abandon: n. [포기] lacking restraint or control; feeling of extreme emotional intensity; unbounded enthusiasm | abduction: n. [납치] the criminal act of capturing and carrying away by force |
abject: a. [비열한] being of the most miserable kind; wretched; lacking pride; brought low in condition or status | abrasive: a. [연마재] rubbing away; tending to grind down |
absolute: a. [절대] perfect in quality or nature; complete; totally unlimited; certain | absolve: v. [용서해] pronounce clear of guilt or blame; grant remission of sin to; acquit |
absorb: v. [흡수] assimilate or incorporate; suck or drink up; occupy full attention | abstinence: n. [금욕] restraint from eating or drinking; refraining from indulging appetite or desire |
abstract: a. [추상] theoretical; not concrete; not applied or practical; difficult to understand | abusive: a. [학대] coarsely insulting; physically harmful; characterized by improper or wrongful use |
abyss: n. [심연] enormous chasm; vast bottomless pit; any deep, immeasurable space; hell | academic: a. [학술] related to school; not practical or directly useful; relating to the scholarly organization; based on formal education |
accelerate: v. [가속] move faster; cause to develop or progress more quickly; occur sooner than expected | accessible: a. [정중한] easily approached or entered; obtainable; easy to talk to or get along with |
accessory: n. [장난 액세서리] additional object; useful but not essential thing; subordinate or supplementary item | accommodate: v. [숙박] do a favor or service for; provide for; supply with; make suitable; adapt; allow for |
accomplice: n. [공범자] partner in crime; associate in wrongdoing | accord: n. [협정] settlement or compromise of conflicting opinions; written agreement between two states |
acknowledge: v. [인정] declare to be true or admit; express obligation, thanks | acme: n. [절정] the highest point or level, as of achievement or development; maturity or perfection of animal |
acquire: v. [취득] gain through experience or effort; gain possession of; locate with a tracking system | acquittal: n. [석방] state of being found or proved not guilty; judgment of not guilty |
acute: a. [급성] quickly perceptive; keen; having a sharp point or tip; extremely sharp or severe | adage: n. [금언] wise saying; brief familiar proverb; expression of popular wisdom |
adamant: a. [단호] extremely hard; inflexible; stubbornly unyielding | adapt: v. [적응] make fit for; change to suit a new purpose |
addiction: n. [중독] the compulsive physiological and psychological need for a substance; being abnormally dependent on something | address: v. [주소] make a formal speech to; deal with or discuss; direct efforts or attention of |
adept: a. [주특기] expert at; very skilled; having or showing knowledge and skill and aptitude | adhere: v. [준수] stick fast; stick to firmly; be compatible or in accordance with |
adjacent: a. [인접] adjoining; neighboring; close to; lying near | administration: n. [관리] management; supervision; people who are in charge of management; the activity of government for powers and duties |
adolescence: n. [사춘기] state of growing up from childhood to manhood or womanhood; transitional period between youth and maturity | adversary: n. [적수] the opponent in a contest; someone who offers opposition |
adverse: a. [불리한] in opposing direction; harmful or unfavorable; acting or serving to oppose | adversity: n. [역경] state of misfortune, hardship, or affliction; misfortune |
advocate: v. [열변을 토하다] speak, plead, or argue in favor of; plead for; push for something | aesthetic: a. [미학] elegant or tasteful; of or concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste |
affected: a. [와플] speaking or behaving in an artificial way; emotionally stirred or moved; infected or attacked | affidavit: n. [진술서] written statement made under oath |
affiliation: n. [제휴] partnership; alliance; association in the same family or society | affliction: n. [고통] cause or condition of pain, suffering, or distress |
aftermath: n. [여파] outcome; consequence, especially of a disaster or misfortune | agenda: n. [의제] items of business at a meeting; list or program of things to be done or considered |
