impudence: n. [뻔뻔 스러움] offensively bold behavior; the trait of being rude | impunity: n. [인질] freedom from punishment or harm; exemption from injury, suffering, or discomfort |
impute: v. [돌리다] lay responsibility or blame for, often unjustly | inalienable: a. [양도할] not to be taken away; nontransferable |
inarticulate: a. [발산] speechless; without or deprived of the use of speech or words | incapacitate: v. [무능력] disable or disqualify; deprive of capacity or natural power |
incarcerate: v. [감금하다] imprison; put into jail; shut up or enclose | incarnation: n. [화신] person or thing regarded as embodying or exhibiting some quality, idea |
incendiary: n. [소이] arsonist; bomb that is designed to start fires | inception: n. [처음] beginning of something; taking in, as by swallowing; the process of receiving within |
incidence: n. [입사] rate of occurrence; particular occurrence | incidental: a. [부수] happening, as an occasional event, without regularity; coming without design |
incipient: a. [초기] beginning to exist or appear; in an early stage | incite: v. [선동] arouse to action; motivate; induce to exist |
inclement: a. [줄거리를 잡색의 험악한] stormy; showing no mercy; physically severe | incline: n. [경사] cause to lean, slant, or slope; deviate from the horizontal or vertical |
inclusive: a. [포함] tending to include all; taking a great deal or everything within its scope | incoherent: a. [조리] lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; unable to think in a clear manner |
incompatible: a. [호환성] inharmonious; impossible to coexist; not easy to combine harmoniously | incongruous: a. [부조 리한] not fitting; lacking in harmony or compatibility |