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Quotes from Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
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1  But it became difficult after that, especially as he was so exceptionally broad.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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2  But then of course, the maid's firm steps went to the door as ever and opened it.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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3  I'll set off with the eight o'clock train, as well, these few hours of rest have given me strength.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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4  His many legs, pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, waved about helplessly as he looked.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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5  I thought I knew you as a calm and sensible person, and now you suddenly seem to be showing off with peculiar whims.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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6  If he succeeded in falling out of bed in this way and kept his head raised as he did so he could probably avoid injuring it.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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7  He had not held his head carefully enough, though, and hit it as he fell; annoyed and in pain, he turned it and rubbed it against the carpet.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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8  But as if in gruff reply to this question, the chief clerk's firm footsteps in his highly polished boots could now be heard in the adjoining room.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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9  Only then would he consider what to do next, as he was well aware that he would not bring his thoughts to any sensible conclusions by lying in bed.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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10  And he lay there quietly a while longer, breathing lightly as if he perhaps expected the total stillness to bring things back to their real and natural state.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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11  The change in Gregor's voice probably could not be noticed outside through the wooden door, as his mother was satisfied with this explanation and shuffled away.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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12  He's made a little frame, for instance, it only took him two or three evenings, you'll be amazed how nice it is; it's hanging up in his room; you'll see it as soon as Gregor opens the door.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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13  And even if he did catch the train he would not avoid his boss's anger as the office assistant would have been there to see the five o'clock train go, he would have put in his report about Gregor's not being there a long time ago.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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14  At times like this he would direct his eyes to the window and look out as clearly as he could, but unfortunately, even the other side of the narrow street was enveloped in morning fog and the view had little confidence or cheer to offer him.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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15  His boss would certainly come round with the doctor from the medical insurance company, accuse his parents of having a lazy son, and accept the doctor's recommendation not to make any claim as the doctor believed that no-one was ever ill but that many were workshy.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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16  It took just as much effort to get back to where he had been earlier, but when he lay there sighing, and was once more watching his legs as they struggled against each other even harder than before, if that was possible, he could think of no way of bringing peace and order to this chaos.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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17  Two strong people - he had his father and the maid in mind - would have been more than enough; they would only have to push their arms under the dome of his back, peel him away from the bed, bend down with the load and then be patient and careful as he swang over onto the floor, where, hopefully, the little legs would find a use.
Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka
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