Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Are only people who earn a lot of money successful?

Keywords or Topics: success, money

The essay samples about 'Are only people who earn a lot of money successful?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the same topic are linked to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely. The current essay has two topics: success and money. So, essay questions about them are listed separately.

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 Essay questions and examples
Are only people who earn a lot of money successful?
Answer 1
Without a doubt, people's views on how they treat and respect one another have changed over the past 30 years or so, as fewer people care if someone is kind or not or if someone is honest or not. Therefore, some people heed what others possess, such as money or occupation. I agree with the statement that as time passes, old-fashioned values become less important. However, I also believe societies still stick to their traditions and customs regarding judging someone.

No one knows why social values such as trust, honor, or even chivalry no longer attract attention. Instead, people are so much into what car they drive or what type of house they live in. I believe moral values have become limited to very close family members or friends in society. Nowadays, anyone seldom gives up his seat to an older person on the bus, or rarely do people give a lift if they see someone asking for a free ride. Reuters reported last year that 30% of road accidents could easily be prevented if only the ...
Score: 90%
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Answer 2
Nowadays, people are judged by social status and wealth, while traditional values such as honesty are ignored. To a certain extent, I agree that people are valued based on their wealth and status, but I also believe that old-fashioned values still play an essential part in our societies.

It is believed that we live in the pop culture and materialistic era these days, as the public judges each individual based on their social status and wealth. This can be seen in how celebrities have become famous nowadays. Many celebrities, such as Kim Kar, are renowned for their physical appearance and wealth. Her reality television program never shows any world-class acting quality but only shows about her luxurious mansions and fancy cars. Other celebrities are well known due to their social status as the son or daughter of a wealthy family. One of the examples would be Paris Hilton. Although she has many bad attitudes, she is still popular because she inherited her parents' assets.

Although ...
Score: 85%
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Answer 3
Today's world entails a different definition of a person's worth. To modern lifestyles, social status and material possessions have become immensely important. Good personality traits such as honor, kindness, and trust are not valued enough.

We belong to the era of humankind, which is reaching for the stars, and one would go to any lengths to achieve one's dream. Everyone is running toward success, and most envision financial growth. Nowadays, wealth in terms of materialism reflects success. We have begun to believe that our financial condition would show our prestige in society. With all of us trying to establish our stature, the only appropriate method is acting clever and artsy. People can pull down anyone who comes their way.

Kindness and trust have no value in this rat race of materialism. In old times, your reputation was defined by your social skills. Regardless of what they achieved, people still stood up for others, helped them, or showed a gesture of kindness. They ...
Score: 80%
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Answer 4
What is successful? Does it mean to be rich? This is a difficult question. We can't measure success based only on richness but without other aspects. So I don't think I will be successful if I only own money. You have to earn as much money as possible, but success relies on many reasons.

First of all, there are many successful artists, performers, and other professionals who are gaining a lot of money for what they do. That doesn't make them losers, it make them more successful since they are not considering the money as their ultimate goal, but something more important which is their art, music and people smile after they finish their show. Another example is Van Gogh, the great artist who didn't have money to eat but is one of the greatest artists in history.

Also, Some people will get a significant amount of money without effort. Can you say they are successful? I would say lucky but for sure not successful. Some people might insure a fortune or win the lottery without doing ...
Score: 70%
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Answer 5
I think that the question of whether money is the leading indicator of people's success is a controversial one. Some people believe that only one who earns a lot of money is successful. However, other people think one who does not make much money can be successful, too. For several reasons, which I will list below, I agree with those who believe money indicates success.

First, if a person earns a lot of money, they have unique knowledge and experience, and people want to pay for this. For example, a good lawyer is often paid a very high salary because he or she has won many cases, and people are ready to pay big money for his knowledge.

A second example is that the salary of a surgeon depends on his experience and knowledge and on how many surgeries he has completed successfully. In this case, the surgeon's salary simplicity depends on the surgeon's success. Secondly, a high salary indicates a prosperous career and profession. People change their jobs and move from one place to ...
Score: 70%
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Essay Questions for Topic : success
1. Is career success the most important thing in life?

2. What is the most important characteristic to be successful?

3. Is the success of life-based on hard work and determination?

Essay Questions for Topic : money
1. Is an enjoyable job more important than earning money?

2. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or save it for some time?

3. What are the reasons people work: money or others?

4. Why do young people not know ways to manage money? How do we teach them?

5. Why do people spend money to look younger? Is it a positive development?