impractical | a. [不切实际的] unwise to implement or maintain in practice; theoretical |
imprisonment | n. [监禁] confinement; putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment |
inability | n. [无能,无力] lack of ability, especially mental ability, to do something |
inaccessible | a. [难达到的,不可及的;不能得到的] unreachable; not available; unattainable |
inadequate | a. [不充分的,不适当的] not sufficient to meet a need; insufficient; poor |
incense | v. [激怒] enrage; infuriate; cause to be extremely angry |
incident | n. [事件] usually minor event or condition that is subordinate to another; event; happening |
inclined | a. [倾向,倾向于,弯曲] tending or leaning toward; bent; having preference or tendency |
incompatible | a. [不和谐,不兼容] inharmonious; impossible to coexist; not easy to combine harmoniously |
inconvenient | a. [不便的,有困难的] not suited to your comfort, purpose, or needs |
incredulous | a. [怀疑的] difficult to believe; incredible; skeptical |
indefinitely | ad. [不确定地,无穷尽地] endlessly; incessantly; for a long time, no end defined; forever |
indent | v. [使成锯齿状,缩进排印,缩进书写,犬牙交错] nick; set in from margin; impress or stamp |
independent | a. [独立自主的,不受约束的] not dependent; free; not subject to control by others; not relying on others |
indicative | a. [预示的] suggestive; implying; serving to indicate |
indifference | n. [冷漠,不关心] unconcern; disinterest; lack of enthusiasm |
indigestion | n. [消化不良] a disorder of digestive function; difficulty in digesting |
industrial | a. [工业的] of or relating to or resulting from the industry; having highly developed industries |
industrialization | n. [工业化] development of industry on an extensive scale |
industrialized | v. [工业化的] made industrial; converted to industrialism |