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Essay Title: Is it a positive trend that people change their appearance?

Keywords or Topics: appearance

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 Essay questions and examples
Is it a positive trend that people change their appearance?
Answer 1
With the advent of globalization, people began to pay great attention to their appearance, which has many origins; that's why plastic surgery and beauty procedures are pretty popular In contemporary society; however, this newest trend could have a detrimental effect on people's health.

Such a grave challenge is usually rooted in many grounds, one of which is a human natural desire to look good and attract the opposite sex. Unlike in the past, when only ladies change their looks to attract males, even children and teens wish to look more pretty. For those today, teens pass through plastic surgery and various cosmetic procedures. A vivid example of this fashion trend is a teen star, Justin Biber, who made plastic surgery to gain more popularity among girls.

Considering the origin of such a knotty problem, the negative impact of using decorative creams, artificial dyes, and plastic procedures should not be neglected. Tonnes of chemicals and toxins that current make-ups contain could ...
Score: 75%
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Answer 2
Dying hair with colors, wearing fashionable clothes, wearing make-up, and having plastic surgery are means of changing appearance that is getting increasingly popular nowadays. This trend is that changing appearance helps people express themself and have a better life; however, it comes with benefits and drawbacks at the same time.

On the one hand, transforming a person's display could bring benefits. As I mentioned, it helps people express themselves and have a better life. People could show off their wealth by wearing new clothes from luxurious branches. Their hair color or how people put on make-up also gives information about their character. Furthermore, most people change their appearance to become prettier and more attractive, and the fact is that it helps people have more confidence. Therefore, they could communicate effectively and have better chances of promotion at work.

On the other hand, every way of transforming the appearance has potential risks for health and ...
Score: 70%
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Answer 3
The growing fashions make people change their outer skin and appearance because they want to follow the trends, making people apply different modern methods, techniques, and equipment. To some extent, it's a good idea, but mostly, it's a negative development of our body because it's for a limited time duration, which is not natural or not for long-term conditions.

Firstly, when people use such things, it has a somehow lousy impact on their health physically and mentally, which is called side effects. Despite we can believe in some herbal products. Still, negative development overcomes its positive development; for instance, we can see many incidents related to this issue. Last time, one of my friends bought a facewash that gives attractive advertisements. Still, after using it for a week, he had more pimples appear on his face, which concludes they are made up of more chemicals, directly harming people's health.

Secondly, these things make people more greedy and make their ...
Score: 70%
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Essay Questions for Topic : appearance
1. Why do people spend money to look younger? Is it a positive development?