agent: n. [에이전트] one that acts on behalf of other persons or organizations | aggressor: n. [공격] one that engages in aggression; a person who first attacks |
alias: n. [별명] assumed name; another name; a name that has been assumed temporarily | alien: a. [외국인] dissimilar, inconsistent, or opposed in nature; very different place, society, or person |
alienate: v. [이간] cause to become unfriendly or hostile; transfer property or ownership; isolate or dissociate emotionally | alimony: n. [위자료] payment by a husband to his divorced wife, or vice versa |
allegiance: n. [충성] loyalty to a nation, sovereign, or cause; fidelity to any person or thing; devotion | alleviate: v. [경감] provide physical relief, as from pain; make easier; remove in part |
alloy: n. [합금] mixture; a combination of diverse things | allure: v. [매력] attract with something desirable; be highly, often subtly attractive |
aloof: a. [교묘한] apart; remote in manner; distant physically or emotionally; reserved and remote | altercation: n. [언쟁] a noisy quarrel; contention in words; dispute carried on with heat or anger; controversy |
amend: v. [수정] change for the better; improve; remove faults or errors | amiss: a. [어긋 나서] out of proper order; not in perfect shape; faulty |
ammunition: n. [탄약] military stores or provisions; articles used in weapons, as powder, balls, shot, shells | amnesia: n. [기억 상실] partial or total loss of memory, usually resulting from shock or illness |
amnesty: n. [사면] the general pardon granted by the government, especially for political offenses | amoral: a. [도덕에 관계없는] lacking moral sensibility; not caring about right and wrong |
ample: a. [충분한] more than enough in size or scope or capacity; relatively large | amulet: n. [부적] object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury; charm |
analogy: n. [비유] the similarity in some respects; comparison based on similarity | anarchy: n. [무정부] absence of governing body; state of disorder; political disorder and confusion |
anchor: v. [앵커] secure or fasten firmly; be fixed in place; narrate or coordinate | anecdote: n. [일화] a short account of the amusing or interesting event; short narrative; a secret story of history or biography |
anemia: n. [빈혈] condition in which blood lacks red corpuscles; deficiency of red blood cells; lack of vitality | anesthetic: n. [마취] a substance that causes loss of sensation; producing temporary loss or impairment of feeling |
anguish: n. [가입하다] agonizing physical or mental pain; extreme suffering | animated: a. [애니메이션] having life or vigor or spirit; filled with activity; in the form of cartoon |
animosity: n. [원한] bitter hostility; active hatred; hostile feeling or act | annex: v. [별관] append or attach; take possession of; incorporate into an existing political unit |
anomaly: n. [예외] irregularity; a person or something unusual; departure from the normal or common order | anonymity: n. [익명] state of being nameless; one that is unknown or unacknowledged |
anonymous: a. [익명] having no name; having an unknown or unacknowledged name | anthem: n. [빈약한 닦지] song of praise or patriotism; the song of devotion or loyalty |
anthropologist: n. [인류학] one who studies history and science of mankind | antidote: n. [해독제] medicine to counteract a poison or disease; an agent that relieves or counteracts |
antiquated: a. [골동품] too old to be fashionable, suitable, or useful; obsolete; aged | antiseptic: n. [소독제] a substance that prevents infection; a substance that restricts the growth of disease-causing microorganisms |
ape: v. [원숭이] imitate; mimic, as an ape imitates human actions | apocalyptic: a. [과거] prophetic; involving or portending widespread devastation |
apparatus: n. [기구] a group of parts that work together to perform a given function; appliance, or device for a particular purpose | appease: v. [유화] bring peace, quiet, or calm to; satisfy or relieve |
application: n. [응용 프로그램] close attention; work of applying something; verbal or written request for assistance | appreciate: v. [감사] be thankful for; increase in worth; be thoroughly conscious of |
