fabricate | v. Syn. build (製造) build; put together out of components or parts |
facet | n. Syn. side (ファ) small, smooth, flat surface, as on a bone or tooth; side; a smooth surface |
facilitate | v. Syn. promote; expedite (面倒) help bring about; make less difficult |
faculty | n. Syn. ability (教職員) inherent power or ability; body of persons with specific professional powers |
fade | v. Syn. disappear; die out (フェード) disappear; die out; lose color; lose freshness |
fallacy | n. (誤謬) deceptive or false appearance; false notion; deception |
fallible | a. (誤りを犯す) likely to fail or be inaccurate |
falter | v. Syn. hesitate (つまずく) be unsteady in purpose or action, as from loss of courage or confidence |
famine | n. Syn. starvation (飢饉) shortage of food; starvation |
fanatic | n. (熱狂) person who is zealously enthusiastic for some cause; showing evidence of possession by a god or demon |
fare | n. (料金) food and drink; diet; transportation charge; a paying passenger |
farewell | n. (別れ) acknowledgment at parting; goodbye; act of departing or taking leave |
fascinate | v. Syn. intrigue; enthrall; captivate (魅了) cause to be interested or curious; captivate |
fastidious | a. (こだわり) difficult to please; having complicated requirements; excessively particular demanding about details |
fatuous | a. Syn. foolish (愚か) foolish or silly, especially in self-satisfied way |
feasible | a. Syn. practical; possible; suitable (可能) capable of being accomplished or brought about |
feast | n. (ごちそう) festival or holiday; festive or joyous meal; something highly agreeable; entertainment |
feat | n. Syn. achievement; accomplishment (偉業) achievement; accomplishment |
feature | n. (機能) prominent aspect of something |
federation | n. (連邦) uniting in a league; confederation; league |