discrepancy | n. [相差,缺乏一致] lack of consistency; the difference |
discrete | a. [分離,沒有關係的] separate; consisting of unconnected distinct parts |
discriminate | v. [區別,辨別,歧視] make a clear distinction; distinguish; make sensible decisions; judge wisely |
disdain | v. [蔑視] view with scorn or contempt; feel with aversion |
dismay | v. [使沮喪,使害怕] destroy courage or resolution by exciting dread; cause to lose enthusiasm |
dispel | v. [散開,分裂,消失] scatter; drive away; cause to vanish |
disperse | v. [散開] move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known |
displace | v. [移置,轉移,取代,替代] move or shift from the usual place or position, especially to force to leave a homeland |
dissipate | v. [驅散,消散,浪費] spend or expend wastefully; vanish by dispersion; drive away; disperse |
distend | v. [擴大,擴張] swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure |
distil | v. [滴下,滲漏] drop; fall in drops; flow in a small stream |
distort | v. [扭曲,歪曲] twist out of proper or natural relation of parts; misshape; misrepresent |
diverse | a. [豐富多樣的] differing in some characteristics; various |
dividend | n. [(股份的)紅利] the sum of money to be divided and distributed; share of a sum divided that falls to individuals; a distribute sum |
doctrine | n. [教育,學說] principles presented for belief, as by religious; the principle of law; an act of teaching; instruction |
dominant | a. [支配的,佔優勢的] major; important; outweighing |
dominate | v. [統治,支配,控制] monopolize; command; rule; prevail; be prevalent in |
dormant | a. [睡著的,隱匿的] sleeping; not active but capable of becoming active |
doubtless | ad. [無疑,必定,可能,十有八九] free from fear or suspicion; very probably, in all likelihood; doubtlessly |
downpour | n. [大雨,暴雨] pouring or streaming downwards especially a heavy or continuous shower |