apprehend: v. [신봉] take into custody; arrest a criminal; grasp mentally; perceive | appropriate: v. [해당] acquire; take possession of for one's own use; set apart for specific use |
aptitude: n. [적성] inherent ability; quickness in learning and understanding | arbitrary: a. [임의] randomly chosen; determined by chance or impulse, and not by reason or principle |
arbitrator: n. [중재인] someone chosen to judge and decide the disputed issue; one having the power to make authoritative decisions | arcade: n. [아케이드] covered passageway, usually lined with shops; simple arched opening in a wall; vault or vaulted place |
archives: n. [자료실] public records; place where public records are kept | aria: n. [아리아] operatic solo; a solo vocal piece with instrumental accompaniment |
array: v. [배열] set out for display or use; place in orderly arrangement | arrest: v. [체포] stop or slow down; catch someone's attention; take into custody |
arrogance: n. [오만] overbearing pride; haughtiness; manifest feeling of personal superiority in rank, power, or estimation | arrogant: a. [오만] arising from feeling or assumption of one's superiority toward others |
arsenal: n. [아스날] storage place for military equipment; a stock of weapons | articulate: a. [또렷하게 표현할] expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language |
artifact: n. [유물] the object made by human beings; inaccurate observation, effect, or result | ascertain: v. [확인하다] find out for certain; discover with certainty; make sure of |
asinine: a. [엉덩 이랑] utterly stupid or silly; inanely foolish | aspire: v. [이 열망] seek to attain; long for; strive toward an end |
assert: v. [주장] declare or state with confidence; put oneself forward boldly | assessment: n. [평가] act of judging or assessing; amount determined as payable |
assumption: n. [가정] something taken for accepted as true without proof; taking over or taking possession of | assurance: n. [보증] promise or pledge; certainty; self-confidence; freedom from doubt |
asteroid: n. [소행성] small planet; any small celestial bodies that revolve around the sun | astral: a. [아스트랄] relating to stars; star-shaped |
astronomical: a. [천문] enormously large or extensive; relating to astronomy | astute: a. [기민한] wise or keen; shrewd; with sharp intelligence |
asylum: n. [망명] place of refuge or shelter; protection | atlas: n. [아틀라스] a bound volume of maps, charts, or tables |
atone: v. [속죄] make amends, as for sin or fault; pay for; turn away from sin | attain: v. [이르다] achieve or accomplish; gain |
attentive: a. [세심한] alert and watchful; considerate; thoughtful | attest: v. [증명] testify; authenticate, affirm to be true |
attribute: n. [속성] essential quality; reputation; honor | audit: v. [감사 첨부] examine, verify, or correct the financial accounts of |
auditorium: n. [강당] area of theater or concert hall where the audience sits | august: a. [August] impressive; majestic; inspiring awe or admiration |
authoritative: a. [권위] weighting authority; peremptory and dictatorial | autopsy: n. [부검] examination of dead body; post-mortem |
auxiliary: a. [보조] helper, additional or subsidiary | avail: v. [소용] turn to the advantage of; be of service to; profit; promote |
avalanche: n. [눈사태] a great mass of falling snow and ice | avenge: v. [복수] take vengeance for something, or on behalf of someone |
aversion: n. [혐오감] firm dislike; turning away; avoidance of a thing, situation, or behavior because of dislike | avert: v. [막기] prevent; turn or cause to turn off or away |
avid: a. [열렬한] greedy; eager for; marked by keen interest and enthusiasm | awe: n. [경외] mixed emotion of reverence, respect, dread, and wonder; fear, as of something evil |
babble: v. [지껄이기] talk foolishly or idly; utter meaningless confusion of words or sounds | badger: v. [오소리] pester; annoy persistently; persuade through constant efforts |
bait: v. [미끼] harass; tease; lure, entice, or entrap | balm: n. [연고] something that relieves pain |
balmy: a. [향유] mild and pleasant; fragrant | bane: n. [베인] something causes misery or death; curse; fatal injury or ruin |
