ECPE Vocabulary Test by Dynamic SheetsNew test sheet  
ECPE test is to evaluate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) people's English skills. This test normally has four sections: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Because test takers aren't native English speakers, ECPE vocabulary plays a crucial role in all sections.

In preparing the test, more than half of the time is for studying new words and reviewing known words on average. This app, ECPE Test for Vocabulary, is a pure online tool to evaluate vocabulary level. For self-taught test takers, this app helps to understand own level and progress and play a key part in planning or scheduling ECPE vocabulary study.

This app has a built-in ECPE vocabulary that includes 1200 middle-level words. You needn't worry about the test contents, and the test question sheet will be produced automatically as long as you request. In addition to a proven test word bank, we implement the app with cutting edge computer and web technology. The primary feature of the app is to check if you know or not know a word. The question sheet is made dynamically with 12 random words, which shows on a web page.

This app has some extra functionalities, e.g., you can save test result to analyze or compare. Then, you not only see the result of one test alone; you also have a chance to understand your trend and relative level to others, by which you can adjust your own pace or schedule accordingly.

Some ECPE test-takers use this app as a study tool rather than a test tool. Considering it has a fixed vocabulary, some people use it to study and review words by repeated tests. At the online ECPE test sheet, you will see all correct answers if you failed. It's a quick and intelligent way to learn new words or review known words.

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Questions and Answers
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n.  E.g. He was great romantic hero of his century, an adventurer, and after his death in 1967, he became a symbol of revolution on t-shirts and walls of student homes.
Select answer:
one who enjoys exciting, dangerous activities, often in foreign countries
public institutions that report the news, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, and television
one who performs magic tricks to amuse an audience; sorcerer; wizard
regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation
person in charge of the bank in a gambling game; one who owns or is an executive in a bank
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Mike had the capacity to handle several jobs at once.
Select answer:
mental or physical ability; ability to accommodate
part of government which makes laws
outline; biographical sketch
obstruction; prevention; act or an instance of hindering, obstructing, or impeding
march in a procession; ceremonial procession; visible display
Don't select.
v.  E.g. At its peak, a million people cram onto the streets over the two-day festival.
Select answer:
mock; laugh at with contempt and derision
pack; force, press, or squeeze into an insufficient space
make something last; preserve from extinction
move slowly; move stealthily or cautiously
put together again or repeatedly
Don't select.
v.  E.g. There is a local warm water to discharge from a power plant.
Select answer:
normalize; cause to conform to a standard
reach the highest or most decisive point; rise to summit
make something last; preserve from extinction
move away from each other; cause to separate; cause to become widely known
relieve of a burden or of contents; unload; pour forth or release; complete or carry out; give off
Don't select.
n.  E.g. Weather forecast said there are early signs that this continent risks entering another El Nino episode.
Select answer:
oily, unctuous substance obtained from cream or milk by churning
pledge, undertaking; act of binding yourself to a course of action
long usually narrow room ; covered corridor
prediction about how something will develop, as for weather
movement; act of changing location; ability or power to move
Don't select.
a.  E.g. Kids eat homemade bread at lunch.
Select answer:
involving or based on direct observation of the patient; unemotional
made at home, usually by hands
chief; principal; having a position in the lead; foremost
not moving or operating freely; lacking ease in bending; resistant
likely to develop in a desirable manner; affording hope
Don't select.
n.  E.g. She went on to earn a degree in journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987, coming back to Alaska to be a sports commentator in Anchorage.
Select answer:
profession of reporting or photographing or editing news stories for one of the media
place abounding in trees or shrubs; wild forest
long walk or march; often abrupt increase or rise
procedure for religious ceremonies; any customary practice
list of works of music or drama; class of compositions in a genre; range or number of skills
Don't select.
n.  E.g. With that, the main obstacle to Russian admission would instantly disappear.
Select answer:
process of extracting moisture
one of digits of the foot; forepart of a foot or hoof
natural or acquired habit with tendency; act or means of getting rid of something
one that opposes, stands in the way of, or holds up progress
limits within which something can be effective; variety of different things or activities
Don't select.
v.  E.g. We don't know the woman who pose for Leonardo so often.
Select answer:
make fit for; change to suit a new purpose
raze; destroy; do away with completely; put an end to
pretend to be someone you are not; assume a posture as for artistic purposes
overrun; invade in great numbers; occupy in large numbers or live on a host
lessen the violence, severity, or extremeness of; preside over
Don't select.
n.  E.g. This rectangular figure twice as long as it is wide.
Select answer:
having the shape of a rectangle; having one or more right angles
one following the pursuits of civil life, especially one who is not an active member of military or police
most important spring in a mechanical device; chief motivating force
probability of a specified outcome; likelihood of the occurrence of one thing, as in a contest
practice of cooperating; joint operation or action
Don't select.
v.  E.g. You would sow the ground with sunflower seeds.
Select answer:
plant; place seeds in or on
make a formal accusation; bring a formal charge
melt; liquefy; cause to pass into solution; cause to disappear or vanish
make a tender of; be disposed or inclined; move or extend in a certain direction
meet the requirements of; fit; please; satisfy
Don't select.
a.  E.g. The report recognizes that greater availability of anti-retro viral drugs is having an effect.
Select answer:
open to view; not secret or hidden
not existing in nature or explanation according to natural laws
relating to or caused by a virus
proximately; directly; without interval of time; without delay; promptly; instantly; at once
on a ship, train, plane or other vehicle; in or into a group, organization, or business
Don't select.

Test your vocabulary by levels:
USA middle school and high school;
common English skill exams: SAT, GRE, TOEFL, and IELTS.
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