Question: Health experts claim that walking is the best exercise. However, people are walking less daily. What has made this happen, and how do people deal with it?
Answer 1
Undoubtedly, walking is a good form of physical exercise to keep the body healthy and fit, but these days, people walk less...
Discuss the reasons; the foremost reason is the frequent availability of public and private transportation...
There are several productive courses of action to encourage people to walk more and more. Firstly, there should be a separate walking lane for pedestrians...
In conclusion, numerous reasons can be seen for people walking less today compared to earlier, and some solutions are also available to encourage people to walk...
People seem to be increasingly reluctant to have a walk regularly. As specific causes of such a trend exist, some solutions are also available to urge people to walk more...
Among the reasons for the lack of interest in walking activities are modern technology's convenience in traveling and the boredom of walking activities...
There are some workable solutions to raise people's interest in walking that can be adopted. Walking the stairs can be more enjoyable if some attractive decorations are added...
In conclusion, people dislike walking for several reasons, and this problem of inactivity can be addressed with some measures suggested...
Walking has been a part of human history for a long time, either for a tedious job such as hunting in ancient times or for a fitness regime in modern times...
Due to industrial developments and the introduction of computers in people's daily work lives, a sedentary lifestyle has been developed recently...
Inculcating a walking activity into the daily schedule has increased due to the current job scenarios...
Hence, the benefits of walking are infinite compared to other exercises for the health of the human body...
Sentences: Number: 16; Average Length: 116 characters; Words/Sentence: 18
Suggestions: IELTS Essay Format: -The introduction seems long, refine sentences. -You should avoid using common words repeatedly, and show your grammatical range and accuracy as possible. The essay has and(11), walking(10), should(7), people(6), can(5), they(4), health(3); try to decrease duplicated words. -High-ratio basic sight words may degrade your writing; suggest rephrasing some. -Suggest using a few rare or uncommon words to demonstrate your vocabulary range and level.
Task Response: -All parts of the prompt are addressed, and a position directly relevant to the prompt is presented, but the introduction is too long. Rephrase the paragraph. Coherence and Cohesion: -The organization is evident, and cohesive devices are used, though rather mechanically. Lexical Resources: -The lexical resource is limited, but just about adequate for the task, try to enhance IELTS vocabulary. - Help Link
Answer 5
A daily walk of 30 minutes is said to be the best exercise. Our grandparents used to walk for miles on end to reach their destination...
In the developed world, most families have cars. They do not walk even to the nearest grocery store...
We all seek comfort. Walking on foot can be tiring. People prefer to travel by bus or car whenever they can access them...
Many people who have given up the habit of walking are unaware of the health problems they face. The government and health workers need to create awareness among the general public about the benefits of walking...
To conclude, lack of time and the need for comfort are the reasons that prevent people from walking...
Simple walking itself is considered the easiest way to exercise; unfortunately, people stop walking enough because of progressive technologies...
First, let's see how advanced technology can influence our lifestyle. Along with online shopping and online schooling, the necessity of going out becomes pointless...
On the flip side, we should not forget how important our health is walking. Walking is the easiest exercise method; it requires no special skills or extra equipment, just goodwill and a treadmill...
To conclude this essay, I am not opposed to advanced technologies; I want to encourage using devices that could monitor our daily activity and stimulate us to keep up our health...
The best workout to be fit and healthy is walking. Nowadays, a regular walk has become rare. This essay illustrates why people have decreased walking and what should be done to improve this situation...
First, the number of people walking daily is reduced due to the lack of proper walking areas and time...
However, governments and companies should take some measures to improve this situation. They are building more parks and gardens, making a schedule from morning to evening...
To summarise, the number of people walking has come down due to lack of time and no suitable area for walking, and it can be improved by constructing more gardens and making convenient schedules...