barb: n. [자극] sharp projection from fishhook; openly cutting remark | barren: a. [기술 불모] desolate; fruitless and unproductive; lacking |
beam: n. [빔] ray of light; a long piece of metal or wood; long piece fixed or movable in structure, machine, or tool | begrudge: v. [꺼려하다] resent; give or expend with reluctance; be envious of |
belittle: v. [무시] disparage or depreciate; put down | benefactor: n. [후원자] gift giver; a person who gives people or institutions financial help |
beneficial: a. [이익] helpful; tending to promote physical well-being | beneficiary: n. [수혜자] a person entitled to benefits or proceeds of an insurance policy or will |
benevolent: a. [자비로운] generous in providing aid to others; charitable | benign: a. [유지 양성] kindly; favorable; not malignant |
bent: a. [구부러진] determined to do or have | berserk: a. [광포한] mentally or emotionally upset; deranged; excessively agitated |
beseech: v. [젔] beg; plead with; ask for or request earnestly | bestow: v. [전수해] give as a gift; present |
betray: v. [배신] be unfaithful; reveal unconsciously or unwillingly | biased: a. [편견] favoring one person or side over another; prejudiced |
bizarre: a. [기괴한] fantastic; violently contrasting; strangely unconventional in style or appearance | bland: a. [영] lacking stimulating or mild; agreeable |
blasphemy: n. [모독] act of claiming for oneself the attributes and rights of God; utterance or writing concerning God | blatant: a. [뻔뻔스러운] flagrant; conspicuously obvious; loudly offensive |
bleak: a. [의기소침한] cold or cheerless; unlikely to be favorable | bloated: a. [비대한] swollen or puffed as with water or air |
bluff: n. [절벽] the pretense of strength; mislead or deceive | blunt: a. [이 무딘] having a dull edge or end; not sharp; lacking in feeling; insensitive |
blurt: v. [해버 린] utter suddenly and impulsively | bode: v. [징조] foreshadow; indicate by signs; be an omen of; predict |
bogus: a. [가짜] counterfeit or fake; not authentic; not genuine | bolt: v. [볼트] dash or dart off; move or jump suddenly |
booming: a. [차이] deep and resonant; flourishing; thriving | boundless: a. [무한한] being without boundaries or limits; infinite; vast |
bourgeois: a. [부르주아] middle class; selfishly materialistic; dully conventional | boycott: v. [보이콧] refrain from buying or using |
bravado: n. [허세] defiant or swaggering behavior; the pretense of courage; false show of bravery | brazen: a. [일부에 불과합니다] having loud, usually harsh, resonant sound; shameless |
breach: n. [위반] breaking of contract or duty; breaking of waves or surf; fissure or gap | brittle: a. [접근] easily broken; having little elasticity |
brochure: n. [안내서] pamphlet; small book usually having a paper cover | brooch: n. [브로치] ornamental clasp; decorative pin worn by women |
browse: v. [브라 우즈] graze; skim or glance at casually | buffet: n. [부페] table with food set out for people to serve themselves; meal at which people help themselves to food that's been set out |
bureaucracy: n. [관료] over-regulated administrative system | burly: a. [억센] husky; muscular and heavily built |
cache: n. [캐시] hiding place; secret store of valuables or money | cadaver: n. [시신] corpse; dead body, especially one intended for dissection |
calculated: a. [계산] deliberately planned; carefully thought out in advance | caliber: n. [구경] ability; degree or grade of excellence or worth; diameter of a tube or gun barrel |
callous: a. [무정] emotionally hardened; unfeeling; toughened | camouflage: v. [위장] exploit natural surroundings to disguise something; conceal |
candor: n. [공평 무사를] frankness; quality of being honest and straightforward in attitude and speech | canine: a. [개과] related to dogs; dog-like; affecting or derived from dogs |
cant: n. [캔트] inclination or slope; slanted or oblique surface; jargon, especially of thieves; dialect | capacity: n. [용량] mental or physical ability; ability to accommodate |
caprice: n. [카프리스] sudden, unexpected fancy; impulsive change of mind | caption: n. [자막] title; chapter heading; text under illustration |
