Essay Example for Student

Essay Title: Do the advantages outweigh the reverse if elders are more than young people?

Keywords or Topics: aging society

The essay samples about 'Do the advantages outweigh the reverse if elders are more than young people?' are handy resources for students to enrich their writing skills. Each essay is a model to study.

Besides, more essay questions sharing the topic of aging society are added to help students understand the different requirements and target the assignments precisely.

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Do the advantages outweigh the reverse if elders are more than young people?
Answer 1
These days, medicine has achieved incredible results, and many people can live longer. This trend has resulted in numerous debates. One school of thought opines that fewer job opportunities can be available for youngsters. However, others consider that elders can share valuable experiences.

On the one hand, it is undeniable that modern medicine has made tremendous improvements and can cure most diseases. Although this mainstream has created more chances for living longer, numerous demerits exist for the young population. To commence with, there is fierce competition in the job market due to late retirement. In fact, for instance, the Uzbekistan government has issued a law that extends retirement. As a result, employers prefer to keep more experienced staff rather than hire a new workforce. Therefore, young workers have less competitive abilities than elders, inevitably leading to a high unemployment rate among youngsters.

However, certain advantages may play an indispensable role ...
Score: 75%
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Essay Questions for Topic : aging society
1. Is it a positive trend that the older population is more than young people?

2. Should people retire forcibly at 65 or work for as long as they choose?

3. The effects of living longer after retiring and solutions to deal with them