detergent | n. [洗洁精,洗涤剂] cleansing agent; a substance that acts similarly to soap |
determination | n. [决定,测量,计算,解决] act of making or arriving at a decision; putting an end to; termination |
detest | v. [深恶,憎恶] dislike intensely; feel antipathy or aversion towards |
devastating | a. [破坏性的] destructive; highly critical; causing or capable of causing complete destruction |
devote | v. [投入于,献身,用于] dedicate; give your time or effort completely to something you believe in |
dictate | v. [口述,听写,规定] prescribe; rule as a dictator |
differ | v. [不同,不像,相异] be or stand apart; disagree; be unlike; be distinguished |
digest | v. [消化,分解] break down; make more concise; convert food into absorbable substances |
digital | a. [手指的,脚趾的,数字的] of or performance to fingers, or to digits; done with the fingers |
dilemma | n. [困境,进退两难] predicament; state of uncertainty or between equally unfavorable options |
dim | a. [暗淡的,模糊的] emitting only a small amount of light; lacking in brightness |
dine | v. [用餐,进食,宴请] eat a principal regular meal of the day; take dinner; give a dinner to |
diploma | n. [文凭,毕业证书] document certifying the successful completion of a course of study |
diplomatic | a. [外交的,老练的] relating to diplomacy; marked by tact and sensitivity in dealing with others |
disc | n. [圆盘,唱片,磁盘] flat round plate; circular structure either in plants or animals |
discharge | v. [释放,排出] relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off |
discreet | a. [小心的,谨慎的] free from ostentation or pretension; distinct; distinguishable |
disgust | n. [厌恶,恶心,憎恶] strong feelings of dislike; offend the taste or moral sense of |
dismiss | v. [拒绝,排除] stop considering; end employment or service of; discharge; refuse to accept or recognize |
dispose | v. [有意于,安排,摆脱,断绝,处置] get rid of; settle or decide a matter; place or set in a particular order; arrange |