carat: n. [캐럿] unit of weight for precious stones; a measure of fineness of gold | cardinal: a. [추기경] chief; serving as an essential component |
cardiologist: n. [심장] the doctor who specializes in medical problems related to heart | carnage: n. [대학살] destruction of life; the savage and excessive killing of many people |
carnal: a. [육체] fleshly; of or relating to body or flesh; bodily | cascade: n. [폭포] small waterfall; sudden downpour |
casualty: n. [사상자] serious or fatal accident; someone injured or killed in an accident | catalyst: n. [polemical] an agent which brings about chemical change while it remains unaffected and unchanged |
catastrophe: n. [재앙] calamity; disaster; state of extreme ruin and misfortune | catholic: a. [카톨릭] broadly sympathetic; universal; related to Roman Catholic Church |
caucus: n. [잡기] a private meeting of members of a party to select officers or determine policy | cavalier: a. [기사] offhand or casual; given to haughty disregard of others |
celebrated: a. [축하] famous; well-known; having illustrious past | censor: n. [검열] overseer of morals; official responsible for removal of objectionable or sensitive content |
cerebral: a. [대뇌] relating to the brain or cerebrum; intellectual rather than emotional | champion: v. [챔피언] protect or fight for the first place |
chaotic: a. [카오스] in utter disorder; lacking visible order or organization | charisma: n. [카리스마] divine gift; great popular charm or appeal of a political leader |
charlatan: n. [허풍선] quack; one who pretends to knowledge, skill, or importance | chaste: a. [정숙] morally pure in thought or conduct; decent and modest |
check: v. [확인] stop motion; curb or restrain | checkered: a. [흐트러진] divided into squares; diversified in color; marked by great changes or shifts in fortune |
chisel: n. [치즐] a metal tool with a sharp edge used to cut and shape stone, wood, or metal | chivalrous: a. [기사] having qualities of ideal knight; faithful; brave |
choreography: n. [안무] art of representing dances in written symbols; the arrangement of dances | chronic: a. [만성] lasting for a long period; marked by frequent recurrence, as certain diseases |
chronicle: v. [풍자 만화] report or record in chronological order | cite: v. [인용] quote; adduce as an instance |
civil: a. [민사] having to do with citizens or the state; courteous and polite | clairvoyant: n. [천리안] having foresight; fortuneteller |
clandestine: a. [은밀한] secret; conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods | clasp: n. [버클] fastening device; firm grip |
clemency: n. [관용] mildness, as of the weather; merciful, kind, or lenient act | clientele: n. [손님] clients of professional person; the body of customers or patrons |
clip: n. [클립] a small section of filmed or filed material | clout: n. [강타] blow, especially with the fist; great influence, especially political or social |
coalition: n. [제휴] partnership; league; state of being combined into one body | coercion: n. [강제] use of force to get someone to obey |
coin: v. [동전] make pieces of money from metal; invent or fabricate | coincidence: n. [우연] two or more things occurring at the same time by chance |
collage: n. [합성] work of art put together from fragments | collateral: n. [담보] security pledged for repayment of loan |
colossal: a. [거대한] of extraordinary size; huge; gigantic | comatose: a. [혼수] in coma; extremely sleepy; unconscious |
commemorate: v. [기념] serve as a memorial to; honor the memory of with a ceremony | communal: a. [공동] held in common; of a group of people |
commute: v. [출퇴근] obtain or bargain for exemption or substitution; regularly travel from a place of residence to another place | compact: n. [압축] small and economical car; small cosmetics case |
compatible: a. [가능] harmonious; having similar disposition and tastes | compelling: a. [경쟁력] overpowering; drivingly forceful; urgently requiring attention |
complement: v. [보완] complete; consummate; make perfect | compliance: n. [컴플 라 이언스] readiness to yield; happy friendly agreement |
component: n. [부품] element; ingredient; abstract part of something | compound: n. [화합물] combination of two or more elements or parts |
