abate | v. [和らげる] subside; decrease; become less in amount or intensity |
abeyance | n. [保留] suspended action; temporary cessation or suspension |
abhor | v. [忌み嫌う] fill with horror and loathing; horrify; hate |
abject | a. [絶望] being of the most miserable kind; wretched; lacking pride; brought low in condition or status |
abominable | a. [不愉快な] detestable; extremely unpleasant; very bad |
abortive | a. [打ち切り] unsuccessful; failing to accomplish an intended objective; fruitless |
abrogate | a. [disgruntle] abolish, do away with, or annul, especially by authority |
abstain | v. [棄権] refrain; hold oneself back voluntarily from an action or practice |
abyss | n. [奈落] enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit; any deep, immeasurable space; hell |
accede | v. [加入する] agree; give consent, often at the insistence of another; concede |
accomplice | n. [共犯者は] partner in crime; associate in wrongdoing |
accrue | v. [発生] increase, accumulate, or come about as a result of growth; accumulate over time |
acquainted | a. [知り合い] known by or familiar with another; informed or familiar |
acquiesce | v. [黙従] assent; agree without protesting |
additive | n. [添加剤] something added to a substance, esp. food, to improve it or to preserve it; supplement |
adjoining | a. [隣接] neighboring; being in contact at some point or line; joining to |
adoration | n. [は、礼拝] act of playing honor to a divine being; worship paid to God; the act of addressing as a god |
adventurer | n. [冒険] one who enjoys exciting, dangerous activities, often in foreign countries |
advisable | a. [お勧め] proper to be advised or to be done; expedient; prudent; ready to receive advice |
advocate | n. [擁護] one that argues for a cause; supporter or defender |