Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Who is responsible for environmental damage: governments or individuals?

Keywords or Topics: environment

The essay samples about 'Who is responsible for environmental damage: governments or individuals?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

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 Essay questions and examples
Who is responsible for environmental damage: governments or individuals?
Answer 1
The rate at which the Earth is being damaged through human activity is alarming. As awareness of this disturbing situation grows, actions are increasingly being taken to meet the challenge. Although world governments play critical roles in the question of environmental health, they strongly disagree that their environmental efforts negate those of individuals. I will use personal experience and non-government-inspired initiatives undertaken in my country to illustrate this position.

Firstly, an individual's sizeable contribution to the world's attempt to cleanse itself should not be underestimated. I feel the changes I have made to my lifestyle act as a good example here. Four years ago, I made a conscious effort to start taking the subway to work instead of driving after realizing I had been burning an entire gas tank every week. The effect of this small change over four years became magnified when I realized I had refrained from burning more than two hundred full car tanks of gas! ...
Score: 80%
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Answer 2
The natural environmental damage is due to human activities. The government and individuals should take their share to face this risk together. Even though governments make great efforts, individuals can also play a role in minimizing global environmental hazards.

To begin with, one of the primary reasons for the pollution of the environment is the uncontrolled use of automobiles. If individuals can make a conscious effort to change their lifestyle by reducing the use of private cars and public transport, it would substantially reduce the burning of fossil fuels. In other words, individuals could make serious attempts to travel to work regularly by buses and trains, which are cheap and abundant. Hence, Individual perception towards using these transports could help reduce emissions produced by vehicles, thereby playing a vital role in addressing this issue.

In addition, individuals could play a significant role in the safety of our environment by not using enormous amounts of ...
Score: 75%
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Essay Questions for Topic : environment
1. The causes and solutions of the loss of biodiversity

2. Is the environmental problem only the responsibility of politicians?

3. Is the earth being harmed by human activity?

4. Do the advantages of locating oil in remote areas outweigh the drawbacks?

5. Why do excessive goods damage the environment? What can be done to solve it?

6. Is it an advantageous policy for cities to have car-free days with public transportation only?

7. Is the fashion industry bad for the environment?

8. Is using local resources, such as food or building materials, the best way to protect the environment?