comprehensive: a. [흠뻑] thorough; including all or everything; broad in scope | compress: v. [압축] close; squeeze or press together; contract |
compromise: v. [타협 viscid] adjust or settle by making mutual concessions; endanger the interests or reputation of | compute: v. [컴퓨팅] reckon; make a mathematical calculation |
concede: v. [꾸미다] admit; yield; give up physical control of another | conception: n. [임신] beginning; forming of an idea; an act of conceiving |
concession: n. [양보] act of yielding; point yielded; acknowledgment or admission | concord: n. [인접] agreement of opinions; harmonious state of things |
conundrum: n. [수수께끼] riddle; difficult problem; dilemma | convene: v. [소집] cause to come together formally |
convention: n. [컨벤션] social or moral custom; formal meeting of members, representatives, or delegates; agreement between states | conventional: a. [일반] based upon traditional rules; formed by agreement or compact |
converse: v. [대화] chat; talk informally; engage in a spoken exchange of thoughts | convert: n. [변환] change something into another form; transform |
conviction: n. [신념] the judgment that someone is guilty of a crime; strongly held belief | cordial: a. [코디얼] gracious; showing warmth and friendliness |
coronation: n. [대관식] ceremony of crowning queen or king | corroborate: v. [증언] establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; support with evidence |
cosmic: a. [우주] of the universe; vast | cosmopolitan: a. [madrigal] sophisticated; of worldwide scope |
covert: a. [비밀] secretive, not openly shown | curator: n. [큐레이터] one who manages museum or library; superintendent; manager |
curt: a. [커트] having been shortened; effectively cut short; rudely brief or abrupt, as in speech or manner | cynical: a. [냉소] skeptical of motives of others; selfishly calculating; negative or pessimistic |
dabble: v. [분극] splash liquid gently and playfully; undertake something without serious intent | dank: a. [축축한] disagreeably damp or humid; cold moisture; unpleasant humidity |
deadlock: n. [교착] standstill resulting from the opposition of two forces or factions; stalemate | debacle: n. [전함] sudden downfall; complete disaster |
debris: n. [파편] remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up | debutante: n. [사교계] young woman making formal entrance into society |
decipher: v. [해독] convert code into ordinary language; read with difficulty | decorum: n. [예의 바름] propriety in manners and conduct; good taste in manners; conventions or requirements of polite behavior |
decoy: n. [미끼] lure or bait; means used to mislead or lead into danger | default: n. [기본] failure to act; an option that is selected automatically |
defer: v. [연기] delay till later; put off; hold back to a later time | defiance: n. [도전] refusal to yield; readiness to contend or resist |
definitive: a. [확정] final; complete; precisely defined or explicit | deflect: v. [편향] turn aside; draw someone's attention away from something |
defuse: v. [해체] remove the fuse of the bomb; reduce or eliminate the threat | degenerate: v. [타락한] become worse; decline; fall |
degradation: n. [저하] humiliation; debasement; decline to a lower condition, quality, or level | delectable: a. [즐거운] delightful; delicious; extremely pleasing to the sense of taste |
delete: v. [삭제] erase; strike out; remove or make invisible | deliberate: v. [고의] consider; think about carefully; weigh |
delusion: n. [망상] false belief; mistaken or unfounded opinion | demeanor: n. [태도] conduct; management; way in which a person behaves |
demented: a. [미친] insane; mad; of unsound mind; mentally ill | demise: n. [죽음] end of existence or activity; termination |
demolition: n. [철거] act of overthrowing, pulling down, or destroying | deploy: v. [배포] position troops in readiness for combat, as along a front or line; put into use or action |
deposition: n. [증착] testimony under oath; the act of depositing, especially laying down of matter by natural process | deranged: a. [거절하다] disordered; especially in mind; crazy; insane |