in an armed group against the constituted authority; revolt; | rebellion: n. organized opposition to authority |
rebuke: v. scold harshly; criticize severely | recognition: n. acceptance; an agreement that something is true or legal |
recognize: v. perceive the identity of; consent or admit with a formal acknowledgment; show appreciation of | recollection: n. memory; remembrance; the power of recalling ideas to the mind |
recommend: v. suggest; bestow commendation on; represent favorably | recompense: v. render an equivalent to, for service, loss; requite; remunerate; compensate; give in return; pay back |
recourse: n. one that is turned or applied to for aid or security; resort for help or protection; access or admittance | recreation: n. enjoying yourself when you are not working; entertainment |
recur: v. reappear; happen or occur again | reed: n. tall woody perennial grasses with hollow slender stems |
reef: n. chain or range of rocks lying at or near the surface of the water | refined: a. cultured; purified; made pure |
refinement: n. result of improving something; the process of removing impurities | reflection: n. image of something as reflected by a mirror; remark expressing careful consideration |
refrigerator: n. machines in which food can be stored at low temperatures | refute: v. disprove; prove to be false or incorrect |
regulation: n. act of controlling or directing according to rule; prescribed by or according to rule | rehearse: v. practice; drill; engage in preparation for a public performance |